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  1. sure ill admit the first one was meme big dck dmg build (that still performs more than adequate in team fights with a support 😮 imagine that, a teammember to cover your weaknesses in a teamoriented gamemode, mindblowing i know) but you can hit this with the normal build https://imgur.com/1mDJQzG
  2. are you sure about that? https://imgur.com/X2ULvs6
  3. but seeing this kitten is just stupid https://imgur.com/O0TKF6y
  4. those are called sales. happens all over the industry. are we about to be angry at every game studio for not selling decade old games at full prices now?
  5. they are going to feel frustrated regardless since it does not matter if they play staff spellbreaker or core war as a new player in pvp. they might last 2 seconds longer against a seasoned player on staff spb but they will get dumpstered regardless of what spec they play since they lack the EXPERIENCE in general to compete in any meaningful way. as i already said, if you want new players in pvp. get some of the players you already have in the current playerpool that hasnt tried pvp or is too reluctant to try it by giving out bigger rewards for doing so. we have already seen that work when the pvp event was active. if you want new players in general to try the game you DO NOT funnel them into the hardest and most toxic gamemode as a first time experience. that will just scare ppl away. P2W means theres a DIRECT and CONSTANT correlation between the money you put into a game and the power u get out of it. in case of gw2 once u buy the expansion u are on the same tier as everyone else. u cant keep buying the same expansion multiple times to have a bigger advantage in pvp meanwhile you can play a game like Aion and pour in 10k Eu and literally do 1v30 and win. doesnt matter how skilled you are, your stats are just bigger. ofc that works until you meet a guy that put in 20k, now you are the one getting farmed. rinse and repeat ... or Diablo immortal where i guy spent 100k usd only to have endless que's since the matchmaker didnt have a pool of players that were even near his level to match him with. noone needs to justify anything . ppl buy stuff because they like it. if you dont thats okay. but dont expect free handouts from paid content, at the end of the day Anet is running a business, and handing out paid content for free isnt very smart from a business perspective
  6. lets be honest here. the negatives far outweight the benefits if this were ever going to happen. any pvp player will do plenty of research before trying a game, and lets not forget that gw2 got the reputation as one of the best pvp mmo's out there. that alone will attract ppl. and its not like core is not able to compete with elite specs. every class except for maybe war and thief has a decent core build that can perform to a certain degree of success, hell core engi is actually a viable pick compared to scrapper/holo atm 😄 (mostly because engi as a whole is getting shafted big time, but thats neither here nor there right now) as i said, new players wont be getting any "feel" whatsoever unless theres enough new players to actually try it at the same time. otherwise they will get absolutely stomped by whoever they come across regardless if they play hammer vindi or core guard. end result is the same. what u will get instead is an insufferable amount of ppl abusing a system like this that already know how to play. wintrading or just being assholes whereever its possible since we just removed the monetary punishment for doing so. if u want fresh blood to play pvp try and utilize the pool of players you already have playing the game in pve instead of attracting new ones through a gamemode that is notorious for being toxic as hell and have them running headfirst into a brick wall that is the current pvp population. thats no way to attract new ppl to your game, u want them to feel welcome and not getting absolutely kitten on while being called noob/l2p/uninstall. instead you should grab the attention of the playerbase u already have to try pvp by upping the incentives for doing so. better rewards etc. we just saw it work not too long ago with the pvp event. countless of new players jumped in for the rewards. or a new pvp mode were new ppl wont get yelled at for bad rotations (which is also in the works 😄)
  7. its not like a new player comming to pvp will have any use out of getting every elite spec unlocked for a 7 day period. they will most likely slam their head into the wall that is fighting other ppl with years of experience regardless of what spec they are playing. all this will do is make it insufferable for normal players to deal with the endless supply of assholes abusing alts. not like theres any point in discussing this tho, Anet is never gonna let something stupid like this to happen in the first place. imgaine giving away 100eu content for free, thats no way to run a business 😄 edit - lmao thanks for the confused trevor 😄
  8. lmao, calls ppl out. gets proven wrong. still acts like he won xD here is your kitten award, u earned it
  9. i used to play holo alot up until a year ago. i simply just gave up and went back to my mesmer. a few things that made me stop is that while holo is still decent, every other class is great. it used to be that one of holo's main ways of mitigating dmg was cc'ing the enemy, thats no longer possible when everyone is shitting out aegis and stab. sustain is fcked unless u go meme AED build. meanwhile your dmg is on par with everyone else. but dmg is about all you have 😄 the amount of work i have to put in to beat players in a 1v1 on holo compared to pressing f1 on virtu and doing 10k+ unblockables is laughable. so yea i just stopped. as to what to do. well its all wishful thinking at this point but i would love to get turrets reworked, make kits not stuck in core balance. or give engi weapon swap. preferably all 3 wep swap might not be the best tho since every weapon feels like a joke at this point, who thought making shortbow a melee weapon was a good idea? give rifle some dmg back, its worse than before they did the "rework". offhand pistol still misses at pointblank range. sword is a joke unless u are on holo and can utilize heatlevels. spear is only good if u allign all the planets in the solar system and somehow make the burst land at the same time edit: and kitten nade kit, never liked it and i will refuse to use it until the game dies
  10. this is from a pvp/wvw perspective overall spear feels fine, BUT mind the gap should grant clarity no matter what range u hit from. having to do mental gymnastics and rangefinding to get clarity while fighting ppl in a meta where everyone has leaps thrown at them wholesale does not feel good. not to mention it doesnt flow well when you do get clarity then port 5 only to follow up with 2 again and not get any clarity since you are too close now, it feels clunky af. otherwise its all good edit: id still rather use greatsword tho, its a non contest
  11. feels like a clunky cheap knockoff trapper DH with none of the damage
  12. just finished the achievement "A New Friend" and same thing happened to me instead of unlocking the skyscale, its just gone from mount selection menu , also in soto maps 😄
  13. yea that was my thought too, just wanted to make sure i wasnt missing something 🙂
  14. ive noticed alot of ppl disconnect when they are downed and about to be finished. is there any strategic reason for this? like does it not count towards the K/D ratio of the server when u disconnect or something like that?
  15. well it happened, multiple times. ofc they werent all skilled at fighting so it was essentially 1v2(with 3 of their npc like teammates) if anyone equally skilled i could mostly do 1v1 / 1v2 . tell me u havent played virtuoso enough without actually telling me u havent played it enough now leave me alone, i have nothing more to discuss with you
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