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Everything posted by Chromazene.4807

  1. I said the same about holo, and it got nerfed. Your wishes will not save you. As far as my take, given it has access to two port skills and lots of vulnerability, as well as Battle Scars for sustain and Brutality for 75% quickness uptime, it's somewhat overturned for the dmg it can output and how strong it helps in team engagements.
  2. I've noticed this with Mortar Shot, Sun Ripper, and Photon Blitz - and on other professions besides engineer and holosmith: Physical projectile combo finishers (even the ones that apply 100% of the time) that pass through ethereal combo fields do not apply confusion on enemy players, even if both players are in melee range of one another. This is a problem.
  3. This is another bug with Legendary Sigils - they don't transfer at all between equipment templates. Not even as null sigils, they straight up do not appear on the same exact weapon in another template, and you can't Customize the weapon to add them, either.
  4. Dagger skills on Necromancer are pretty weak in general right now. Of the necromancer dagger skills, only Necrotic Bite (the third main hand dagger auto-attack skill) generates life force if successful, and other than that, no life force is generated for the player. Soul Marks and staff in general generate life force, have AoEs, are unblockable, and only the staff auto-attack 1 skill is a projectile that can be denied fairly easily. I don't have a problem with that, I don't think that's too strong. Axe main hand also has 900-1200 range attacks, with Main hand Axe 2 (Ghastly Claws) generating significant life force, Axe 3 providing an AoE corrupt skill - none of which are projectiles, by the way. Again, I don't have a problem with these weapon skills being the way they are - I just find it very hard to justify dagger usage in PvP. Dagger off hand's Deathly Swarm sort-of makes up for not having staff's Putrid Mark condition cleanse, but it's definitely easier to see coming and to reflect/block/evade, which makes it's potential more limited in scope, especially since it does not generate life force. There's also the Enfeebling Blood off-hand Dagger 5 skill, which gives a nice AoE weakness and bleeding on foes, but it is blockable and a bit easier to see coming than Reaper's Mark (Staff skill 5). It also does not generate life force, again being outshined by the Soul Marks trait Staff combo. Even off-hand Warhorn has a life-force generating skill and an unblockable CC, and Off-hand Focus allows you to chill enemies and remove their boons at 1200 range, and gain life force from them at 900 if you successfully use the Soul Grasp skill. Again, I don't see these weapon skills as being overtuned, I think they are in a pretty good place. I just want dagger skills to generate more life force given the disadvantages they have compared to other necromancer weapons. I also think the health threshold for Quickening thirst should be reduced to 25% and that the dagger skills should generate more life force. A tiny buff to the melee ranged-auto attacks on dagger main hand (like +20) would be nice, too. And keep this conversation entirely separate from how you feel about shroud's strength - I have my own opinions on that, but let's keep that away from this thread. What do you all think about this? Do you think dagger should stay in its place, or should it see some buffs in PvP? Thanks.
  5. Yes, the 'engi enthusiast' strikes again: against his own main class! I'd like to see a nerf on the Magnet skill in the Tool Kit engineer kit. A 1200 range unblockable pull is just too strong in a PvP setting without much access to stability on all professions. Either nerf the range to 600 to make the CC blockable.
  6. Title says it all - too much pulsing immob, there isn't much counterplay except to maybe never engage with a ranger (if they cannot catch up with you given their mobility). The 'just dodge' meme doesn't work because evading is blocked in immob and condi cleanses basically do not work because as soon as you cleanse one application of immobilization, you get pulsed with many more. It does not have enough counterplay in current meta. Please nerf.
  7. My problem with the changes to PvE (read, NOT PvP, not WvW) is that they took away the stability from Corona Burst and somehow made the penalty for overheating WORSE with the disabled skills update because even if you use Vent Exhaust trait to remove your heat, you still cannot use Tool Belt skills, which in the case of Med Kit, is your primary source of sustain... that, I do have a problem with.
  8. Oh you mean spellbreaker? (It has Signet of Mercy, Mender's Amulet, GS evade frames, dmg, a 3 second block that can also reflect, CCs, slows, cripples... it never dies) kitten is this build even supposed to be, noone runs mender amulet or defense traitlinecough Vaanss in ATs
  9. Well as long as you aren't a Ranger main, you'll be satisfied. Ranger/Soulbeast was destroyed this patch. Welcome to Prot Holo side node meta and Boyer on a Druid. See you in game boys. Well then stop complaining about the WRONG things. Prot holos will just use Celestial Amulets or Mender's Amulets + Sanctuary Runes. Until forum posters understand the root of the problem, this is just symptom trimming. Oh and Spellbreaker can sidenode bunker MORE than prot holos. They just run Mender's Amulet, Signet of Mercy, and Scrapper Runes and you can't kill them XD Ask for nerfs to revenant and guard, things that need to be done. And if you saw rangers in ranked, you know nerfs HAD to come. In fact, more nerfs are probably going to come for the pet's vitality as they are still too hard to kill for the dmg and condis rangers can output.
  10. It was like 5 changes dude, and none were in the top 10 most needed changes at all. You're telling me it took their entire team weeks and weeks to do that? Well there is a global pandemic right now, so sure.Okay, but even before the pandemic, them adding Djinn's Dominion to ranked was considered a yearly update...
  11. I concur. I wouldn't want to make changes so drastic they dramatically change how the class plays, so I would suggest a start with reducing the pull range of Firebrand and actually reducing the condition dmg multiplier has for the burning condition anyway - 0.15 per 100 dmg is too much, in my opinion, and it's way too easy for guards to stack burns that cannot be cleansed fast enough.
  12. Oh you mean spellbreaker? (It has Signet of Mercy, Mender's Amulet, GS evade frames, dmg, a 3 second block that can also reflect, CCs, slows, cripples... it never dies)
  13. How can you still be complaining about engi after all the nerfs it has received?
  14. It would have to be respective to which professions/elite specs they gained and how many ranked points they gained on certain classes. Then it might be somewhat informative.
  15. Yeah Revenant (power and condi) and I'd say burn guards are overpowered at the moment, but you're right - not enough threads about it, so they didn't nerf it. SMH.
  16. ENGINEER:Team sees Prot Holo used in PvP..... Thinks to itself"What if we intensely punish literally ALL engineers, even scrapper, because prot holo exists?"Clap clap clap clap I get the will the change Hard Light Arena but... 50 seconds? It's going to be very hard to justify for any reason in PvP after this.... the Prot Holosmiths are just going to use some combination of Thumper Turret/Utility Goggles/Rocket Boots/Slick Shoes. In fact, with the nerfs to Alchemy being the way they are, people are either going to use Comeback Cure or Backpack Regenerator if they will continue to use Alchemy for bunkering purposes and most likely Iron-Blooded and the super-bunker problem will not go away. These nerfs are simply going to make people quit engineers for DPS purposes, unless they go the condi route which even then is limited. Or the super-bunkers will switch to Tools (where Mechanized Deployment will reduce the cooldowns of Bandage Self, and Gadgeteer will reduce the cooldowns of A.E.D., Rocket Boots, Utility Goggles, Reactive Lenses, and Healing Mist). Or they will switch to Explosives for the HP, barriers, and healing of Big Boomer and combine it with Mender's Amulet (which hasn't been nerfed here) and Rune of the Sanctuary - that build is still quite bunkery. In essence, these balance choices are going to make it really difficult to play rifle holo and core engi rifle builds for direct damage purposes. Prepare to abuse the love out of Grenade Kit, people. It's going to be your main application of direct damage in your utilities from now on. Again, I don't see where mortar kit damage was the issue... mostly I just see people upset with the, in their opinions, 'low' cooldowns of the combo field mortar kit skills or the fact that the fields last 'too long.' Couldn't you guys have nerfed, you know, Explosive Entrance which can hit for 3K off a dodge on multiple targets in a way where the player did not even have to think about applying it? Or Grenade Kit, whose Tool Belt skill can hit for 5-10K with a sizeable radius? I would've been happy with those nerfs, especially with this whole "We don't like bursty builds (and then we let new bursty builds arise because severe myopia - like BURN GUARD)" philosophy which isn't very consistent as of late. See, I actually identify problems with my build and am not an apologist, unlike some people on this forum. Oh yeah, where's Prime Light Beam's damage again? Oh that's right.... it doesn't exist and the skill is fairly useless... STILL. At least a dmg multiplier of 1.00, still not here. Big SAD. RANGER Good. I tried that meta ranger build the other day, and it was so easy to pick up and do so much damage and avoid damage that I was wondering how it could be conceived that it was fair to leave ranger in such a state. Ranger apologists did this to themselves by denying that Ranger was overtuned. REVENANT I don't see anything about bunker Renegade, Renegade AoEs, so that's going to be even more overtuned now. Same for Herald - where are the Herald nerfs? That class does unparalleled damage and now the formerly busted ranger will not be around to control it. It's going to shred teams even faster, especially a duo of them. GUARD Where are the burn guard nerfs? You can't cleanse 10 stacks of burn fast enough, especially when they have a .15 multipler for 100 condition damage... Gee whiz. Also, where's the Firebrand pull radius nerf? That's too strong, imo. NECROMANCER Shroud definitely needed some more nerfs, especially the bunkery shroud users. With that said, the only nerf to Reaper is indirect and even then it's fairly weak. I'm a little concerned that Reapers may come out too strong in terms of DPS with this particular patch, especially with the games I've played it on. ELEMENTALIST I think Lightning Rod's damage multiplier should've been reduced to .8, but that's just me. The Tornado needed a cooldown nerf, especially with comparable elites Rampage and Elixir X having such high cooldowns. General balance trouble: Why do the CC skills on Longbow for Ranger and Dragonhunter not penalize the user with a self-CC like they do on rifle engineer? The engineer CC chain isn't a thing anymore, no one uses prime light beam, and no one uses Personal Battering Ram... not like either of them does any damage now. If your concerns are rooted in Photon Blitz and Grenade Barrage... then maybe nerf those skills' damage output? Just my thoughts on the matter. Otherwise it just seems really unfair. Also, why are Toss Elixir skills (minus Toss Elixir R) not all unblockable? All of them should be unblockable, they literally do no damage to enemy players and it just disables a key skill for engineers when AoE Projectile reflect/block skills are used.
  17. Are you kidding? Burn damage's scaling factor with condition damage (current at .15 per 100 condition damage) needs to be nerfed, probably to like .10. So, so, so many deaths due to lazy applications of burn stacks exceeding 10K + dmg in death reports.
  18. The thing with ranger is its too rewarding for the limited amount of counterplay it has. It has access to two mauls with Greatsword, it's range is unparalleled on longbow (which also comes with a free CC, access to stealth, and a long-term AOE that covers an entire node).... at least Dragonhunter longbow has some range limits on some of its skills, including the auto, which makes counter play a lot more conceivable at all levels, top tier and lower tier. Shortbow is also pretty rewarding for not that much effort - a 3 second daze/stun, a 12-second bleeding stack w/ immobilization, which they then combine with binding roots and additional pet immob skills to make it impossible to dodge without a cleanse... it's way too rewarding for what it is. Contrary to popular belief, I don't think frame-perfect gameplay and micro-mangement should be necessary to do well in the competitive scene. To be top of leaderboard, yes. But to be a good player? No, with maybe a bit of an exception for some thief builds. Because then you're excluding rotation, engagement decisions, disengagement decisions, kiting decisions... it's more than just pure mechanics (outside of 2v2 deathmatch). And rangers right now have mechanics that excel beyond a reasonable threshold for balanced gameplay. Heck, even double axe gameplay is pretty strong because Quickness > Pull > Immob > Worldly Defense > Dead. And Murshi, I once defended holosmith blindly - and then I realized... ya know what? My build was overtuned. Explosive entrance really could use a nerf... split it into two applications at 50% each maybe...
  19. If you are in the middle of completing the Light of Deldrimore Plate puzzles in Thunderhead peaks, and have to leave because of a party or squad, you have to ask people to port you back into the rooms to get the other plates and treasure. I'd like this to be changed so I don't have to ask people for ports to complete the puzzles every day. Thanks.
  20. Rightfully so, the class is OP as hell. I think the main issues with mesmer in general are:Mindwrack can still do 12K in 2 hits after being in stealth and even then some more outside stealthFor mirage specifically, the clones get evade framesClones can get aegisClones can actually take 3-4 hits to kill, instead of one, and that's with Demo/Maurauder/Berserker amulets.Clones persist indefinitely. Those are the main issues I have with mesmer. I want them to not rely so much on their clones and on super bursts to be effective in combat. I'm guessing you haven't played mesmer in a very long time or you've discovered copper tier in PvP, here's why.Yes, you need mantra of pain for this though.Yes with a trait, at the same rate the mesmer evades.They don't, you're mistaking clones with phantasms and there's a trait for that....it's not an issue I've ever seen anyone complain about till now, congrats.Clones have 2.4k health, if it's taking you 3-4 hits you're doing something very wrong with those amulets. Phantasms, might take 3, I'll give you that.Yes and no, they disappear when you get far enough away, they are also rendered useless by stealth and wasted as a shatter if chilled, crippled or you simply walk away with swiftness. Source: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/IllusionDoesnt matter, too strongStill too strongBut... chaos fields exist? It's literally the "CI Mirage but not CI" buildUm... you're forgetting Protection? Yeah but the range is, what, 3000 units?Source: I've actually played it, sorry but, but you're just a mesmer apologist.
  21. I'd say core burn guard cause like.... after the February patch, I thought conditions, let alone a single condition (burning), would not longer be burst-able, and would instead 'do damage over time.' We all know how that turned out.
  22. Rightfully so, the class is OP as hell.I think the main issues with mesmer in general are: Mindwrack can still do 12K in 2 hits after being in stealth and even then some more outside stealthFor mirage specifically, the clones get evade framesClones can get aegisClones can actually take 3-4 hits to kill, instead of one, and that's with Demo/Maurauder/Berserker amulets.Clones persist indefinitely.Those are the main issues I have with mesmer. I want them to not rely so much on their clones and on super bursts to be effective in combat.
  23. Just use Juvenile wolf - little bit of everything.
  24. There is a prevalent bug that occurs when you dodge in about 10 or so frames following the successful usage of longer cast time healing skills such as Bandage Self and Consume Conditions. It causes the player to not receive the Rune's promises bonuses following usage of a healing skill. So list of Runes in Question:Rune of Adventure (PvP)Rune of Air (PvP)Rune of Grenth (PvP)Rune of the Centaur (PvP)Rune of the Fighter (PvP)Rune of the Flock (PvP)Rune of the Revenant (PvP)Rune of the Water (PvP) Additionally, at least the Engineer's Invention's line traits:Cleansing SynergyReconstruction Enclosure Are affected by this bug as well. List of healing skills known to bug:Bandage Self (Engineer)Consume Conditions (Necromancer) Demonstration of bug using Rune of the Revenant (PvP) on a Necromancer: https://streamable.com/f0ade9 Please fix.
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