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Posts posted by Rose.2593

  1. It says theres a new way to unlock, but reading this it sounds like you only get the bonus versions if you unlocked the skyscale before the expansion, so if so I should.

    It seems to state if you havn't unlocked it once you can't get the bonus masteries. Check the table at the link?


    Skyscale Mastery Updates

    Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure skyscale Mastery line includes new abilities, like the Fireball aerial attack you’ll unlock at tier two. Some of the new Mastery tiers grant Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire Masteries; in those cases, players who have trained skyscale Masteries from both expansions will get a bonus functionality unlock. For example, the first tier of the Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure skyscale Mastery grants Air Rescue—the ability to mount in midair. If you’ve already trained Air Rescue with the Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire Mastery line, you’ll now get Bond of Vigor every time you use Air Rescue.

    Tier Effect Bonus from Both Mastery Tracks
    1–Air Rescue 2.0 Grants Air Rescue Air Rescue grants Bond of Vigor
    2–Fireball Grants an aerial flame attack while mounted on the skyscale  
    3–Wall Spring 2.0 Grants Wall Launch Upgrades Wall Launch to charge faster and launch farther
    4–Wind Beneath Your Wings Flying mounts can use updrafts  
    5–Combat Launch Gain the ability to mount your skyscale in combat  
    6–Ley-Line Acclimation Flying mounts can use ley lines
    7–Rising Spirits Updrafts regenerate the skyscale’s flight meter
  2. Just did a strike, and constantly had to keep pressing F1 to make a new shade, 4 second cool down, and up for 8 seconds so one was pretty much going away the whole time, hardly had 3 up at all 😞 

    Also when choosing Desert Empowerment, how does alacrity for 1 second help? You have to wait 4 seconds to make a new shade to apply it again, unless you have a stack of 3 to apply all at once

    • Like 12
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  3. Just seem to be dropping dead in seconds since the patch, but can't see that they changed anything health wise or blight wise, just taking tons of damage, and that healing is way down.

  4. Sorry if its been asked 100 times already, but do you only get the bonus features of the mastery's for the skyscale if you unlocked the skyscale before the expansion, and then if you unlock it after with the new way, you don't get access to the bonus features?

    So I should hurry up and unlock it.  

  5. Serious error on match starting, my team rejoined last game but we still lost as at least 2 of us crashed but we managed to get back on, , but the game before that had it where 1 player crashed and the other 3 then quit, leaving me alone in the match. 


    • Thanks 1
  6. Did like 90% of the damage to beasts, enemy player runs past gives it one hit, and gets the points???

    Seems pretty unfair, should be based on which team did the most damage right?

    • Haha 10
    • Confused 1
  7. On 4/28/2022 at 1:17 AM, Nymthalas.4019 said:


    I'm not even plat but seeing the same mistake again and again is exhausting, and even people blaming the support core guardian because he was not focusing  I don't even remember which class...  An you can take that and keep going, but then you find the insulting player, and at least for me after enduring that dealing with that is too much.

    In the end this would be solved allowing parties of 5, I don't mind loosing if I learned something on the way. But when you dont have teammates, just people randomly placed, you can learn as much, but the you will see the same mistakes then next match and the next... and thats what killed pvp for me, the challenge is fun and a drive to improve, having to solo q kills that.

    The genuine good moment for pvp for me was a mini season 2 v 2 in which I joined with a friend, so sometimes we lost somtimes we win, but in each match we had a plan, tested if it worked, thought of a conclusion afterwards and adapted builds if needed... After that mini sesason it stopped being that fun friend left, i kept playing, but in the end pvp has died for me, not fun anymore because of what I said.

    Solo queue is better though, it was way worse when you had to play vs pre-made teams. Not everyone has people they can play with so for most duo/solo is much better. 

    • Like 1
  8. Got the fight done, 7th time, so not as bad as others. But only with 1 minute to spare, and we did have a few cc's which all went well too.  Seemed like the fight was going pretty well but then it went to down the last minute following the final split phase so was still pretty close in the end. 

    The fight overall is really very well done, with the design, just maybe need to stop it being so random with the way the different phases happen. 

    Will keep doing it, maybe not as often but its a good fight to do, just not sure why the whirlpool's have a breakbar, its very hard to save someone when they are stuck in them, and not many people aim for the bubbles, but at least you can get yourself out of those. 

    And its hard to know if the spears hit anything when theres nothing to target. 

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  9. 4 minutes ago, White Knight.5970 said:

    The crystal part is when green circles show up everyone stand inside them, if younget turned into a Wisp you get pushed down to the bottom of the tower. From there you keep jumping up while hitting floating power ups that give you more jumps. When at the top you hit 3 and get your body back with a big buff.

    The crytals themselves tou stand behind when soo wan does a full aoe attack so you don't insta die 

    Yes, I mean all the mobs inside the crystals wipe everyone out while your waiting for the count down to end, and the wave. 

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