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Everything posted by Dantheman.3589

  1. There’s a lightning rod weaver build similar to metabattles except they play with avatar amulet and side node with it. It’s actually pretty decent at side noding, but I’ve seen 1v1s with that hundreds of time by now and the players using it could win any of them against good side noders, until they tried 100s of times. When you get good at it and learn combos, it seems to be a good side node counter, but can melt at any aoe or condition pressure.Warrior is another ok one, ppl play strength for ok damage in ranked and knights for Ats. But it loses to rangers etc. in ranked and ats. It another build ppl consider ok but workable
  2. Yeah but rn node is won by who has more knockback, so ranger will always win node with more knockback. If you 1vx you’ll probably have to kite anyways, but yeah I can see holo holding 1vx longer while ranger has access to other type of things like fake stealth
  3. I would play 1200-900-900 power precision toughness amulet
  4. Would probably have to talk about overall vs. ranked vs. top tier. Because ofc some 1v1 specs have counters and MU and some counters in the case of ranger will probably be only seen in ranked. So overall - prot holo becuz counters are rarely seen in any mode, while top tier where mostly power MUs exist- core ranger while ranked there are lots and it’s hard to pick, but for ranked I’m gonna have to go with ranger(only if you are flexible with traitlines) maybe a little prot holo and on some maps I’d throw in symbol guardian.
  5. Archer in bdo? Ninja far closer to the thiefs archetype design, hows it designed? Oh top single target burst and bad support and team fighting, invisibility etc, sound familiar except top single target burst of course :)U said glassy but yeah ninja is probably closer to thief design. Best 1v1 class in bdo from what I’ve heard
  6. But guys if ranger can have insane mobility duel and/roam, why are thieves only allowed to be shitty to the point where they are only a mobility class? Logic demands that just mobility doesn’t equal must be garbage
  7. Not really? I mean in the WoW clones ,sure. Permastealth oneshots are dumb, and thats what rogues are. But things like S/D thief, D/P headshot thief or hell P/P thief? Those dont tend to be problematic at all. Mesmer on the other hand, well its a rare style of class, but it is usually problematic. League of legends -> broken Yeah like Lucian. Wait. Uh, Caitlyn? Dang, still not. Fizz? Nah. Jax? Nope. kitten, thats a lot of thief-likes that are completely 100% fine. Oh and even if you want to do the stealthy ones? Kha'Zix, who is balanced if not weak. As he has been for most of his time after they removed damage reduction from his ult. Didnt play it enough. No comment. The last time thief was "broken" was pre-HoT. And it didnt use stealth then. Hell, thief didnt use stealth for most of GW2s history. Its defining build is S/D. Basically every class in that game plays like thief. The only one that has stealth is Ninja, and from what Ive heard its actually pretty weak. But I dont play it much. Well yeah, I did say outside of WoW clones. Thief is not Rogue, now is it? Not that youre right on the former part.Definitely Mesmer counters thief guy
  8. I believe matchmaking is fine right now during prime times. That being said, these are extraordinary times with many people forced to stay home and the announcement of a new expansion, likely raising the population. Furthermore, some people aren't able to play during prime times. This problem was more apparent in January 2019 when I created the thread. I believe the game will return to that state in time. Ok ok the thread is older and yeah some ppl are playing a little more and there was also a big balance patch, but seriously like I have a title from then which was plat3+ only at that point and literally the only time you would get lopsided matches was Qing at late hours and q dodging, otherwise you would always see high level matches, so I’m not sure if this applies for 1 highest ratings last season were low asf so maybe if you meant that season but even earlier than that? High ratings for top 10-25 were pretty decent so I don’t get the problem.But your right, sry I thought this was a current thread
  9. I've seen no factual evidence of this large of a gap (legendary with silver) happening except during extremely dead times. Everything is anecdotal or incorrectly interpreting decayed rating as actual rating. If it really needs to be said, that was a rough example. And to be clear, none of us (on both sides of the argument) have enough data to accurately assess this problem. The purpose of most forum posts here is to simply suggest things to Anet, which does have that capability, and not to arrive at a definitive conclusion ourselves. It’s pretty simple though, watch streams of any high ranked player during prime time- almost all those matches are at least plat2+ sometimes all plat3+. While if it’s late asf matches can be mixed but still a few decent players are playing during those hours. By high ranked I mean, at least for NA, like naru not players like mukluk or noody, sometimes players who are at max like plat1 and don’t even play meta builds them selves have the audacity to claim there teams low ranked when really they aren’t high enough themselves. While actually high ranked player, even if they complain, it’s usually just becuz ppl aren’t playing well or to what their standards are for Ats or team qs
  10. It’s more a disengage like rifle 4 on deadeye and even traited withdraw on thief could do something similar till it was reworked. That why it’s like that
  11. Phew my math sucks clearly. Haha nice. Your win rate isn’t bad though at 58% you can normally climb a tiny bit from where u started and since gold 1 is where rating starts it makes since that your in gold 3. If you average placements go up- say you start at gold 3 next season and then get a 58% win rate you could be platinum, but yes once you get into high plat1-2 matches slightly lower per win and increase per loss so 58% may only be enough to maintain your rating at plat1-2 lvl and around plat3 it’s like @shadowpass.4236 mentioned it’s like +5 a win and -20 a loss so you definitely would need higher than 58% win rate to get there and maintain your rating
  12. I’m gonna be honest and say no ty to original OP, for one these matches of 1 high rated player versus bad players only really occurs in off hours, so it’s not an inherent problem with match making just one that is a mix of somewhat low population and the fact that unless you have large population of players transferred from another time zone, that there will be a lot less ppl playing in off hours. The real solution at least in my experience in some games with a larger population is they provide a message that explains population is low, this could be maybe the only part that I think the op might be right on- you could have a check box where you either opt out or in to being ok with being placed with players well out side your elo. This would give the option to select the type of matches you want w/o being super exploitable- though tbh it will be exploited 100%, so I’m not super attracted to the idea
  13. You guys are all missing out on the new meta thief. Knights amulet decapper, literally try it in ats that you think all your role is is to decap. Like a dp thief will sometimes follow you also to stop decap, but most of them rely on stealth so just pretend your 1v1ing then and eventually get decap?. It especially funny when you beat try hard Team X ppl, they try and 1v3 you with their revs and do kitten damage ? funniest thing ever
  14. @Captain Kuro.8937 i wouldn’t worry to much about the negative comments, many of them are really just “meta complaints “ from players who don’t even play thief or ever really have smh
  15. Being plat3 early in the season is insanely ez and doesn’t reflect skill very well as every players rating is reset to averaged with 1200 rating meaning pretty much every match early in the season is against low rated players especially when u factor in the fact that deviation of rating in the first few matches is insanely high. If you tried plat3 qs during prime time all season you would find lots of good players and if you could maintain you rating then than you could claim to be plat3
  16. Why do you repeat a lie after its been pointed out that its a lie? I didnt expect such dishonesty from you. wait, it wasnt you? I thought it was you, might have mistaken you for someone else then, if that's the case than I deeply apologize ( no sarcasm ) You're not mistaken, it was him.Ahh yes this seems accurate
  17. I feel like aoe pressure on side nodes is amazing for 1v1, but what if you can stand out of it? It becomes a useless utility that would’ve been the only reason they would win the 1v1s since they are less focused on single target pressure
  18. Just a big no. I posted before about how niche thief is atm, but it’s literally a good kind of niche. We don’t need to rework the whole game to make thief top class, just wait and it may end of there eventually
  19. There's no reason to dodge mortars. The blind pulses once every second for 5 seconds. Avoiding the initial hit means you'll still get hit by the next 4 if you're on point. Both Naru and I were on demo. Yeah I try to not stand on node for mortars if at all possible
  20. Uhh against prot holo I would make sure to dodge mortar kit becuz of blind and stuns becuz they stun you, both stop you from doing your job which could be knock back the opponent, auto, stealth or maul for extra mods for pet attacks. But autos are not the skills you should 100% dodge, for one both of you are knights so autoing is just cover damage ofc the ones with modifiers are better. Why are we calling out ppl also?
  21. Ranger seems to have a lot of condition cleanse, well at least with nature magic and survival, but conditions are still a counter- 1 if they are just survival it’s usually not enough 2 even with max condition cleanse it kills the pets which make you useless. Ranger has known as a meme against conditions through out its whole history, even druid with a 13 condition cleanse in kit got hate from community about conditions
  22. Thief is pretty niche rn and if the teams I played with had a comp that would allow for it I would, probably sd and sometimes shadowportal thief. But they just don’t and teams that can perform on a high level with thief atm are either rare or running a comp entirely around burst
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