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Everything posted by RabbitUp.8294

  1. What content are we talking about? In pve, condi dps Renegade does use shortbow.In competitive mode, the problem is not the shortbow, but Kalla in general. Or more specifically, the fact that Glint has no energy costs makes every other elite spec obsolete until Anet decides to revamp the energy system.
  2. If this video means that the Steel Legion make an appearance, then I'm very glad. Forged Steel gave us some of the most fun NPCs in the game. You have the option to play it without VO in 2 weeks, or wait till they update it and play it then. I don't see how forcing everyone to wait would've been preferable.
  3. Wouldn't getting a legend from the future kinda open alot of questions? Revenants are able to communicate with these legends in the mists. If there is a legend from the future, then I would be like "so, why doesn't my revenant simply ask this guy how they defeated the elder dragons?". Usually having characters from the future would just make people question why we don't draw crucial information from them, which makes the whole conflict with the elder dragon anticlimatic. What if it's a memory from the future of another world, without Elder Dragons?The Mists are vast and span many worlds, not just the ones we play on.There are bound to be some worlds without Elder Dragons and nothing suggests our Revenants can only channel memories of our own world.But I doubt Arenanet wants to dare diving too deep into multiverse settings. If it's a legend from another world, then this completely defeats his thematical wish for them to be from the future.Because if it's from another world, it legit doesn't matter for us if they are from the future, present, or past. They can also be from the past, but still having laser weapons simply because their world is just on a much higher technological level.I think the legends Rev channel are little more than magical imprints rather than complete personalities. Otherwise, we could have simply asked Glint to fully explain her legacy, or she could have stopped us from killing Mordremoth before Aurene hatched so she could absorb his magic. That been said, we enter time travel paradox territory here. If you went back and changed significant parts of the past, then the future you are part of would very likely not come to pass. Especially for such a major event as the Elder Dragon conflict. Like for example, we would have done a lot of things differently, starting by getting Aurene's egg before the Master of Peace did, prevented the attack on the Zephyrites, warn Trehearne about the Pact's destruction in the jungle, ignore Mordremoth until Aurene hatched, go after the bloodstone before Balthazar got his hands on it. All those changes could have resulted in an entirely differently future, and unless our future self comes from a dystopia, they would be extremely hesitant risking it all.
  4. Some were already mentioned, so I'll just focus on the rest: Controller from City of Heroes. A very different take on a support class that's more about debilitating your foes through CC and debuffs, instead of buffing your allies. GW2 already has that with conditions, but as it is, they are mostly an afterthought or cover for your damaging conditions. Spellbreaker comes very close to that playstyle, but lacks proper gear support to really shine.Imagine for example a rune/sigil/trait that increased the duration of your non-damaging conditions at the cost of reducing your condi damage. So you could play a support focused on weakens, slows, chills, immob, ect, as well as hard CC, instead of boon spam. Demonology Warlock from WoW. I really enjoyed the feel of the spec, a mix between minionmancer and mage. Instead of having the minions do all the work for you, you use bombastic spells that also produce minions. Just the flavour of calling down an infested meteor that unleashes imps on impact, or using your minions as suicide bombers is something I enjoyed a lot.Necro has a similar thing with the Bone Minions (the small skull rats), and I would love to see an elite spec expand on the concept, so that you could have a small army of them that pop up from your abilities. Reaper has Rise and that's fun, but it needs lots of enemies to work, so it's mostly an open world pve skill. I also like classes that can permanently steal skills from enemies and build around those. Many games have them, though I'm not sure how that could translate to GW2. I guess Thief and Rev short of approach that concept already.
  5. I know this is a guardian support group, but these type of issues know no boundaries and can affect any one of us. Just look at the elementalist traits:Aeromancer's TrainingGeomancer's TrainingPyromancer's Training All using the Greek root words for their respective elements. But then you have this abomination:Aquamancer's TrainingA LATIN root word, sticking out like a sore thumb, a pattern-breaking infection threatening any sane mind. Please change it to "Hydromancer's Training" as soon as possible. Thank you for lending me your ear, or in this case your eyes, in these most troubling of times.
  6. Can we please stop with the obscure GW1 characters? If the average player needs to go wiki surfing to find who that character that appeared in one mission in Gw1 is, it's probably not a successful pick. Especially since gw1 lore is so human-centric. Svanir is an excellent idea. Villainous legends are more interesting imo, and both elite specs have been heroic figures. Svanir is a character that is extremely relevant to the current story, will cover the lack of Norn legends, and offers enough design space for interesting gameplay with his Nornbear abilities. Other Norn figures haven't been very distinct, and would just be an excuse to make a Spirits of the Wild spec, that would both feel generic and invalidate the whole Norn race and their racial skills. I also hope for a non-traditional weapon kit. One distinct feature of Rev was their unorthodox use of weapons, like using mace and axe as caster-ish weapons, hammer as purely ranged, staff as melee. Both elite specs were a lot more traditional, so I'm hoping for some of that lost base rev flavour. Like greatsword could be similar to how Balthazar uses it, having it fly on its own instead of swinging it. Or we could use dagger as a ritualistic weapon, like Necro's https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dark_Pact. Gameplay-wise, I don't think rev really lacks something. Very good support kit with both elite specs offering different options, a good condi dps spec. Power dps needs some help, but that's easy to incorporate to many different concepts. Heavy armour classes don't have access to stealth, and Rev is probably the most fitting option for it, given their whole mist identity. Coming back to Svanir, he could easily be that stealth-based legend, the whole gameplay of his GW1 mission revolved around him hiding in the mists and us having to track him down.
  7. Gw2style has a pretty accurate cosplayhttps://gw2style.com/look.php?id=7431
  8. Are you sure you didn't weapon swap to a non-axe set?I'm in the pvp lobby, at 0 ferocity without Axe Mastery, and it works fine at 0, 1, and 2 axes.
  9. Works fine for me. 120 base, then 120 per axe.
  10. I'm not sure if I would prefer a melee 2h spear or a 1h ranged javelin more. Actually, probably the latter, so I can play spear/shield "paragon".
  11. Then it needs some other form of compensation. It's a pure damage skill that offers no other utility, on a high cooldown and has a condition to even do that damage in the first place. There are many ways they can buff it, reducing the cooldown is the most obvious since it can be split between modes, or they can add some other utility like the boon steal suggested above.
  12. It does work with Mending Might and Might Makes Right. I find it not working with Adrenal Health weird since you have to actively proc it with a burst attack. But to be honest if it worked with all the passive forms of healing then Warrior would be utterly unkillable with them. Still pretty durable with them in the current state though. By passive, I mean heal over time effects, that's the only type of healing that doesn't work. MMR or stuff like life steal work differently.
  13. Well, it's not confirmed to be working as intended, but it's true that it doesn't proc off of any form of passive healing.
  14. Even against enemies that are not using skills, it does exactly the same damage as axe 4, with the same casting time and cooldown. Meanwhile, axe 4 does the same big damage regardless of what the enemy is doing, it can cleave 3 targets and it gives quickness.
  15. Traits are supposed to complement your build, they are not to blame for lack of build depth. I think the issue is with the active portion, the skill themselves. There are weapons that are left to collect dust for years, and the relics of past design that still haunt the current skill system, mainly the concept of "utility" skills taken too literally (warrior is perhaps the worst offender, their core utilities have no offensive skills - I guess Bull's Rush counts for pve only), and elite skills designed like MOBA elite skills with enormous cooldowns. So, that leaves weapons having to carry most of the weight of active combat, and as said above, when specific weapon options are left unchanged, that only reduces build options. For what it's worth, I feel like anet are doing a better job with trait design these days, there have been a lot more cases where a newly-introduced trait has made me want to try a new build, and a lot more competing traits making for tougher choices, while before there were a lot of traitlines with 1 "real" major in each category and 2 fillers.
  16. You get to live that fantasy for a few seconds when you use Rampage. Honestly, I prefer warrior as the "normal guy/gal" instead of an unstoppable juggernaut. What you are describing feels more like the fantasy of Berzerker in particular and I agree that that elite spec could do a better job delivering on that fantasy. Hitting Zerk Mode should be an "oh sh!t" moment for the opponent, a kite-or-die situation, but with the toughness penalty of Zerk Mode, it's more like kite-or-die for the warrior themselves. But fantasy-fulfilment aside, the last line reads like a contradiction, someone who can both take a beating and is also a huge threat sounds like a balancing nightmare. I also don't feel like warrior should be limited to melee range, a warrior is a soldier and soldiers always use the most effective techniques available to them. Historically that meant spears over swords for better reach, bows to wear the opposing army down , then later guns and artillery. The melee-only fantasy seems much closer to guardian who are the noble paladins, knights in shining armour who always fight with honour. And even then DH subverts that trope.
  17. Veterans will use tomes to hit 80 and open some ascended chests/transfer some gear and they are done. Even new players get a lv80 boost.
  18. This is my rev. Used to be a warrior, but I rerolled him; couldn't stand the "cat spinning on ice" animation for axe 5. Dreadnought Spaulders (shoulders)Pit Fighter (chest)Body of Koda (pants)Warband Boots(helm and gloves hidden)
  19. They should just make it so that stow doesn't interrupt animations, but instead queues up behind the current animation.
  20. That other MMOs introduce new classes is hardly a strong argument, it implies that because others do it, it's inherently desirable. There are wow players asking for different specialisations for the existing classes, especially those that are locked into dps for all 3 specs, so they would consider the fact gw2 gets new elite specs each expansion a better deal.
  21. How would a new class be a bigger selling point than e-specs? E-specs not only give me new stuff for the class(es) I play, but also a big reason to revisit the ones I don't. Among 9 of them, I'm bound to find at least one to love, and that was the case for both HoT and PoF. A new class is a hit or miss, that even if I do like, it would require me to stop playing my existing characters. As for new players, how does a new class make a difference? The existing classes would be as new to them as the 10th one. As for PoF only adding mounts, I saw tons of mentions of GW2 in general gaming fora and on reddit simply because how good the execution of mounts was. Nobody is going to discuss an mmo because they added a new class, why would that be noteworthy to a non-player? Then, there's the problem of e-specs for that class. Would anet have to launch the class together with the two e-specs the other classes have and a third for Cantha? If yes, it's a huge amount of work, 33% more e-specs to make on top of designing an entire new class. If no, then how do you make the class not feel extremely shallow and rushed compared to the other 9 and how do you make it diverse enough to have a place in the game's multiple game modes?
  22. How long till someone pretends this somehow adds skill to the game and should thus be preserved?
  23. MMR is in a selfish line though and only works with personal might, so it makes sense. Tactics is focused on support and ally healing, but Mending Might gives yourself all the benefit for supporting others.
  24. Warrior support is fine for wvw, considering it competes with elite specs that are more dedicated to support than Spellbreaker. The weird thing about support warrior is how much selfish support it has. Mending Might does some crazy self-healing in group scenarios, For Great Justice alone heals for 3000 base, before adding Vigorous Shouts. It would make much more sense to have Mending Might heal allies you grant might to, which would increase Warrior's healing capabilities and synergize better with the all the AoE might Tactics provide.
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