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Everything posted by Chromazene.4807

  1. Nope, it will make the new specs broken AGAIN because that's what sells expansions. Look at Age of Empires II - all the new expansions? Every new civilization was broken in some way or another so that players playing them "had fun" having a more-than-justified advantage over players playing original civilizations. Same thing happened in GW2 with release of HoT and PoF. It's going to be broken again, you'll see.
  2. I want a /bop emote for mounts in game, similar to catJAM. Plz.
  3. Yeah because teams at those rating levels are, unfortunately, equally as clueless.
  4. Why are so many people defending that much immob application? That's broken XD - immob should at the LONGEST, last 2 seconds. It should be a tactical application, not a SPAMMED application. Otherwise there is no difference between a skilled player's usage of it and a non-skilled player's usage of it - there is so much immob to go around that the player does not get punished for using it liberally. That's a problem.
  5. Yeah, man, the game isn't balanced around 2v2s so.... a chonky scourge and a glass cannon DH can do whatever and basically always win in semi-competent hands. That's why I just don't play 2v2s.
  6. +1 BUMP this thread. Blind needs to be removed as soon as any outgoing attack hits, is obstructed, blocked, or evaded. Especially when Condi thieves (which are broken) can still spam it like candy. The community somehow condemned Flash Shell on Mortar kit, but thieves get access to a projectile-destroying blind pulse field and no one says anything? Don't understand this community's blind eye to balance issues.
  7. "So no pvp till new season?": *Slams cell phone*.... *JUMPS ON SKATEBOARD*
  8. Eh, I'd say some *applications* of conditions are problematic. Being able to apply 5+ seconds of immobilized on a foe as a ranger is actually broken. "They can just cleanse!" Yeah, but... what else have they cleansed that took priority cleansing over the immobilized (which rangers can pulse, too)? Ranger immobilize access needs some reductions. Also, burning stacks on guards are still a little too high to be justified considering their sustain. The stacks need to be brought down, especially when things like Rabid amulet (which somehow hasn't been deleted yet) are still in the game. 16K burning in 4 seconds is a little too strong.
  9. While we are at it, can we PLEASE give auras their own unique icon colors? Having the same aquamarine/teal requires a player to take a second to think about what aura a foe has.
  10. Yeah, the "off-line" hyphen thing is obnoxious. Bring back "offline," much easier. Also, whatever happened to floating over a player in game and seeing their username? That's clearly not a privacy issue since you can just add them to see their username or, in WvW, block them to see their username.
  11. No. Those posts were VERY correct. Frost Aura AOE - still bugged. Random 10 second stack of might from Toss Elixir B when using HGH trait - still bugged.
  12. Somehow you people respond to this, but when I mention the Photon Forge and Elixir B bugs, no one says anything. Hmm.
  13. The warrior Frenzy skill unintentionally gives players 1/2 of the endurance needed for a dodge, and no such effect exists in the skill description.
  14. I don't know how long this has been broken, but at least in PvP gamemodes (and likely in PvE as well), blast combo Finishers in ice combo fields do not give nearby allied players frost aura even when they are sitting right next to you. This has been going on for quite some time.
  15. Yeah I remember on Tea Time when CMC said "Oh yeah, Prime Light Beam's Coefficient is going to be buffed to 1.0" - STILL hasn't happened. XD And Chilled to the Bone still does no dmg lol.
  16. For the few of us who are still playing PvP (because people are leaving the game mode in droves - just look at the NA leaderboard.... no one above 1900 or even 1800 at this point), ArenaNet seriously needs to adjust the rating gain/loss from winning/losing PvP ranked matches. So many of us are frustrated and get -21 for losing games that cannot be carried and yet our 200 lower rated teammates only lose 8 rating points. It really should be even across the whole team - that way, the better players will win more games and go up over time, whereas the weaker players will continue to lose themselves into their proper division. It's the best you can do with such a low population that 6 minute ranked queues are normal and you still end up with outmatched games. :/
  17. Goodness, the people arguing against increases of gold in PvP because more bots... BOTS will always be around. They are more likely to farm NPC enemies in Drizzlewood than to be scripted in PvP. Also, without gold rewards in PvP, it would a REAL chore to get enough potions to build up guild halls or to get the armor and weapon skins that are PvP exclusive.
  18. Looks like all you drones who defended burn guards just got humbled. Yikes. Maybe you should listen to memausz more often...
  19. Yeah, I get it. You shouldn't be punished more than your teammates for a loss, nor should you be rewarded more than your teammates are for a match.
  20. Good patch; for future patches, they need to address Binding Shadow, Juggernaut (the Engineer Tools line trait), the multiple pulses of immobilized that rangers can do with their Jacaranda pets and other skills.
  21. What are you talking about? Support mender's scourge can do a lot of damage, even considering it is a bunker
  22. +1 From me - Dead pets should not be able to revive their master.
  23. I noticed that the GW2 Wiki does not support dark mode natively... that would be a nice update so that those of us using the wiki at midnight do not have to struggle against a blaringly white screen =)
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