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Everything posted by Chromazene.4807

  1. Nade kit specifically, to some extent flash bang, the sustain revenants, particularly mallyx revenants have, the amount of direct dmg thieves can pull off from stealth (I got 8.5Ked in 10 frames from stealth by a thief the other night), condi thief in general, Trapper Runes (DH should not have stealth and condi rangers get too much value from it), shock aura especially when shared (should be converted to a Daze), the double ports power revs can do that you don't see coming, flamethrower engis because the flamethrower isn't interactive, core necro only needing 10 seconds before popping full lazy shroud again (should be increased to 12 seconds), the 10+ stacks of burn guards can apply to you for 8+ seconds), and ranger's pulsing immobilizations. That's what I find to be broken and unhealthy for the game.
  2. https://clips.twitch.tv/EndearingEasyOxEleGiggle This is so sad... Where is Anet to do things against people who are either using an exploit or outright cheating like this in PvP, like the thief was here?
  3. Yeah but engi rifle launch doesn't push people in walls, gazelle launch doesn't knock people into walls, the guard hammer 4 skill doesn't push people into walls... the point is to make it a skill that doesn't cause this issue. Well I think the reason it gets players stuck in walls is because of how fast the longbow 4 knocks people back. That's the main issue.
  4. This has been going on for years, a ranger uses Point-Blank Shot on longbow to knockback an enemy player into a wall, and that player is then stuck in the wall and is forced to log out and re-log back in. I'm pretty sure this even happened during MOTA. If you can't fix it (which clearly a fix has not happened) then the skill needs to be converted to a simple knockdown that will not get players stuck in walls. Engineer's Rifle launch never ever did this and it does about the same thing (although launch obviously affects downed foes, too), but you know what I mean, so clearly CCs that push players back can be done without getting them stuck in walls. This needs to be changed.
  5. It's less fun now because there are 10,000 CCs and no stability, Revives are more powerful than three zerkers cleaving, so many classes do boat loads of AOE condi that (you can't dodge) require resistance or a boat load of cleanses or invulns to ignore such that lazy composition beats skill in so many cases, and Swiss tournaments are such that if one member of your party quits before the final match, none of your party members get gold or QP effectively wasting 45 min of you and your remaining party members' time.
  6. Yeah turn down Flashbang to three targets, nerf the direct damage that Grenade Barrage does, and nerf the direct damage that Lesser Grenade Barrage does, and give a slight direct dmg nerf to Grenade (the Grenade Kit Auto), while also slightly buffing the damage that Flash Grenade does because the blind is not a good trade off for dmg in any situation. Although in the current meta, I should remind you that Big Boomer takes greater preference than Flashbang, so asking the devs to nerf Flashbang because of grenade kit seems like a misguided request. If you're referring to Elixir R builds, then there's a conversation to be had there. In order for the Flashbang nerf to not nuke the Flash bang trait, it still needs to affect 3 targets (pets, minions, elementals, etc) so it can be useful in 1v1s. The daze could have a 2-Explosive Entrance build up, sort of like how Kinetic Battery requires 5 uses of toolbelt skills to activate. Just my two cents.
  7. Can confirm, perma-Resistance in a meta where 85%+ of your death report is condi is pretty broken.
  8. Or remove more amulets, seems like ANet trend currently. Ye that the solution just remove everything that has healing power or toughness. xD Idk man, holo has been mega nerfed.... 3 times now? If sidenoding, it easily dies to a +1. Hard Light Arena doesn't exist anymore. Inventions is a bad traitline. Flashbang on explosives is good, but it' probably going to have it's # of targets reduced. You could say the same about scrapper and its barriers, weaver and its evades, guardian and its symbol spam, but at the end of the day, it's not really the fantastic sidenoder people make it out to be, it's just better at doing that than teamfighting. Just because two high skill players who have sustain equipped don't anticipate being able to kill each other in one isntance doesn't mean the game is broken. Meganerfed 3 time yet still played in almost every MOTA match as sidenoder running 0 healing power sustaining on a sidenode. If bunkers can't get away with running damage amulets then they are fine to stay as long as they can't tank 3 people on a node.What are you talking about? Any thief +1ing against a Holo on side node will push them off the node and usually kill them. This 3v1ing is actually a problem with core bunker necro more so than anything.
  9. Idk man, holo has been mega nerfed.... 3 times now? If sidenoding, it easily dies to a +1. Hard Light Arena doesn't exist anymore. Inventions is a bad traitline. Flashbang on explosives is good, but it' probably going to have it's # of targets reduced. You could say the same about scrapper and its barriers, weaver and its evades, guardian and its symbol spam, but at the end of the day, it's not really the fantastic sidenoder people make it out to be, it's just better at doing that than teamfighting. Just because two high skill players who have sustain equipped don't anticipate being able to kill each other in one isntance doesn't mean the game is broken.
  10. Yeah I'm not saying to make it an aura (because the Aura sharing to allies trait in Water trait line). I'm just saying it should have an Magnetic Aura like animation so a ranged attacker has the information needed to know whether or not to continue attacking. Sure, I'm somewhat partial to this because of Light Strike_Storm, but then again, that's not a bad thing if it's really just asking for an animation to more clearly depict the effect of Magnetic Wave.
  11. You're not reading what I said, dude. It does not have an animation for the DURATION of its effect. I'm not talking about the insta-cast animation (which is already hard to see anyway). The duration of its effect. Stop defending this - it gives more information about what effects a player has so that foes can respond accordingly. It's only balance-oriented and it doesn't even change any stats. This is not going to be a problem to implement AT ALL. So unless you have germane concerns, please don't comment like that.
  12. Remember Battlefield 3's broken assault class because med kit and 100% revives? Every TDM was just Assault class players. It was so bad that in BF4, they maxed out the health of revived players at 25% for a duration. And it made that game a lot healthier.
  13. Yeah and people are discussing that separately but this is a legitimate issue - when you should see an animation for a skill on a visible player - it's actually not crazy to ask for this. This is what balancing competitive game modes is. Magnetic aura changes how someone uses their skills around you if they know it is in effect, and Magnetic Wave is basically Magnetic Aura so the same should apply here.
  14. But yes, reducing the radius of a lot of AoEs would be healthy, especially because symbol guards and renegades exist. Also, I'm okay with quickness scaling if Slow scales as well.
  15. Yeah the aura animations need to be redone again, for sure. Also magnetic wave has no animation for when it is engaged which is really bad for a competitive standpoint. Also, with stealth being a mechanic in the game, I'm not sure the global cast bars would be fairly implemented.
  16. Next things they need to nerf: anything that pulses immobilization and condi revenants.
  17. As it is now, the Magnetic Wave does not have a visible animation projecting from the elementalist player when it is in effect, causing ranged enemy players in PvP to not notice that it is in effect - meaning rangers, thiefs, warriors, etc sometimes (hilariously) shoot themselves because they don't notice :). However, I see problematic implications of this in PvP and especially in wvw (are you really going to read all of a player's bonus boxes on their bar when fighting them in WvW) and would like to see an animation put in place for its duration.
  18. There's actually a lot of point to do this. Class stacking in smaller queues causes a genuine balance issue because some classes are just too strong in deathmatch 2v2 and 3v3 type scenarios. Double heralds, for instance. And recently, double condi renegades, double rangers, and for the longest time, double guards (burns, symbols). This isn't new, the competitive community has pretty much called for this for a while.
  19. It's very frustrating trying to complete the PvP Top Stats Guild Mission even with two teams of 3 Guild members because the queue times take 8 minutes in between matches and by the time you finish the second game, it's too late and you fail the guild mission. Can you please change it so that time limit is 40 minutes to account of long queue times? Thanks.
  20. 3 pieces of feedback: 1) I don't want the game to hard crash every time I change a legendary sigil or rune's stats 2) I want the legendary armor/weapons to retain their transmutations/skins and stats when switching. 3) I want the option, read the option to combine equipment templates with build templates so that it's just a one click change for a character to change builds to exactly what they want. A last thing that I'd like to see is for build templates to include sigils, runes, amulets, and other gear as well, at least for pvp.
  21. It's so weak and the conditions required to make it effective are so hard to generate that it's not really something to nerf.
  22. Sorry, but you're just wrong. There are so many professions and elite specs that cannot respond to this build at all, and neither can they disengage because thief has highest mobility in the game. It's busted, dude. I don't need to play it to know that it does too much on so many builds - I don't just play engi - I play necro, I play rev, I play ranger, I play ele, I play warrior, and I'm getting into thief, too.
  23. Again, I'm going to reiterate the point I made - I really think they should buff Byzantium gold to 30 g / chest. More incentive across the board.
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