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Everything posted by Omega.6801

  1. With the community we have? The community that cries out to nerf open world bosses? I doubt that that would sell m8. 😄
  2. The devs don't come here and they don't really run the /wiki. The /wiki is a community run project afaik but I wouldn't know who to contact on that particular issue.
  3. At this point that problem has persisted so long that I'm kinda sure ANet is unable to fix it. Unable would still be better than unwilling because the constant random zooming can't be working as intended.
  4. I wouldn't call it "design flaws". More like "design decisions that don't align with you" and that's fine. Not everyone has to like everything and as it seems, you have found a MMO that is more to your liking already. But still, to adress a few things: 1) Not being able to solo things in a MMO is not a good complaint. Sure the days of runescape or vanilla WoW are long gone and times have changed making MMOs more single player friendly. Which is probably for the better. However, demanding that a MMO should be 100% soloable is just not reasonable. As others have pointed out MMOs are by definition multiplayer games. Also in the example the OP gives the interactions with other players are "asking for help" which is something that has happened in gaming since before the internet has been a thing and could have been avoided by the OP simply not asking for help. Not saying there is no group content or that there is no content in GW2 that is gated behind playing in a group, there is. But setting the bar as low as having to ask for help is very strange imho. 2) The reliance on the /wiki for information is indeed a bit of a problem in some instances. It is optional, sure, but when it comes to some collections or scavenger hunts I, personally can't imagine how people are able to do it without the /wiki or yt. I guess it's possible by just looking/searching. But however, the resources are there, the /wiki is even available more or less in-game, people are online already as well, so I kinda don't know what all the fuss is about. Yes it does take away the challenge, but again, it is optional, if someone wants the challenge, they can opt out and have the challenge. 3) Tbf, getting that darn egg was a very frustrating experience for many players even with the /wiki and the whole community behind them. The collection was unclear, getting the egg was RNG, some players got it in three attempts others didn't get it after a week and there was no sure fire way to get it if you had bad RNG. ANet, as they do, did not communicate with us on the matter. So all in all. Yes, I understand that this particular experience was extremly frustrating. It is however not the average. What is true nonetheless is that GW2 might just not be the MMO for you. The only time you will have puzzles to solve on your own will be during some story instances maybe, and there they will never be hard. In the open world it will most likely always be some sort of movement puzzle, scavenger hunt, collection or checklist.
  5. "Truth is, the game was rigged from the start."
  6. Generally whenever a single game wanted to do all the genres it never ended well, so i'd cut it down to focusing on one genre with splashes of others. Instead of "It's a FPS but it's also a farming game and a hack'n'slash and also a pinball simulator and a puzzle game and also it's fifa while being also being a racing game". GW in space sounds desperate but in the end the mechanics must be good. If the mechanics are solid the paint you throw on it don't matter much. I'd rather have them spend resources on GW2 as long as the game is still running, which it still is.
  7. That makes sense. Keeps catching me off guard every now and then as well 😄 yw
  8. Hmm....Do you have the Exalted Mail Carrier active? I'm trying to remember if during Aurene's adolescence (some time shortly after HoT) Exalted appear as well as the littel dragon but it's been a while...
  9. Instead of hoping you could contact them via E-mail if you're serious about your request.
  10. ^^this, I don't care for the knockback. I want the golem because it was a fun RP gimmick for open world builds. Last time I checked it wasn't next to my Asura Elementalist. So it's not where it belongs.
  11. Why is this thread here? Will there ever be new core relics? Where is my memegolem?
  12. Indeed very much "300 confirmed kills" energy. Anyway, with all that under your belt, you don't need the PvP in this game. I'm not big in the know, what's the game to beat if one wants to be competitive, but I know it's not GW2. That tells me whatever you would nede to do to get that title isn't worth the effort and that willpower may be better spent 1) on something actually worthwhile like another real life achievement or 2) at least a different game, where a competitive title means something. I don't know, have you heard about chess boxing?
  13. To flesh things out more (no pun intended) the next "expansion" should continue and bring to an end the story of SotO. Give the characters we've met more time to grow and tie up some lose ends. Maybe we should get to talk about some of the shady things the wizards are doing as well and maybe even change their ways. But I doubt that this will happen. Instead, next "expansion" wil be something completely detached and new, yet somehow familiar because of asset reuse, again. Doesn't need to be a bad thing, I mean if they tell a story dealing with an existing faction of Charr or Asura or Humans, not a lot of new assets are needed to tell a good story. My hope is that we're going underwater. It's one of the last unexplored spaces and would lend itself well for a reword and a few new gimmicks and masteries. Who are we fighting? I don't know. We go Quaggan hunting, I don't care. As long kitten we're getting an underwater rework. If not that, hard to say really. The dragons are gone, the gods are gone, Joko is gone, the Mantle is gone. The writing team can basically invent whatever they want to us to fight. That's a curse and a blessing if you ask me. Some really great and creative things can come from this, but also some imho rather bland and boring things, like the Kryptis. Guess we'll just have to wait. I expect to get at least a mild spoiler with the release of the last part of SotO. If everything works as planned, the next "expansion" should release its first part three months after that, so some information on what to expect would be ice at that point.
  14. Well if your solution boils down to, just add stuff until every class does everything all the time everywhere, because that's where "creating some lines of additional traits in each game mode so that you have extra advantages that you can select tactically and that allow you more versatility in the game" ultimately leads to. It's not a solution it just postpones the problem. I don't like the quarterly buildpocalypse either, but the alternative, broken builds stay broken for years, underperforming builds stay worthless for years is way worse. Also: What DeanBB said: reading half apage of train of thoughting text is hard and tiring and it won't help you get your point across anywhere in life.
  15. There are lots of things currently not in the game; sliding, hanging, climbing, shimmiing - the whole parkour thing. And it would be cool if it would be in the game but... ...at this point it would be an after thought and not really an integral part of the game. These ideas are not like mounts or gliding that work no matter the environment, these ideas only work if the maps were designed with these mechanics in mind. ...we already have mounts and they're pretty good mounts that are hard to compete with in terms of mobility. Why would I want to slide down a slope when I can dive down with a griffon? ...releasing these mechanics for a single expansion would be very frustrating and wuld make little sense. Why should we be able to slide in the new maps and not the old ones? On the other hand retrofitting all old maps with stuff to slide on may not make sense because those mapse were not made with this mechanic in mind. Also: "Many games have X, so GW2 should have X" isn't a very good argument. Ask yourself WHY many games have X and if X makes sense for GW2 with that reason in mind. Alsoalso: "Let's add it to PvP/WvW" Is always a hard sell as these communities are what I would call "purists". They don't like gimmicks a lot and tend to not embrace them. Just check how well the Warclaw was received in WvW or how many people are playing Stronghold in PvP. All in all: Sure nice idea for a different/ a new game and would fit into the mobility aspect of GW2 well. But it's bit late to reinvent that particular wheel 12 years into the games lifespan. However, should it happen, I would hope it would be a global feature yet restricted to PvE maps and not just limited to a few new maps like the kodan torches f.e..
  16. What's been bothering me the most is the shift in weapon design since EoD. Ever since EoD weapon models have become more and more clunky and toy like, the models look bigger and more like something you'd see in WoW than in GW2.
  17. Well, ANet never releases recipes to not mess with the trading post which leaves the community with speculations and well educated guesses. It's been like this since over a decade. I'm not saying it's good or bad and you can find this unfair or whatever, that's a discusion for another thread. But it is what is and you can do with that information in the future what you want to do. I'd advise that, next time you may be interested in crafting something that may be expensive or time consuming maybe bother coming here again, you have a few posts, so you're not a complete stranger as it seems. 🤷‍♂️ About the three months deadline you are talking about we may have a misunderstanding, Nothing in the Wizards Vault is required to craft the armor, so I don't undestand your last point. There's a special achievement in the vault that rewards you if you craft a piece of Obsidian Armor within the next three months though. However, as I said, going from past experiences, the WV rewards plenty of Astral Acclaim to buy everything in the vault twice, so it is highly unlikely that you will miss the three or five hundred AA this achievement rewards. So you may chose to go for that special achievment and set yourself a deadline of three months to craft a piece of legendary armor, but it's a choice because you don't need to do this. Also the reward from the special achievment is worth about 14 gold or something and if you want to set yourself a timelimit for that amount, by all means, but it's your choice. The armor is now in the game and you can work towards it in whatever speed is ok for you. That's, partially, what the open world armor was about, something that is more or less soloable (T2 and T3 essences make this part a bit questionable) and can be worked towards in an individual pace.
  18. No it wasn't, ANet never posts recipes before the items are released. There were many speculation threads and looking at the material list now, I see no surprise. Going from what we knew from existing legendary armor and the existing releases, the speculations came pretty close to what will be needed, just not to how much of it. About the special in the WV: don't worry about that. Yes technically you have three months to get that but going from the past two seasons, we will get more than enough AA to buy everything twice. You will not need that special. Also, after that special is done, the legendary armor will still remain, so it is a long term goal. If you chose to set yourself a timelimit, that's on you. You're free to do so, but be aware that it's not the game or the devs who do so, it's your decision.
  19. ^^this is the "game breaking" post that was replied to. So there was a mention. But who's going to be pedantic about a string of forumposts, right? Is the suggested feature going to break the game in the hard sense, should it be implemented? Probably not in a hard sense, i.e. crashing the game, blocking progress or excluding players from content etc. Would it most likely add to behavior that is frustrating, at least for me and, going by other posts and other threads, other players as well. It probably would. Now for me that behavior comes in two varieties. There's the afk'ing of events on Skyscales shooting a fireball or two for participation while still scaling up (no pun intended) the event. And there's underperforming on Turtles which isn't as big of an issues outside of Gyala Delves to be honest. Again, neither of those are game breaking, events still get done, metas can still progress. They're frustrating, events get done slower than necessary, metas progress slower that necessary. Adding the suggested feature would most likely compound on the issue, as it would lead to more people being mounted up instead of actually participating in events on the ground. Now the problem could be adressed by other means, no-mount-zones or self-control, i.e. mount ettiquette have been mentioned. But the first would require additional dev resources and is usually met with critique since it goes against intuition and immersion. The second one simply doesn't work, or at least I have lost faith in it working. The more you tell people to get off their turtles when clearing areas in Gyala Delves, the more they stay on the darn things I feel. I think that is what people mean when they say it would "beak the game". I think screenclutter can be another argument that can be made against adding more functionality to already prolific mounts as well as the needed resources to basically redesign the whole thing, i.e. the rig, the animations, all existing skins etc. The argument of mount identity, i.e. a second seat would take something away from the turtle, is a weaker but a legitimate one, especially since the skyscale or the griffon allready are some of the more useful mounts. I think this argument would be even weaker and probably less on an issue if people would want to add a seat to the springer f.e..
  20. So you're saying typing "HELP!" followed by "WHY NOBODY HELP?!?!?" followed by "Y'ALL NABS!!! NOBODY HELPING!!" isn't the be all and end all of scouting?
  21. If its so easily available as people in this thread claim, why is it not a solution for the masses? Competitive players could switch between more or less infinite templates (not sure but the limit was somewhere around 500 or so) with the 3rd party software for free before templates were introuced to the gemstore. With that change using the 3rd party software became a bannable offense. No one suggested that controller support would become monetized, of course it would not. But it would come with it's own inconveniences maybe and would most likely render the use of now working 3rd party solutions "illegal". This of course is a speculation. I don't know. You don't know.
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