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Everything posted by HawkXtream.1538

  1. My Scrying Pool do not have any of those mission, is it because of now Season 1 is playable? If so, what should I do?
  2. I did not have this problem years ago when I played gw2. I come back to this game after few years and realize that the trading post and black lion company is so laggy and delay. Does anyone have the same issue as me?
  3. Since it is impossible to increase LB2 damage for dev (they unlikely to revert what they did previously, when DH was released initially LB 2 can 1 shot glass canon) I would reckon to increase the area of LB2 or decrease CD or remove root. LB5 is a bit suicidal in PvP unless they reduce casting time (like LB 5 for ranger) / remove root. LB 3 if possible, make it travel slower so it has higher chance to block more projectile. Of course, if they can make knockback as base it would be awesome but since dev has no intention to do so since this has been asked for many years and no change has been seen.
  4. Hi all,I found that the equipment template in pvp is shared with pve. I find it difficult to find my weapons since the weapons have been used in pve template. Now I have to unequip my weapons from template in order to used it as my pvp build is different from pve. Will this issue be fixed? Plus all the sigil and runes are not applied in pvp.
  5. Since scepter is nerfed, I think guardian need a proper range weapon and DH is the best elite to suit the theme
  6. Well, have you considered that your mount may be tired and can't fly indefinitely? I guess not, because you only think about yourself. LOL
  7. There are so many thing you can do. I don't like jumping puzzles, but I just do something else.
  8. I end up giving up Ember Bay one. It is not fun at all. And it is impossible to know which way to glide without watching Youtube video guide.
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