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Everything posted by Chromazene.4807

  1. The 6th bonus: Restore 10% of your HP upon killing a foe works, but only when you kill an enemy player. It does not work when killing the NPCs in Heart of the Mists. Also, even when you do kill an enemy player in PvP, the 10% healing you do receive is not reported in Combat chat, neither as an incoming heal nor as an outgoing heal, which is definitely very confusing when trying to see the effectiveness of the Rune. Please look into this.
  2. My Guild Wars 2 application crashed no less than four times today, and every single time it happened, it was when I was changing the stats of my legendary sigils. A dialog to report the error came up each time. My computer did not freeze or anything like that, just the Guild Wars 2 client and application. I'm guessing this isn't an oft reported bug because few people have the sigil, but it needs to be looked into.
  3. ArenaNet, please instate Swiss ATs 2.5 hrs apart from regular, old style ATs so that, you know, people can eat dinner, get back to their lives if they want to and not sit on their bums and have to do an AT or not get any rewards if someone has to go. It's a major quality of life feature I think a lot of people (myself included) would enjoy. K thx bye.
  4. Since you guys obviously do not believe me, here is me using Rune of the Fighter to prove a point. Using evade or other skill just after heal - https://prnt.sc/rne1ifWithout using evade or other skill just after heal - https://prnt.sc/rne13d NOW do you believe me?
  5. Actually, NO because it actually works when you use your heal skill (which, with Med Kit, IS the tool belt Bandage Self skill). It just fails to work if you happen to do anything else in that intervening time.
  6. The post-skill cooldown window once an engineer player uses the Bandage Self tool belt healing skill bugs on so many Runes that activate bonuses when using a healing skill. For instance:Rune of the Revenant - You can get the heal from Bandage Self, dodge in combat, and never receive the Resistance boon.Rune of Adventure - You can get the heal from Bandage Self, dodge in combat, and never get your 25% endurance.Rune of Air - Even after healing is granted to player, it fails to grant Shock Aura if one uses another skill or dodges in that hidden post-skill cooldown windowRune of the Fighter - same thing as above, fails to grant might even after heal is granted because of hidden post heal skill cooldown.Rune of Grenth - same.Rune of the Centaur - same.Rune of the WaterRune of the Flock Also the Cleansing Pulse and Reconstruction Enclosure Traits in Inventions line as well Reported 3/23/2020.
  7. The post-skill cooldown window once an engineer player uses the Bandage Self tool belt healing skill bugs on so many Runes that activate bonuses when using a healing skill. For instance:Rune of the Revenant - You can get the heal from Bandage Self, dodge in combat, and never receive the Resistance boon.Rune of Adventure - You can get the heal from Bandage Self, dodge in combat, and never get your 25% endurance.Rune of Air - Even after healing is granted to player, it fails to grant Shock Aura if one uses another skill or dodges in that hidden post-skill cooldown windowRune of the Fighter - same thing as above, fails to grant might even after heal is granted because of hidden post heal skill cooldown.Rune of Grenth - same.Rune of the Centaur - same.Rune of the WaterRune of the Flock Also the Cleansing Pulse and Reconstruction Enclosure Traits in Inventions line as well Reported 3/23/2020.
  8. I just want my rewards from PvP in Swiss ATs :P - No need to toss out Swiss ATs, but this is a persistent issue
  9. We had that i think every match for past 2 weeks. Not single match passes without insta win. Its really disheartening. Yeah the rewards are SO LOW for the time you put into it, the risk of quitters meaning you get no reward, the long 1.5 hour waits often times... I'd rather just monkey around in ranked and hear people tell me I shouldn't play the game because I'm bad than play low-reward Swiss ATs.
  10. Had yet another encounter where someone quit after first match and then had the audacity to say this in DMs.Me: [sic] "if you quit before, you get no gold"Me: [sic] "join back"Person who quit:[sic] "gold its not important to me, sorry but is boring when my team die all time, is just want play but if i cant is boring"Person who quit: [sic] "i just*"Me: [sic] "then dont commit to groups"Person who quit: [sic] "why not ?"Me: [sic] "because 4 people were looking for gold"Person who quit: [sic] "exactly, dont commit to tournament for gold"Me: [sic] "Well we do"Me: [sic] "If you dont, then dont join" The conversation between us did not continue further from that anyway, and then I blocked this person after. Other than blocking the individual's account, I really can't do anything. I'm not sure it prevents them from joining LFG parties in the future that I am in, and it does not prevent any alternative accounts on their IP from doing the exact same thing. That's like the most dishonorable thing you can do to a party in Guild Wars 2, and I have no leverage against these individuals. It might be tempting to say "Just join with people you know" - even with a 'friends' list of over 1000 accounts, most of them regular PvP participants, it can actually be hard to find people at any particular time. Often times they have a party or they are just too skilled for me to be on their teams, but now I feel double robbed because PvP rewards are already so low for the time and then I get robbed of even my Potion of PvP reward and Qualifying Points when someone quits like this. And understand.... this wasn't a DC, this was a voluntary quitting of the game by this individual. And even in cases of DC's, it still harms the quality of the game, and the people with healthy connections should not suffer because someone has a bad connection. I suggest that people who do this should be penalized 3 gold per teammate (for a total of 12 g per AT) AND that they have a 12 hour in-game time ban on joining any ATs. The system needs to be more responsive in its actions against these individuals. Non-responsiveness to these individuals makes people quit the game.
  11. This one's been on my mind for a bit now.Can we please also have the standard tournament styles (in addition to Swiss) as well? Many times, I just want to have a loss and return back to my regular gold farming. Some of these 5v5s can take over an hour, even with a really casual team and it's just such a grind to keep playing. I can already sense the ones who bring up the issues saying "What about community division/playerbase for tourneys, etc.?" Fair enough... maybe just.... raise the gold reward for playing tourneys? That's not a new or radical idea or anything....
  12. I think it's more so the damage modifiers deadeye has access to that synergy way too much with their access to stealth.
  13. Anything that can hit for over 10K in a single hit is almost always fundamentally broken because it can be combined with stealth (which rangers have regular access to via Hunter's Shot) , and is therefore, not counterable in many circumstances. Worldy Impact, Maul are to two skills I have issues with specifically. Especially Maul which can readily have it's cooldown reduced. The worst part is that rangers can also do 9K vollies from range with Rapid Fire and 6K barrage as well, all from 1500 range. Something's gotta give on ranger. Then one's that's done, finally reduce the range of the pull on symbolbrand, that's pretty unhealthy balance wise. My holographic shockwave's range got nerfed, so.... it's your turn, firebrands.
  14. So here's the problem, OP.Yes, I rarely see dev tags in PvP, at least in NA servers PvP Lobby. I'm also aware they can turn off their tags, too, but like... why would you conceal it unless you're going into an undercover thing which is bizarre but it can serve its purposes I suppose. I doubt they spend 2 games a day in PvP conquest. I really do. That being said, the ones that do shouldn't necessarily need to play all the classes, but should definitely have played enough (i.e., 100) games on a class to know what seems really OP in terms of that class and where it severely underperforms. The fact that ranger slipped through the nerfs seemingly unaffected really makes me question the quality control of patches. What also makes me have little faith in the abiltiy to balance is that in addition to the direct damage and condi/boon duration nerfs, they increased a lot of traitline and utility skill cooldowns which makes no sense because of how drastic a change the gameplay will experience following such nerfs. I know the forum warriors like to meme about me all the time, but they continuously ignore some of what I've got to say. One doesn't simply take away all the damage Prime Light Beam does and expect people to use it 25% of the time evenly along with the other elite skills accessible to holosmith. If they're looking for balanced usage, they really did themselves ugly because now Prime Light Beam only has CC application. Heal Turret is also somewhat crippled by its long 30-second cooldown. Elixir H and Medkit have pretty much emerged as the stronger healing skills now because of their low cooldowns and greater healing power than Heal Turret and especially Coolant Blast (which had its cooldown NERFED to 25 seconds, when it really struggled to be competitive vs. the other engi healing skills). The lack of stability across all professions, too, is stifling and slowing down games. Whereas you think you've bled someone off node, They start getting ressed, and two people who are DPS classes can't counter many professions' single player revive power. It's pretty bad. That and burn damage is still too dramatic from at least weavers and possibly guards, too. I recall a 1v1 I had the other day with a weaver, and I received 160 hits of burning for over 73K damage.... and btw, that was with Medkit cleansing, healing, Prismatic Singularity, sigil of cleansing.... you may be saying to yourselves, "Oh, holo shouldn't engage in that fight." How about weavers shouldn't be able to do cast burning which 5+ seconds of duration with Sage Amulet on? The condi damage is bursty, which is contrary to the intent of the developers, which, while I am criticizing it for being a bad change in the first place, should at least have consistency in its philosophy. Now the condi AoE burst classes and the super bunkers are the ones that win and it's made the game the least fun to play in the 2 years I've been playing it.
  15. https://prnt.sc/r9k0qr - NOPE! Rangers busted. How this got through quality control really boggles my mind. And no, 'concern trolls,' you can't 'just dodge' everything, and NO, you CAN'T see it coming or reasonably react to it in many scenarios, especially if you dodged and/or blocked the 9K Rapid Fire, so your arguments are invalid. This needs to be nerfed, period.
  16. 21K dmg in 3 hits... that's totally what the balance patch was about https://prnt.sc/r9ap43
  17. 1) If a rival player or NPC has multiple auras on them, I literally cannot tell what auras they have (if there are more than one) because the bubble animations for the auras exist in the same concentric x,y,z space and, consequently, overlap. Look, I get that dark aura and magnetic aura needed to be more visible, but why touch the other auras which were very characteristic and recognizable2) The little square icons for the auras? Also poorly designed. They have the same background color, so on the off chance that a player wishes to recognize a rival player or NPC's aura(s) by looking at the square icon bar, well, it takes them more than just a glance to tell, costing them valuable reaction time and being frustrating for no reason at all. Make the auras have their own distinguishable colors.3) Shock Aura, Frost Aura, and Light Aura bubble animations are too similarly colored to be intuitively recognized, at least for me. Not everyone has a game studio 27 " 10-bit color 4K display with 99.9% Adobe RGB color coverage, you know.
  18. How am I supposed to play holo to any meaningful extent now?I get no swiftness from Holo Leap (and neither do teammates)I get no stability from Corona BurstPrime Light Beam does no damage at allToss Elixir B's stability duration is 5 seconds WITH buffsJuggernaut trait maxes at one stack for 3 seconds at any one time AND you have to equip a flamethrower JUST to use it. And it's not like the stun breaks have the cooldowns to justify this either... Spectrum Shield - 30 seconds MINIMUM only after 50% heatElixir S - 48 seconds, MINIMUM with HGH traitUtility Goggles - 30 seconds minimum with a laughable 2 seconds of resistanceHealing mist - 23 seconds minimum with Tools Mechanized Deployment traitSuperspeed 21.5 seconds minimumRumble - 32 seconds minimum. Either the stunbreak cooldowns need to come down, or core engi/holosmith need their access to stability back again. You forum users are seriously going to try and convince me that ONE stack of stability on Corona Burst that had enough duration for a Finisher was EXCESSIVE? Give me a break! Enjoy your stupidly broken bunker necros and renegade condi bomb sandwiches.
  19. Yeah, you only NOW realized that disabling Tool Belt skills upon overheat was CRIPPLING the PvE experience too? Maybe the "holo enthusiast" knows more than you would all think. I've admitted when my class was OP, and I'm also first to report the bugs and when skills are under-powered as well. Maybe buff Coolant Blast?
  20. Double Symbol Fbs and Double Deadeyes are Busted beyond belief - please prevent class stacking by logging out and logging in with a different class, thanks.
  21. EXACTLY! I see "500 G for Raid group" in LFG all the time, and the randoms can't seem to do a successful raid. That's why I've never done a raid.
  22. git gud What does this mean?! You think this is hello kitty I am playing sPvP for the first time?! I am arguing that splitting every skill and trait damage is dumb. If you do not have anything to add to the conversation then s*****. "Git Gud." "Just Dodge." "Play a different class." Part of the reason PvP queue times are so long - cause no one wants to play with that trashy attitude.
  23. you were just saying that holo isnt good anymore, and now you are basically calling it op. OK?makes sense. seriously, you shift and turn it how it fits your needs best. the fact that condi speccs only need 1 stat to be good is what makes them lazy. they can go tanky while maintainign their condi dmg, and power speccs need 3 stats to do dmg, and ontop of that, most condi spells have much less tell of when they are applying condis, when a warrior runs at you, you WILL see what hes doing, his skills are sooo telegraphed, while most condi applications have very little tell. Dude, it's not my fault other people can't 300 APM. Whereas condi dealing players can just blow everything up at once and just let the dmg tick for them. Yeah, their the ones who are lazy, while I'm using up my keyboard's 5 million key impact limit quite quickly.
  24. Lol this is what people get by denying that mesmer, condi mesmer, sic em rangers/sbs. double heralds, meme one shot rifle warriors, magebane tether bunker spellbreakers, ventari bunker renegades, knockback scrappers, thieves in general, one shot eles, fire weavers, symbol firebrands were all busted, and for also denying that bursty meta game (which admittedly, rifle holo is a part of) was not how Conquest PvP should be. Below is a real life recreation of forum responders to these balance patch notes
  25. Unsurprisingly those who stand against condi dmg...play professions that by virtue of existence easily nullify 70-80% of direct dmg be it through evade/blocks or simple vast access to protection and dmg reduction traits. Basically a huge percentage of those asking for nerfs on condi dmg...play either a rev or a warrior or something that's on average weak to condi burst because their builds are made to cheese out any direct dmg opponent hmmm... "@WillPaharu.4837Ignore this person devs. Stealth and evade up times are fine. The only real problem with some of the classes listed are the plethora of clones on mirage and the stun on pistol whip. It's clear by these threads that a lot of people are angry because…"...a thief main it seems..lol..MMO forums how sad they are @memausz.7264 ...a player who started GW2 with holosmith....yes I would expect a copy/paste build to run into problems with condi specs... @RedShark.9548 ...a warrior main, will most likely complain either about stealth or condi dmg or both MMO forums.... And I play a LOT of other classes and condi dmg is still oppressive. Again, it should not scale so high because there only real counters are condi trades or condi cleanses, and there's no anti-condi dmg stat. It's just a lazy way to play and it's frustrating. And actually, I started on necro.
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