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Hogwarts Zebra.8597

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Posts posted by Hogwarts Zebra.8597

  1. Sword4 def needs buffs, it's too hard to land and does too little when it does land. 

    Speed rune is garbage on WB, especially in pvp where it's been giga nerfed. The only scenario where it's useful is for 1v1ing herald in wvw. 

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  2. 20 hours ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

    On another note... F3 says "teleport" similiar to the tool tip on Judges Intervention yet Line of Sight is required... it feels terrible spamming F3 on a ledge only for it to say "LoS cannot teleport". This is increasingly frustrating in clutch situations... it's one of the only shadowstep ability that requires LoS to use.

    Judges, sword#2, sword#4, and Flash Combo does not require LoS to use...

    Eh that's how all ground target ports work, it's the tradeoff of being able to freely control where u want to go instead of only being able to port towards an enemy. 

    The bigger problem with WB (and guard in general) is having no sticking power. Sure u can port to the enemy, but then as ur trying to cast your damaging abilities (most of which have self-roots and self-slows attached) the target simply w keys away from you and takes 0 dmg. One long CD immob on sw5 isn't enough; we need cripple/chill in our kit and to not have our primary dmg sources all be self-roots/slows

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  3. AA -- make it the speed of a normal AA chain

    2 -- increase leap range to 600

    3 -- make the skill actually hit moving targets

    4 -- reduce cast time to 0.5s

    5 -- now is a 600 range leap that places the ring + a full 5 second symbol of protection upon landing. The ring also blocks projectiles

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  4. 34 minutes ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

    (agree) I've been curious about medi vs AH... I tried both a few days ago and found AH having better sustains, especially in 1v1 fights compared to medi. But all that said, it's worse in teamfights. Burst healing vs healing over time with AH is apparent when you don't have to rely on Virtues or Staff/Elite to heal up. And facetanking damage while using Staff#4 or Signet of Courage is certainly a bad idea-- AH has greater failure in teamfights when being focused down compared to medis.


    I really love Signet of Resolve, it's actually one of our best heals when it's traited. 8.1k heal on a 28s cd while always cleansing 1 condi every 4s is nuts but like you said, it's hard to pass up a free 40% crit trait. And with a higher chance of facetanking our AH healing abilities I can see why you and many other guards would lean towards medi's.

    EDIT:  actually i'm gonna play with your medi build but with Litany of Wrath heal... it'll probably be rubbish but I want to see something.

    xD litany is actually a rly good heal, I used to run it constantly but my playstyle's changed a bit so I'm leaning shelter nowadays. Also I've modified my build a bit, replacing JI with Whirling Light since u no longer do enough dmg without it

  5. On 10/7/2022 at 10:26 AM, Saiyan.1704 said:

    To the above build: I need to see how it does vs a competent GG team who has 3 burst+cc classes focusing it down. It's going to depend on whether the build can last long enough to give value to my team in mid engagements (ranked sPvP, not AT's). It can already hold its own on side-nodes but I haven't faced good cata's nor good spellbreakers yet... it doesn't die to rangers/bs/dh.

    @Hogwarts Zebra.8597let me know what you think of it if you get a chance to play with the build.

    I think the traditional medi approach outclasses this build for the bruiser playstyle. heal signet is a large heal yes but it's such a giga long CD and has no secondary effect other than cleanse. If u took medis with shelter heal u'd get better cleanse plus a block that can negate dmg, cc, condis. channeled block also scales far better in teamfights than raw healing and shelter is the only channeled block guard has access to. Not to mention ur giving up an insane amount of dmg by going for the signet trait. Also ofc lacking RF being a significant issue, teamfighting with neither shelter nor RF is impossible on guard, if the enemy decides to focus u u just instantly explode. 


    The staff approach is interesting tho, a long time ago I messed around with zerk core staff+scepter (basically wvw zerg build) and could just nuke ppl from safety while easily kiting out any melees with speed runes (pre-nerf). There may be a possibility for WB's innate mobility to make such a setup work again, tho ofc that will be an entirely different build and no longer a bruiser playstyle. 

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    11 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

    I feel like the conversation is lost on the wider player base. Most other classes have barely preforming Elite mechanics especially in PvP (I'm looking at you Mirage).

    DH might not be a Meta pick any more in PvP but in the right hands it is great. I mean most traps avoid the whole reflect Meta thing we are in, not to mention you can pull enemies into them.

    1) LB DH was never meta, there's no "any more" about it. There was a reason the higher rating you got the less of them you saw, and nobody wanted one on their team in tryhard tournaments. 

    2) In the right hands everything can be "great", including Mirage, which btw is not even in a bad spot compared to core ele, berserker, firebrand

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  7. On 9/21/2022 at 2:10 AM, Saiyan.1704 said:

    Ahha I knew you would say that! Meet "Random @$$ Demo Trash Prot Build #3!!"

    • Went away from the trait Focus Mastery and got Strength of the Fallen's condi removal every 10s
    • Combined with Signet of Resolve's 1 cleanse every 4s, you'll self cleans more conditions in a period of 20s than a F2 burst cleanse... also when their icd is up, they'll automatically cleanse the first 2 conditions applied to you.

    It feels better than an F2 cleanse in some situations. Healing nearly to full health with the signet heal while at 20% is such a meme...kinda like this build!

    The 3rd utility skill on your bar can be anything, but I've been liking Shield of the Avenger lately... gives Weakness (50% damage reduction) and much needed range denial but you certainly lose a stunbreak. If they don't have a DE then I tend to go back to SoJ/Judges/CoP.

    Hmm starting to look interesting, I've always wanted a blue prot holo build xD

    I'd rather have CoP than SYG tho, since SYG is giga nerfed in pvp and is really low value in 1v1s. Probs will have to replace spirit shield with another stunbreak with this route tho

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  8. Just now, Ronald McDonald.8165 said:

    Amazing how you managed to not address a single point I made though. 

    Amazing how you make no points other than "DH is strong. My main is really the weak one", and everything else being personal attacks. I will waste no more breath here. 1v1 me or shut up. I will no longer respond to anything you post unless it's to accept the duel. 

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  9. 2 hours ago, Ronald McDonald.8165 said:

    Hit with a 9.5k test of faith but it does pathetic damage? What?


    Crazy how when a build goes from broken and easily abused to still very powerful but not as broken it’s now terrible and unplayable 😂

    9.5k on a light target golem with every buff in the game, sure. "very powerful" ah yes that's why it sees absolutely 0 play in mAT, and no top player thinks it's good

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  10. Pretty sure mace auto chain is one of the lowest dmg melee ones. The symbol also has a giga long cast time, very clunky to use. The only thing going for mace is skill3, but there's not many situations where it justifies mace over sword/scepter

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  11. WB nerf is big. At first glance it seems trivial, but f2 is WB's primary source of cleanse (and only source of team cleanse). Removing a charge of f2 is essentially removing half of WB's cleanse. Harbs will eat Virtues WB alive after patch, MediBender will likely become the new standard. 


    Luckily, FB was buffed (reverted to pre-EOD) and I main FB in pvp so 🥳


    The other changes are trivial--signets will continue to see 0 play, and Strength in Numbers just gives more sporadic dmg reduction instead of constant

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  12. 4 minutes ago, Mell.4873 said:

    I have notices that me along with many other players are dominated high level conquest PvP games with either Untamed(my pick) or Soulbeast.

    I am wondering if anyone else is experiencing this at high gold?

    high gold is not "high level conquest". sicem soulbeast is one of the best pubstompers in the game alongside reaper and DH; they get rarer the higher u go

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  13. 15 minutes ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

    I'm not going to debate the definition of "high access" with you. The point is that guard has Perma resolution (which is broken by itself) while also having access to many other powerful boons. 

    Every class has something unique that other specs can't match.


    Thief has the highest mobility and stealth uptime in the game. Broken spec, pls nerf

    Rev has 2 full utility bars while everyone else has only 1. Broken spec, pls nerf

    Mes can dodge while channeling any skill of their choice. Broken spec, pls nerf

    Ele has a monopoly on auras, and 20 weapon skills instead of 10. Broken spec, pls nerf

    Engi has a monopoly on superspeed, and kits that add 5 weapon skills each. Broken spec, pls nerf

    Warr has the most CC access in the game. Broken spec, pls nerf

    Ranger has pet skills hitting for 7k. Broken spec, pls nerf

    Necro has 3x the health pool of everyone else, on top of 50% dmg reduction. Broken spec, pls nerf

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  14. 16 hours ago, Gerrick.7489 said:

    I've been looking into sPvP lately but I have very little experience and my rank is some sort of timid woodland creature. I'm not a huge fan of pvping in a game without doing my homework and I want to contribute to my team. So what resources are there to learn about sPvP these days, how much should I practice before diving in, and what should I know about Guardian in particular?

    To practice mechanical skill you can just go to the FFA arena and fight everyone there, then invite the ppl u can't beat to a 1v1 server and ask them to help u. Also make sure to learn at least 1 common build from every class, so you know how they work and don't join the lemmings who die to stupidly obvious things and cry "X class broken pls nerf". 

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  15. 7 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

    Run 3-3-3 in radiance instead of 3-2-1 to get might instead of extra burn damage. Or run a might sigil/food. You can swap traits easily but it's not like you're clearing fire shrines all the time.

    Although said build has no sustain in wvw due to the heal skill healing for like nothing.  And with the nerf to the heal again, you pretty much need valor to sustain in a solo scenario.

    I think this build is the best idea but it is more of a sustain thing.



    oof unfortunately that build is no longer viable since EOD patch. FB simply no longer works for wvw roaming, u can only play it in pve/zergs now 😞

  16. Suppose you are fighting a power build. How do you decide when to dodge? Simple: you know which of their skills hit the hardest and dodge those. Most people seem to understand this. 

    Now you are fighting a condi build. What do you do? Most definitely not what you did against power matchups, dear god no. Instead: you facetank everything, realize you're taking damage, panic spam all your dodges, die. 👌

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