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Posts posted by Rose.2593

  1. It's interesting and setting the scene, lots of bits of history and background, at least we know whats going on more, and it's nice they are trying new things with searching for things on the map and stuff again, and the new area in front of the camp looks amazing, could have done with findng all the books in the camp though, but hopefully thats fixed soon! The field report is missing:(

    • Like 7
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  2. What the title says, match making doesn't work, your either really out classed or win easy most the time, very rarley get balanced games, and placement matches are horrible.  Keep being put in matches that are not fair at all to either side, match making is not working at all! 

    Also bots should be automatically banned. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. The range of skill 3 seems to short, as I'd think you would daze an enemy before you got in range, but thats the shorest ranged skill, and you don't seem to get enough time to use skill 2 all the time before the shards vanish. 

    Also the conditions are really low duration, like 1.5 seconds or something

    • Thanks 1
  4. There should be like a chart you can view during tournaments, like showing the different rounds, and which teams where. I know you can see the standings live matches but its not very clear. 

    Like the wall charts you get  

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  5. [Update 12:46 pm PT] While NCSoft is clearly talking about Guild Wars 3 in their recent shareholders meeting, ArenaNet is shying away from the topic. In a statement to MMORPG.com following our request for comment this morning, ArenaNet said the following: 

    "As an active game studio we are always doing internal exploratory work for possible future titles we’d want to create, however we have nothing to confirm right now. The team’s focus is on Guild Wars 2 development, including the game’s next expansion, which we’re excited to talk about soon."


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  6. They already said they will add the new materials to the storage in an update. I think its been missed, or they wanted to show players the mats or something. Or push bag sales or what ever. 

    But they already stated they will be added to the storage in future.

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  7. Legendary armour is supposed to take like weeks, not a few days, sounds easier than PVP where you need to unlock different sets, with the grandmaster token things, and with WVW with all the skirmish tickets etc you need. The Raids with all the Li required, and specific achievements,, and then you had all the other gifts, and gifts of craftsmanship and all that  

  8. Its probably to limit the Astral Acclaim, unless they can ensure you only get it from the 3 completed dailies. + 1 login. Otherwise some players will do 3, and some 12 etc, so it would mean others get alot more AA than some. 

    So Unless they can cancel the other 8 or so when you have done the required 3, then they will probably  keep it limited.  

    Well They might be able to do that already and just haven't but we'll find out next week. 

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