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  1. I keep checking the patch notes to see if it's fixed yet... nope. It's too unreliable to really play as alac mirage as the AoE around the target you have to be in is quite small and Staff 2 teleports you out of range, even if the enemy is stationary.
  2. Spent some time at the raid golem... it's almost never actually giving the mirage alacrity or might, even solo. Occasionally (like, 10% of the time), it'll proc, but the other 90% you get nothing.
  3. You can try them out in the Silverwastes before you seal the deal. It's not final until you leave the zone and it's very clear about it when you do finalise it. Give each one a go and see what you get on with.
  4. I think the lack of signposting to the mechanics is a problem. Strikes are meant to be a step towards raids, but many raids have much more clearly signposted mechanics, as do many meta events. If you're a mostly open world player giving it a try for the first few times, a message like "don't let the lights go out" and something indicating that you need to relight the torches would be a much better idea. Even having the boneskinner go invulnerable for the first time or something? The mechanics are fine, but there's nothing really telling a new player that the mechanics even exist.
  5. Sometimes you just need to go back on a fresh map. Try using your mentor tag (if unlocked) and putting it on map chat - that's how I did it.
  6. At a certain point in the concert, firework launchers will appear on stage (near the front). Activate one of them and look upwards - little circles will begin to appear. Aim so that there's one in the centre of your screen then press 1 to activate the firework skill. You might have to do it a few times to get it right. If there is another activity going on at the same time, it's easy to miss, so watch the notifications.
  7. A few people use it for dailies, GvG in the central plaza bit or - heaven forbid - fun.
  8. My exact first thought upon seeing Bangar up close was "there will be very specific fan art of this". The model is really well done and I agree about the Disney comment above. He will certainly have his fans.
  9. You really, really need to turn up at the right time for Dragon's Stand. Keep an eye on the event timers and join a squad when the map resets.
  10. No, I want an actual land horse with attachable flippers. We have a rabbit the size of a cow, a jackal made of sand and a beetle we levitate near in order to drag race. Next week we'll have a bison cat that destroys castles. I want - no, demand! - an underwater horse with flippers and an aquabreather. It will be called a Sploshhoof and it will cause PvP players to have a panic attack on the forum because the only way to unlock it will be to play mirage. (I am being silly. Do not be offended by this, internet).
  11. During Thunderhead Peaks' opening few days, I started counting at a normal speed and got to 20 between pressing X and my springer appearing. So, worst-case scenario 10-15 seconds but about 3 seconds is standard. Dismounting from a mount than didn't spawn is sometimes possible (I imagine it's just that the mount spawned and I dismounted before I saw it) but this occasionally drops you through the floor (luckily the sea in Istan extends under the island, but I've also been trapped inside scenery as I spawn below what I was on, but above the ground).
  12. I was thinking something like that this would be cool with shouts as the new skill line. "You're burning!" working like Sun Spirit with extra vulnerability or "You feel no pain!" casting barrier or something. "They all hate you!" having a Confuse mechanic would be cool, setting enemies against each other. I'd like to see some traditional RPG crowd control in game but spawns are so small that that may not be worthwhile. I'd really like to see an alternative to the shatter mechanic... Something like clone shatters doing no damage but charging up something like Celestial Avatar but each skill is a phantasm so you could phantasm-nuke when you need to.
  13. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Tanetris/So_You_Want_To_Gear_a_Character has stuff about gear. It's a little bit old but will get you started.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Gulbasaur/Things_I_Wish_Someone_Told_Me_-_A_new_player_guide#At_level_80 is a guide I wrote with a bit about what to do at 80. For gold, if you have LW S4 E1 with the Istan map (you need Path of Fire to get there), there's a consistent gold-farming community. The meta events drop lots of unidentified gear, which you then stick on the trading post. Rich people then buy the unidentified gear and use magic find boosters to try to get rare stuff from it, basically. I think you need over 600 magic find before it breaks even, so most people just sell it. Istan is chilled out, quite easy and actually relaxing if you know what you're doing, but be aware you'll need a mount from Path of Fire or you'll get left behind. You also get unidentified magic which you use to buy shipments at the docks, which give you crafting a materials to sell for gold. Prices fluctuate but the leather and trophy ones are usually the most profitable. If you don't, the Silverwastes is the next most profitable farm, but I know less about that one. Fractals provide a slow but steady amount of gold in Tier 1. Fractal encryptions drop literal junk, but it's really valuable junk to sell at a vendor and you'll get a couple of gold a pop. As you progress up the tiers, they get harder but you get more gold out of it. At T4, they're very profitable but you need to be skilled enough to do it and that ain't easy. The expansion (HoT & PoF) all have hero point worth ten 'normal' ones and are at level 80. The Living World story content is all pretty good too. They're both pretty good if you haven't explored them already.
  14. Scenery pop-in seems worse in new zone. Mount not loading for 5 or so seconds after mounting up. If I mount near the steps entering the keep, I fall through the steps because of the load delay (happened four times so far - bug report submitted with screenshot) and have to use waypoint to get out. I've also fallen through the steps round to the right (towards the catacombs). Please sort out the "mounts not loading" issue - it is such a massive pain in the bum having to wait five seconds to mount up and then fall through the floor when you try to dismount from a mount that never even loaded. It seems to be in high-population zones - I've fallen through the ground in Istan and ended up in scenery Auric Basin during metas, almost always when mounting up. I've turned textures and character model count down in the settings, but it still seems very present. This is with game stored on SSD.
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