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Everything posted by Dantheman.3589

  1. All you did was name counters we all know exist. Necro beats ranger unless they are nature magic and ranger beats holo unless holo has an insane amount of KB. Ofc a warrior can beat rev 1v1, literally none of it makes much sense counter doesn’t equal op and also I forgot to mention how thief and Mesmer are struggling for viability
  2. Actually if your pet is dead you can still merge with it and it revives them when you unmerge and that’s like the #1 reason soulbeast was ever playable. Imo just kill pet against core ranger, while it does work, it isn’t always practical. Say it’s a smokescale, it’s tanky has invuln, teleport, knockback and fake stealth, but not crazy damage, so it requires huge investment to kill for some ppl, without much instant benefit, so the strat at least just doesn’t do much- unless you can kill the smokescale fast without much investment, which usually means you are something with condition aoe like burn anything
  3. Depends on match up. If they are like knights with 2 birds, it’s obvious kill the pet and you’ll get node eventually. But some pets are way tanky and it’s that strat becomes way worse. But there are some builds and MUs where it doesn’t matter how tanky the pet is- like core symbol guard or pretty much any thing with condition aoe. Those match ups are like intense for about 30 secs and all of a sudden the aoe kills w.e pet and the ranger that already struggles against those builds is even more useless. So just kill pet only applies to like glass pets and match ups that would already win
  4. If you want ranger to be at all viable, you should pray for pet damage nerfs instead of these changes, in all honesty.
  5. Your build is fine actually. You might want basi venom as the best part of your burst will be backstab + fist flurry stun combo
  6. Used to be way way more my dude, some ppl even hit that dark area above legend. And nah, while it is a good thing to be high rated, if some one is toxic and high ranked I’ll probably still ignore them becuz toxic
  7. Sry didn’t add condition or non condition meta feel free to include that in post
  8. The real question- what type of balance do you truly enjoy? Since there have been a few big balance patches recently.
  9. Any side noder with knights is annoying asf rn, so I can sympathize. The 1v1s atm are won by whomever has more knock back and stun breaks- I’ve seen ranger beat prot holo cuz of knock back, warrior even though it’s bad rn can also hold and stalemate things like ranger becuz of high amounts of knock back and stun breaks. But in the end even if you win that MU it takes so darn long to even take the node or win that 1v1 when they run knights
  10. Nah core necro is really strong, but ppl stopped playing the bunker variant after it got nerfed. It is true though that many many people are playing necro in low tiers, probably becuz it’s a forgiving class, but if a completely unskilled necro is in a tough match, it is usually pretty obvious becuz they may be the focus of dps and just get farmed worse than if they played something else
  11. Most ppl don’t seem to realize or maybe have never done it, but a duo of 2 plat3-legend players, unless a bunch on, is like a 7-8 min q time ime some times up to like 13 mins. Nothing can we do to fix it. Ppl say lower margin it’s ole to have 7 mins qs- well quess we always have those already and should we make that 30 mins instead? Think about it ppl will say game is dead
  12. It’s up in the air. But to sum it up. Eu has teams running burst comps while NA just doesn’t, the burstiest thing on NA is thief+rev and many teams are completely ditching thief for more bunkers
  13. Mini season isn’t a good representation of rating. But in a real ranked season- yes as far I know the rank 1 player on NA at pof release went above the cap, but maybe lost 1 match at end of season and went back to basically the cap
  14. This will not solve any of the druid issues. Also support firebrand is not used much right now, i've seen more tempest and symbolbrands than supp firebrands honestly. FB hasn't been a viable support for months, and people are still banging that drum :/ Legit can't remember the last time I saw one in either Ranked or AT. They'll be complaining about Scourges and Boonbeasts and D/D CEle next. I'm fairly sure ANet don't want a full-support to be viable. They want people to play brawlers with support-aspects. Fb has been the best support since it was released and still is, but you can continue to think that this is not so. Just out of curiosity, what would FB lack to be called "complete" support? Just for clarity- full support is just healing and at least according to all the good support/guardian players I know and/or do ats with, it seems the only players going full support atm are tempest as it pumps a little damage and has auras, while all the guardian even for team fights are going symbols or sages, which are hybrid builds. So while you may see a lot of firebrands still in team fights healing and whatnot- it doesn’t mean support firebrand is viable. Or actually as I would put it as just a swing in the meta where it’s very uncommon among organized teams or even in ranked.
  15. This is actually really good. The idea that Druid cannot fully support in team fights unless CA replaces pets and allows access to weapon skills is spot on ?. However I’d like to point out that is basically literally what we already got with soulbeast, or at least imo, as it is basically just a merge. So I doubt anet will make that change, also it would either be so busted or destroy the option of side noding becuz you cannot side node without pets, and if you want proof try playing bunker soul beast with 1 pet and realize how underperforming it is rn, and if it’s just busted you will be on the chopping block for even more nerfs to many things “over nerfed” as the OP put it.
  16. It has a staff with four healing skills and one cleanse. It has an avatar where four out of five skills are healing. It's not about becoming support, it is about being actually viable at it. Ancient Seed is a cancer trait that no one likes, druid shouldn't be built around it to begin with. I mean it’s always been like that but never viable at all as a support, but ok... But ok? What requires less work? Shuffling and improving underused support aspect of druid to achieve what it clearly was designed for, or reworking almost the entire spec into some cancerous CC bot that will just put wood under the fire regarding all the ranger hate?I never thought druid should be a support. The entire theme of ranger in pvp is to be and/or do stuff on your own. Whether that’s achieved by side noding or being a roaming that shines brightest in roads, then that’s fine.But why would you ever want a designated solo class to be the teams designated support? It makes no sense thematically or logically with the way the skills on ranger are atm. Also I highly doubt there is any way anet can shuffle the skills to even make it good
  17. They barely touched on stuff like pets and stolen skills on thief that come from ai. They also accidentally left the pve numbers on like 3+ stolen skills, which now hit hard asf. They only reverted ele stolen skill from pve number though. I think as long as it isn’t common, even on CC skills, they are just gonna end up keeping damage as is. Ex. Hilt bash is a daze and stun from behind but still does good damage and something similar with thief steal sword attack
  18. The builds are viable and really annoying with lots of knockdowns, but tbh it was way over hyped by streamers- some of whom though it would be “strongest along side rev and necro” in pvp. But it’s just a decent pick up in the meta, as in tfs it’s niche- only useful when you do get a lot of stuns which you don’t against firebrands and only ok in 1v1s when taking a sustain amulet
  19. No one said that druid should be unkillable. I'm asking about being A VIABLE SUPPORT, which means better group utilities. I've never mentioned perma resistance or perma boons. Also I've played druid since HoT beta and i'm sure on what i'm talking about, THERE IS NO SECRET GOOD SUPPORT BUILD TO DISCOVER. Even when druid was considered meta, it was a side-node bunker with some healing and group utilities (fast rez, aoe stealth). It was never considered a group support, Tempest was. Weren't elite specialization meant to give us new playstyles, new roles? Ranger only have side-node or +1 builds and you want druid to be another side-noder? With longbow and that cancer trait? C'mon. EVERY MINOR TRAIT AND THE OVERALL DESIGN OF DRUID IS ABOUT SUPPORT, IT NEEDS TO BECOME A VIABLE SUPPORT. Druid did give a very new role as a side noder and actually made ranger viable for the first time in history. So yeah I think druid did a good job and we can let it rip.
  20. It has a staff with four healing skills and one cleanse. It has an avatar where four out of five skills are healing. It's not about becoming support, it is about being actually viable at it. Ancient Seed is a cancer trait that no one likes, druid shouldn't be built around it to begin with. I mean it’s always been like that but never viable at all as a support, but ok...
  21. I don’t honestly want druid to become a support. I feel like a build with longbow and ancient seeds could be good, but they just need to make it stronger at what it does
  22. But why is it ok for other specs like Power Shiro to hit a 10k strike, but not a Ranger? I've been wondering this for a very long time now. XDWhy you keep bringing "but others are more broken, so my broken is ok to be broken" as an argument in the discussions? Not only you, but a lot of uber biased mains that defend their broken stuff. Get real guys...Ranger damage should be like 70% player and 30% pet or something between these lines, it's the AI, shouldn't have higher damage than player itself.Ranger burst hits for 7k, pet should hit max for 3k total 10k. OFC, that should only happen if all stars align and it shouldn't happen all the time.Once again, don't ask for buffs, there's still a LOT stuff to nerf (waving at you FB especially).But like it already is 70% player based, at least for tiger becuz pounce is only useful during maul+hiltbash combo, which requires a lot of set up and a pet swap cd.> @Trevor Boyer.6524 said: But why is it ok for other specs like Power Shiro to hit a 10k strike, but not a Ranger? I've been wondering this for a very long time now. In WvW maybe, but in PvP that is extremely unlikely unless you are light armor with 25 Vulnerability. The highest I've seen is 9k and that was only 1 time. During the 2v2, I had Noir surprise me with a Power Shiro use over Condi Mallyx. The guy Phase Traversed to me from across Asuran Arena and killed my Core Necromancer in like 2s. Power Shiro deals like Triple the damage output of a Core Ranger, in half the amount of time. Like really though, I'm not just saying that. That is actually true.That’s a girl but ok
  23. Vitality doesn't determine your base Life Force? It does. But when in shroud there’s nothing u can do about your hp, meaning no one can heal you. When in shroud you need to be tanky and toughness just does a really good job at soaking up the damage. Also, though I don’t have the charts available- toughness is actually superior to vitality when you have passive sustain which comes from a few things in shroud but even more out of shroud, also someone may be healing you when your out of shroud so again in any situation like that toughness> vitality.Also some simple math even if you assume defense gained is equal between toughness and vitality- Paladins 500 vit + 500 tough = 1000 defense points while Carrion = 900 defense pointsSo Paladins is alittle tankier
  24. When you are in shroud, vitality means nothing and also no healing so toughness is actually more valuable on things like reaper and core necro, though vitality is also amazing. Precision is also nothing to laugh about on bunkers but I digress just vitality doesn’t equal better especially on core necro
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