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Everything posted by Anen.1742

  1. It has been like that since Sunqua release, almost 2 years ago.
  2. Considering how long this bug has been alive, it's now a feature.
  3. I am guessing that by respect you mean making them wait after i leave.Do you have data to support the fact that the wait after I leave is longer that the wait of me non joining the party in the first place?
  4. I am regularly joining CM + T4 groups to only play CM, leaving after 98CM.Some people even go as far as calling me names in wispers after i left... Just man up and use your keyboard to open lfg instead of wispering me. But the real question is why would I wait ages for a CM only group to form when there are multiples CM+T4?It is also quite easy for the group to replace me only for T4, since the population for this is higher. The only time i feel a bit gilty is when a CM is also a daily T4.
  5. Today T3 rec and T2 rec fractals were Mai Trin. I think there is a bug, it should be the T1 rec too.
  6. That is not true. I have not represented a guild in years, and got kill proofs each week.
  7. You're implying they did this on purpose, I guarantee you they didn't. So, they unintentionally rolled back the whole weekend. Stop being a kitten white knight and defender of A-net. They have a PR department for that kind of stuff.With a game running 24/7, it seems pretty normal to have automatic recovery procedures.We justhave to wait to see if the automatically restored backup is the most recent one.
  8. There was a failure on the main database, and the game automatically defaulted to the backup database.That does not mean the default database is the most recent backup.
  9. You can see it here.https://www.twitch.tv/guildmm/clip/TriumphantVibrantShrewMcaT
  10. The ingredients on the wiki are correct. What is your problem exactly?
  11. 6 months ago. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/May_2019Chests containing ascended equipment (Healer's Chest of Coats, for example) are now stackable.
  12. Did it first try today with pug at T4 and no rev but decent pull to cleave all the trash. Ez. Stop complaining.
  13. If you are not willing to create a lfg, then sure dungeons are dead. But if you create a lfg, it will pretty much always fill in minutes. I have finish Dungeoneer last month and had no trouble finding people for any of the dungeons. Be willing to explain to unexperienced people, and runs will mostly be smooth. So yeah, if you wait passively then the game is not worth it. But if you are being active, this game is excellent.
  14. I am able to tag betwen 40 and 60 fans per concert with a longbow on DH. I would simply suggest you increase your dps :)
  15. During Maws of Tormet meta, you can skip the escort the demolitionist and the spike portal steps.Once the escort is started, go to the portal and use skyscale dismount attack. It will damage the portal (as if you did it with spikes). Around 3 dismounts are enough to make the Realm Keeper appears. This causes people to be unable to progress through the Realm-Portal Spiker achievement.This also make it very easy to succeed this meta, even if the preparation is a complete fail.
  16. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/961990/#Comment_961990 Don't feel obligated to play a game you don't like :)
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