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Everything posted by Chromazene.4807

  1. Except you nerf it as needed. Only mechanist was identified as needing a nerf. You nerf as needed.
  2. Well... technically Tool Kit's Gear Shield exists but... that requires a full utility just to use it. That's a high opportunity cost.
  3. Can they at least give Prime Light Beam it's 0.75 or 1.0 coefficient back, just like CMC promised 2 YEARS ago?
  4. Guess it's offhand pistol for me then! Maybe if I'm lucky they won't nerf that!
  5. Like wow, I would've even understood a nerf to Acid Bomb or maybe even Toss Elixir R.... but not this.
  6. That's a non-response not worthy of the forums. Also, how so? Holosmith is actually below average in the current meta. Scrappers are not running around insta-killing people with flame thrower anymore. Core condi engis.... exist but they aren't competitive in ranked, ATs, or even situationally. I can't think of a situation where you'd want a core condi engi on your team unless you happen to REALLY like 24 second 2 stack burns from offhand pistol.
  7. Why did the balance team decide that, because Mechanist is performing too well for your liking, to increase baseline shield skills ACROSS THE BOARD? Why not just.... remove the cooldown reduction from the Inventions line with the Overshield trait? That would've addressed the issue and not affected any core engi, holosmith, or even mechanist builds that use a shield but that do not use inventions. This is a horrid balance decision. I would have even understood taking away the cooldown-less stun AoE from Static Shield (because that definitely becomes a problem when you have a field that repeatedly attempts to attack the shielding engineer player), and turned it into a 1-second-per-player timer but this? This really isn't justified.
  8. Adding an extra 15 minutes to PvP Guild Missions time limits would be SO helpful to anyone trying to complete missions on time but being unable to because queues for Stronghold take 5-10 minutes sometimes.
  9. It always provides less of a benefit than every other rune. Think of any power, precision, healing rune or any combo of them - this is always lesser than all of those other runes
  10. There are 27 Elite specs in the game right now. The fact that one particular spec isn't played in the top tier MAT meta doesn't mean that that particular elite spec is LACKING. All that might mean is that other elite specs perform MAT-meta tasks better. Plenty of Bladesworns in ranked
  11. That's not the problem, the problem is the immob application and the sustain.
  12. No because a lot of willie benders deny the grand scheme of design to sell expansions by making elite specs broken and then tuning them down over time. They just can't get it into their heads.
  13. Nah, that magebane tether which can pull people without an LOS even when the spellbreaker is DEAD needs to be nerfed to nothing.
  14. I'm regularly pulling off 15K dmg in 1 second on Harbinger. All you need to do is use Elixir of Ambition, enter Harbinger Shroud, and 5->4->2 your way to easy victory. It's insane. I was plat II with my holosmith in Season 30, and now I can't even get into Plat with my holosmith at all. But I can easily get to high Plat I on my Harbinger, despite only playing it for a single day and not really even thinking about combo finishers, positioning, or even much about timing. It's a button mash that demonstrates that the rating system, right now, at a baseline, is solely based on build. It has nothing to do with skill until maybe mid Plat II on NA. I can't speak to EU because I don't play on EU, but I imagine that there is also a threshold there between build and skill for ratings.
  15. 100,000 burn damage from Willbenders and non-stop dazes from Catalysts is broken. It's not a falsehood.
  16. Has you even played PvP lately? Harbinger, bub. Harbinger. And virtuoso to some extent. On the other side of that coin are builds with condis that last TOO LONG. Rangers, mesmers, deadeyes, NECROS, some pistol engi builds, some renegade builds definitely are on the side of the coin with condis that last too long. I'm talkin 10+ seconds of non-stop poison, multiple applications of immobilization for 3+ seconds, torment that lasts 7+ seconds, etc. Yet someone mortar kit's blind fields was considered too strong and had to be nerfed. SMH this community doesn't understand balance and it shows.
  17. Condi isn't "fine" when you can be bursted down in one second SOLELY from condis from one player. Conditions were meant to be "over time" damage and a burst spike is not "over time." Burn multipliers need to be reduced and resistance needs to null the poison healing power reduction, if not the damage. Also, some classes just shouldn't be able to burst condis all at once.
  18. The devs designed the new elite specs broken so people would buy the expansion and are gradually tuning them to a more balanced state over the course of probably the next two years.
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