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Posts posted by Rose.2593

  1. If you don't pick PVP, you get a replacement WVW or PVE daily instead, the same for each option. 

    Yes you have to do 3/3 to count, but that's the same as it was before? 

    Before if you liked PVE you did 3 out 12 daily, picking the pve ones, so in effect its still the same? You just don't have the other options or you mix and match, yes some days the daily might be harder than it was before, but alot of the time it will be easier.

  2. It seems like from what people are calculating, you get more materials, gold, laurels, etc than you did with the loyalty reward track, with the new system, + you get the option of buying precursors, skins, emotes and more, and people still don't like it? 

    Is it really because its more work if you have several accounts? 

    I think it looks like a big improvement overall. 

    More daily options might be nice in future though, as the weekly ones can be tough with limited play time. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, Kelly.7019 said:

    i noticed this yesterday - daily had only 4 options, which u must do all of them to get chest (and gold). The weekly has 8 options but you only need to do 6 of them to get chest, which is more like how it used to be. Pick the content you want to do most and get rewarded. The daily however feels like they are forcing you to do content you hate(by not having more options in other areas*). Is this their method of getting more people interested into playing pvp and wvw by forcing them? really that's the strat? feels more likely that you 'll be losing players from the game entirely strategy!

    *pretty sure before i could do all pve or all wvw or all pvp dailies or a mix of whatever and get credit. Now yer forced into doing everything. This isn't going to be good for those types of content people hate and just stand there (when the daily lets you) afk to get credit and leave. (this was a problem with pvp before - now its back!)


    And for some strange reason after you complete the objectives you have to remember to check them off or NOT GET ANY CREDIT AT ALL???  You do all the work that you didn't want to then anet says NOPES NO CREDIT FOR YOU! Why isn't it automatic like it used to be? What is the reasoning here? Oops Oversignht? wuuut???

    If you don't pick PVP or WVW then you get 3 PVE options? So your not forced at all. 

    12 hours ago, Karanoia.2091 said:

    No .... NOT good. My initial question was wondering if I would share the same daily as my boyfriend and the answer is an undeniable NO.

    Its different even if you both pick just PVE or something?

  4. No one said you you have to do all dailes the rewards still add up from what I can tell. And we still get a 6th bonus on runes, yes its not as specical but still there, with the extra relic bonus as well, so tthat seems better to me,. There is more relecs to follow as well, but I've not looked through all the different options yet, so not sure how it will effect builds going forwards so will wait and see. 

    Just worried so much to do with the weekly rewards now as well!

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  5. Yes, and your constantly putting down shades cutting in to time to use the other skills, and then if you miss putting down the shades, like 20 seconds later there all gone.

    Was expecting them to address the duration in the last mini balance patch but nothing was even mentioned regarding reasons why it was reduced so much. 20 seconds to 8 seconds is a massive reduction.

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  6. Can someone explain how you keep 3 shades up when duration is 8 seconds, and cool down 4 seconds? Everytime you put one up after the initial opening one vanishes? 

    So if someone could explain what you do instead to keep all 3 up?? Afterall keeping up 3 shades is one of the points of the build?

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