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Everything posted by RabbitUp.8294

  1. I would suggest giving Revenant a try, if you own an expansion. You get your fix of GW1 nostalgia, channeling familiar icons of the past, and thematically, it's the love child of Dervish and Ritualist (especially with the Renegade specialization). In general though, classes in GW2 are more flexible and varied than GW1. Sure, the first game has duel classes, but for example, a monk would still be mostly a healer/support, or a warrior wouldn't really become a caster regardless of what your secondary profession was. In GW2, and especially with the addition of elite specs, the same ranger can be a pure dps or a full healer as druid. Mesmer can be a stealthy, agile assassin or a tanky support. So I would say try different classes to see what fits best for you. Just don't get stuck rerolling, get to level 80 first and you start getting tons of tomes and levelling scrolls, so that you don't have to worry about hard levelling your next toon. GW2 makes it extremely easy to have multiple alts.
  2. This. The people that say they were acting "responsibly" show a fundamental misunderstanding of how servers work. And because they don't understand how servers work, all they were trying to do was to protect their accounts by not logging in, not reduce Anet's workload. In case you are wondering, no, neither of those things are true, rollbacks don't affect accounts on an individual basis, whether you logged in or not made no difference to whether your account would be rolled back and you weren't helping anybody by not logging in. And no, anet never told anyone not to log in.
  3. Ventari's Will: Energy cost and healing removed.It should act as a purely repositioning tool without needlessly draining your energy. Natural Harmony: The heal now pulses from both the tablet and the Revenant, but each ally can only be affected by one pulse.This way Rev can heal without the tablet, or utilise the tablet to heal at range. Purifying Essence: Breaks Stun. Energy cost increased to 30. Same as above, the skill pulses from both Revenant and the tablet.EDIT: Alternatively the energy cost stays the same, but you lose an extra 10 energy if you break a stun with this skill. -- Salvation -- Vital BlessingAdded effect: The radius of healing orbs is increased to 180.Generous AbundanceFunctionality change: Create 1 healing orb around yourself when using any Legend skill. Additionally create 2 healing orbs around Ventari's tablet when using a Legendary Centaur skill.Added effect: Healing orbs grant regeneration (3s) to allies affected.Currently, centaur skills create 3 orbs near the tablet. My version keeps the 1 orb near rev, like it works for any other non-centaur legend skill, and creates the other 2 near the tablet. Also, when using Ventari's Will, the orbs should be created at the tablet's destination, not the place where it was before. Finally, it grants Rev some better regen access without the need for Herald.
  4. In all seriousness, I didnt expect a reward/compensation/whatever, nor do i think i am entitled to get one.But giving one to everyone but those who did the right thing is a slap in the face and a really weird move. From what I'Ve seen, the people that claim they did "the right thing" by not playing in order to help the servers are also claiming they would have instantly logged in if they knew about a potential compensation. Raises the question how much goodwill there was to begin with or if people simply didn't want to (rightfully) deal with server issues. Also no, no matter how much you guys want to twist it, if you didn't log in and did something else during that time, you lost nothing. "But I could have played if it wasn't for the server issues". Could have, should have, would have ... the fact is you didn't play. Why should you be compensated for your "time loss", if you were busy playing Overwatch, League, or whatever other game during that time. That said, I do think giving out a mount skin is complete overkill for this short (the servers were offline pretty quickly) inconvenience and they shouldn't have done it. Plus I'm convinced the actual loss of progress/time is almost nonexistent. If people want to waste their time suiciding in LA, that's their problem. There's no need to reward this behaviour. I also think they should extend the SAB event for an additional day since EU players couldn't participate for an entire day. If you make incentives for people to NOT do the right thing, don't be surprised when people DON'T do the right thing.If you were given money for breaking Covid-19 quarantine, there would be people breaking it all the time for the money.What is "the right thing"? Why do you think people that didn't log in during Monday made anet's job any easier?
  5. ...In PvE, but if the Build Editor figures are accurate, in WvW and PvP those numbers are way lower. I also made a mistake with the Firebrand stats: a patch in the second week of March slashed the aegis base heals to 199 in PvP, not sure if the editor adjusted that scale. But yeah, no one seems to run a sage or mender amulet with Revenant in PvP, so I guess doesn't provide much advantage. Both regen and Elder's Respite are the same between game modes, only difference is the duration of Respite's passive proc. Gw2skills, like in-game tooltips, show the total heal value over the whole duration of the boon. You should always divide that number with the duration to calculate heal per second.
  6. Most of Rev's selfish healing scales poorly. On the other hand, their group heal scales nicely and on top of that, Rev can stack some 100%+ outgoing healing.So yes, for a sustain tank build, healing power is mostly wasted. Though, for what it's worth, regen actually scales very well with heal power, and herald can get a 20% modifier for it (and Dwayna runes for another 20%). Basically with Elder's Respite, you are healed by 15% of your heal power per second while you have regen.
  7. This is not true at all. Necromancers are fiction, actual necromancers don't exist and what exactly a necromancer is supposed to do is up to interpretation. GW2's necromancer is just as much a necromancer as one from any other game. This has been their interpretation of the necromancy theme and it still inherents the thematical aspects which are needed to make it a necromancer, being summoning the dead, which is the origin of the word. There is no rule that necromancers have to use the dead in a zergling style, that is just one interpretation how the dead can be used. But using them to fulfill different tasks is just as valid. You are tying rules to a fictional character which don't apply, since it is still fiction. Different interpretations can exist for this. This take might not be how you personally see a necromancer, but it is still a necromancer nonetheless. Not the argument. I've mentioned multiple times that I'm referring to a mechanical identity the necromancer shares accross games. And that this necromancer doesn't have that mechanical identity and as such does not fill that niche. There is no such thing as mechanical identity. There are certain tropes, like for example how rangers tend to have bows because people don't understand what the word ranger means and thus have certain expectation, but classes are meant to cover certain fantasies/theme. The theme of manipulating dark magic and the dead is covered by GW2 necro just fine. The fact that you wish to play a buff/debuff support character from a mechanical standpoint doesn't mean that necro should be the class that fulfils that need because that's what happens on other games. And the role of debuffing in has been codified in this game in the form of non-damaging condition and boon removal. Necro has loads of both of those mechanics, and their support is delivered through life steal and barriers (scourge). Sure, support necro could be better, but the fact that it's not to your liking doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Okay, then how to I play my blood nova build. Or battery? Or orders build? Or Suicide nuker? or MoP build? What about my Zergling build? None of those exist... Could a necromancer fill them? YES! Yes they could. So why haven't they when these are the roles people expect? ALso, again i'm not arguing theme. Let me repeat that for those who haven't been paying attention.I'm not arguing about theme!I know you are not taking about theme, I'm saying that theme is the only thing that matters when you are asking the question whether GW2 has the "necromancer" niche covered. Mechanics are a complete different subject. The fact that one game does things a certain way doesn't mean this game should do the same.
  8. This is not true at all. Necromancers are fiction, actual necromancers don't exist and what exactly a necromancer is supposed to do is up to interpretation. GW2's necromancer is just as much a necromancer as one from any other game. This has been their interpretation of the necromancy theme and it still inherents the thematical aspects which are needed to make it a necromancer, being summoning the dead, which is the origin of the word. There is no rule that necromancers have to use the dead in a zergling style, that is just one interpretation how the dead can be used. But using them to fulfill different tasks is just as valid. You are tying rules to a fictional character which don't apply, since it is still fiction. Different interpretations can exist for this. This take might not be how you personally see a necromancer, but it is still a necromancer nonetheless. Not the argument. I've mentioned multiple times that I'm referring to a mechanical identity the necromancer shares accross games. And that this necromancer doesn't have that mechanical identity and as such does not fill that niche.There is no such thing as mechanical identity. There are certain tropes, like for example how rangers tend to have bows because people don't understand what the word ranger means and thus have certain expectation, but classes are meant to cover certain fantasies/theme. The theme of manipulating dark magic and the dead is covered by GW2 necro just fine. The fact that you wish to play a buff/debuff support character from a mechanical standpoint doesn't mean that necro should be the class that fulfils that need because that's what happens on other games. And the role of debuffing in has been codified in this game in the form of non-damaging condition and boon removal. Necro has loads of both of those mechanics, and their support is delivered through life steal and barriers (scourge). Sure, support necro could be better, but the fact that it's not to your liking doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
  9. My power rene is pretty similar, only I'm not using Roiling Mists (Kalla minor already caps your crit% if you have full end), and I'm also using a shortbow instead of hammer. Runes are also different, I'm using Rune of the Fireworks. For base rev, I was using this build.Currently I'm mostly playing a tanky condi herald. I actually started playing it for PoF for RP reasons (Glint is obvious, and Mallyx was a Nightfall boss and who better to use against Balthazar than an agent of another rogue god?), but it's load of fun and my go-to build when I don't feel like being pressured by spike damage. Edit: A cheaper variantYou can get full dire exotic armour on TP for like 2g, and trinkets for map currency of course, so the only expensive things are 1 Trailblazer mace and the runes, which are ~7-8g each.Edit2: Posted the wrong link for the cheaper variant. You need 1 Sigil of Malice on your mace (8-9g, the last expensive part of the build), and 2 Geomancy on your axe/shield.
  10. This sounds more like something for an elite spec tbh. It also doesn't work with Ventari. It would ruin an entire traitline as a minor. Especially Invocation that is used by so many different builds, you would be now forced to lose an elite to spec into Invo.If it was to be made into a trait, it should be optional.
  11. They are constantly reworking traits and weapons, I'm sure a hammer and/or shortbow mini-rework is much more likely than getting a new ranged weapon for the next elite spec.
  12. Most important question is what content you want a build for? Are you going for endgame stuff (fractals, raids, strikes), or open world/story pve? Snow crows have updates raid build guides, and discretize are the same for fractals. You can safely follow their guides and rotation videos for all things endgame. Note that Renegade is often player as off-support instead of pure dps, focusing on providing perma alacrity, among other things. Now for open world, of course you will be fine playing most builds, but I still feel quality of life is a big factor, especially if you find yourself playing solo a lot. Power is usually the better choice due to its burst nature, as opposed to condi's ramp-up damage. Core rev, herald and renegade can all play power, with Dance of Death for added sustain. But if you want to play condi, I actually prefer condi herald overall, both for the QoL, as well as the fact that you can make a very sturdy build with Trailblazer and Dire gear and Tormenting rune, that can solo most anything while still doing solid condi dps.
  13. It will be used for the same reason it's used now, alacrity and heals.
  14. Rev always had energy costs for weapon skills even before weapon swap. I'm not agreeing with the OP, I'm saying keep the weapon swap and remove the energy costs. Make energy a resource only for utility skills, the opposite of initiative. That's not how early beta rev worked. It's the same for light armour (ele=guard, mesmer=rev, necro=warrior) Only medium armour is different, where there is 1 low Hp and 2 medium. Being "cool and unusual" has nothing to do with it. Hammer is bad because it has been nerfed a hundred times since HoT launched. You can't seriously think that if the hammer was a rifle or a bow it would be better.
  15. Use the same logic with Herald then. Both shield skills heal, one applies prot while the other is a block, the heal skill makes you heal all damage, Facet of Elements applies weakness, Facet of Darkness blinds, Facet of Chaos pulses prot and the active is hard CC. Trait-wise, herald gets increased HP, damage reduction while using upkeeps, better regen. All this comes on top of Jallis and Retribution traits, whereas core thief and engi has less to work with to facilitate the bruiser playstyle their elite specs introduced. Now show me where the dedicated dps elite spec is.
  16. High energy costs are just a low hanging fruit. It makes no difference if you pay 40 energy for a strong skill like Rite of the Great Dwarf or 40 energy to use 3 weapon skills. Those 3 weapon skills other classes get for free and can then weapon swap and use more skills, while Rev has to wait to get their energy back. Glint is very much a crutch for the class, because unless you remove all energy costs from utilities to bring them in-line with Glint, the problem remains the same. There's a huge difference between having your utilities disabled when you are low on energy and having everything besides your auto disabled. The only skills I agree are overcosted are Citadel Orders, especially F3. Having both high energy costs and long cooldowns makes no sense.
  17. The real bandaid is not weapon swap, it's Glint. It's easy to ignore the flaws of the energy system when you have an entire legend with no energy costs. Weapon skills should not have energy costs. Not when their cooldown and powerlevel are comparable to those of the other professions. The whole design of energy seems backwards. Revenant gets 2 sets of 6-0 skills, so a resource system to reel in the spam makes perfect sense. That way, having 2 sets of utilities is more about the versatility and adaptability in the middle of combat, rather than spamming. Yet this is exactly what the system ends up rewarding, by starting you at 50% so you quickly run out and are forced to change, at which point you get an energy reset to spam your fresh new skills.
  18. It may be my error, but this thread is about new Weapons/Utilities for existing Core classes, as opposed to a New class. Upon rereading my title and OP, I see that it comes across as asking about a new class (Personally, I don't know where a new class would fit, what with it unbalancing the armour classes as well as many things being possible as E-Specs, even the above mentioned Wizard which could simply be an E-Spec of Elementalist that forgoes the Elements and instead gets some pure magic-y type stances to use in lieu of Attunements especially given their Arcane skills which are pure non-elemental spells) Yeah, my mind immediately went to "new class". On the actual topic then, I do wish we could get a new core elite skill for each class, like they did with healing skills back in the day. They could even be pve-only if balance was an issue, but having only 3 elites is for me one of the bigger reasons why I don't like playing core (besides rev, of course, which is an entirely different beast).
  19. How can you simultaneously think revenant was a mistake and also want a new class?
  20. Actually I forgot to mention in the post, F2 flips to an "Attack my Target" button, similar to the ones rangers have. As for stealth, besides the strong thematic ties with this profession, I think rev is in the best position to have balanced access to stealth given their design. Not only are revs constraint by energy, but they cannot freely slot a stealth skill like other classes can, it would exist only on a specific legend, and as an upkeep skill, you can't even swap legends without breaking stealth. Case in point here, this elite spec offers you no mobility, so you can't freely disengage like thief and mesmer can, neither do you get abilities that lend themselves to big burst combos.
  21. Power weapon? Yes.DPS weapon? Actually no, in my opinion. A bruiser weapon with some power damage and alot of emphasis on defense would make more sense in my opinion. Looking at the elite specs for all classes, I roughly seperate them in 3 roles.Support (examples: scourge, tempest)DPS (examples: holosmith, reaper)Bruiser (examples: daredevil, scrapper) Revenant has the support and dps roles covered, what is missing is the bruiser role. So I would prefer that revenant gets a weapon that has some built in defensive capabilities. If scourge counts as support, then the same applies to renegade. The whole firebrand, renegade, scourge trifecta were designed to be both support and condi. In that sense, rev has 2 support/hybrid specs, with herald branching towards a bruiser playstyle, and renegade towards condi. What rev truly lacks is a dedicated power dps build.
  22. And remove the cd while out of combat, having to mess with the UI to do that is stupid.
  23. ThemeInvoker adds a more traditionally magical flavour to the Revenant, and a race of mistwalking spellcasters seems like the perfect fit. Also, it's another villain we get to channel (please Anet, not a third hero elite spec in a row). Fitting for a channeler of the Unseen Ones, the spec also grants access to stealth. LegendAs to who the Mursaat legend would be specifically, I'm not sure yet. Lazarus, of course, is the obvious choice, but the fact that you could theoretically channel Lazarus when fighting against Lazarus himself could be a dealbreaker. The other option is Optimus Caliph, who seems to have been an authority figure among the Mursaat. Profession MechanicF2 Jade Construct: You summon a jade construct depending on your current weapon; a melee Jade Armor when you have a ranged weapon, or a ranged Jade Bow when you have a melee weapon. Flips to "Attack my Target". Functions similar to the ranger F2.F3 Only becomes active when you have an active jade construct. You command your construct to deliver an attack: Jade Armor: Deals damage and knocks back foes in an area around the construct.Jade Bow: Shoot a barrage of arrows in a targeted area, applying bleeding and cripple.WeaponMain-hand scepter as a ranged weapon with an emphasis on zone control.Skill 1: A standard projectile, but when it hits a foe, it creates a rift at their location. The rift explodes after a short delay, dealing area damage.Skill 2: Summon a fireblast from the mists that strikes a targeted area dealing damage and applying chill and blind. (Blast Finisher). Stores 2 charges.Skill 3: Create a circle for a few seconds that deals damage every second. Foes that cross the perimeter are inflicted with torment. (Dark Field) SkillsHealing.Similar to Engineer's AED. Lazarus could revive by storing his essence into vessels, so Invoker borrows that same trick to cheat death. Utilities. The utilities are ground-targeted abilities based on the weapons and tools utilised by the Mursaat. Spectral Agony: After a short delay, you deliver an attack in the targeted area. Foes you hit are tethered for a few seconds. The tether pulses every second dealing damage and applying torment, slow and cripple. Janthir's Gaze: You summon the Eye of Janthir in the targeted area for a few seconds to reveal foes and expose their weaknesses. Similar to a well, each pulse applies reveal and vulnerability, and removes specific boons (protection, resistance and aegis). (Light Field)Ether Seal: You place a seal in the targeted area to damage and weaken foes. Same as above, each pulse deals damage and applies weakness. Also, while they remain in the area, enemies take damage each time they gain a boon. (Ethereal Field)Elite.This is the upkeep skill of this legend, and as long as it's active, you are stealthed. You can use it for a maximum of 4 seconds, at which point it automatically detoggles. It also detoggles when you get revealed, or make an attack. In the last case, when you make an attack while stealthed, enemies you hit with that attack are tethered with Spectral Agony.
  24. Good single target damage, good aoe, 200 breakbar damage on a low cooldown (of course, Kalla already laughts at breakbars with Darkrazor's Daring), shortbow is absolutely usable (and one of the best ranged weapons) for open world. Personally, I like playing core rev, but when you don't feel like trying too hard and just want to 11111 stuff to death, is quite potent.For wvw, Herald is just too good.
  25. Also, metabattle is not the best for pve build advice. I suggest snowcrows for raids and discretize for fractals.
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