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Posts posted by Rose.2593

  1. Do all classes except like Necro and Elle have a super downed skill? Engie, Guard, and Warrior all seem to rally really fast with no help? And the Ranger has the pet help as well.

  2. How can classed like reverent and ranger out heal like 3 other people attacking them?? I tried the Reaper build but the life force didn't seem to last very long, was able to actually only go in Reaper form for very short times

  3. I might be missing something, but my core necromancer build really struggles to do damage against some classes....and i am using a build from Gods of PVP, I can fight 1 and 1 in some cases, and stay alive but actually winning is hard.

  4. I had a better win ratio the last few days. Got back up to silver, and 50/50 win ratio, way better than 1/3 it was before. And yes i need to improve, but your on a team, so sometimes you just get unlucky!

    The 3v3 has been pretty fun, and I hope they keep either 2v2 or 3v3

  5. This sucks :( Down to Bronze now, and its so not all my fault! Match making doesn't seem to give me the best teams, the queues are long, and just seems like i'm really unlucky in matches this season. Last match I was top stats for damage, healing, revives, and kills:( so I know i'm not all bad. But still losing loads:(

  6. You can't stomp in Lich as far as I know, but good for getting them down i think? so you can kill them yeah.

    3v3 is hard work! win rate like 30% which hopefully isn't all my fault lol, I'm getting top stats every game, like most damage and heal, but that might not mean much.

    Its seriously hard work to get points to, I lose more per match than you gain from winning. Like today, - 22, - 22, + 18. So the one win so far is not even enough to gain back the points from 1 loss.

    Thanks for the help, and did get a decent build I think, just need to learn to use it better. Especially corrupt boon.

    Other classes have much more easier time than staying safe when downed too?I fear one foe, but the next one near by finishes me off. Warriors get up really fast, Guards can blast everyone etc.

  7. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @John.8507 said:I mostly play Necromancer for PVP. Enjoy it but just about run at a 50/50 win rate, so highest I have gotten is Gold in the main league. Normally in Silver. Have trouble with stuns, So I guess i need to learn to us the stun breaks better.

    Also the 2v2 and 3v3 leagues are pretty intense so more focus needed.

    best way of dealing with CC is to avoid CC.Dont stack 3 stune removes, just learn how you get stunned and dodge/los it, or learn what CC you can afford to take.For example you might just let rev hit you with their heroic 3s stun, and simply remove it when you have all the cooldowns up, but if you have only 1 stun removing tool left you gotta dodge it to keep it for another CC that is hard to dodge.Learn to use blind against cc, interrupt the cc, what CC lasts how long -> this is important as necro since you can facetank with shroud. etc etc.

    But you can't dodge or anything when your finishing?

  8. Whats going with interrupts, they are so bad, tried to finish a player like 4 times, and got interrupted every time, is there stability skills or something that stop this for the necromancer?

    I only seem to have 1 interrupt when downed, and that only works on 1 player.

    Still seems like some builds just don't take damage, was just in a match, and all of us barley damaged any of the other team:( 3v3 is hard work.

    Thanks, will try those, I always see people saying to fight on the nodes though?

  9. I mostly play Necromancer for PVP. Enjoy it but just about run at a 50/50 win rate, so highest I have gotten is Gold in the main league. Normally in Silver. Have trouble with stuns, So I guess i need to learn to us the stun breaks better.

    Also the 2v2 and 3v3 leagues are pretty intense so more focus needed.

  10. It's not good when you gain mid etc and everyone just ups and goes somewhere else. Fair enough if close needs re-taking or something, but the whole team shouldn't leave, you need to guard points as well as capture.

    Try to fight close to capture points, or on them etc.

    Know the maps too, especially ones like temple - Meditation and stillness, Revenge of the capricorn - bell, and the forest - getting beasts, and skyhammer.

  11. Hopefully it stays duo queue only for Ranked. It's fine queuing solo, and much better than when you had to face pre made teams

    But more players need to read the team chat and talk, target and etc. So many games no one but me calls targets!

  12. Since the end of the season match making is just terrible, matches seem so one sided. Either lack of players or something else it just seems to have gone wrong since the season finished.

    I presume there is still some kind of system that is meant to group equal players but it doesn't seem to be working?

  13. How does the scoring work.

    Played 3 matches today, 1 match lost 500 - 475 so that was close, but lost -17 points. 2nd match Won match 500 - 227 and only gained 7 points, then won again 502 - 352 and gained 13 points.

    So even though I won 2, lost 1, I only overall gained 3 points?

    Doesn't seem like will ever move up, and most the time you lose more points for a loss than you gain for a win. It should be the other way round.

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