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Everything posted by RabbitUp.8294

  1. You use the research salvage kit to salvage any craftable item. It doesn't have have to be something you crafted yourself, just an item that has a corresponding recipe. You can buy stuff on tp, too. Personally, I had a bunch of christmas and halloween food lying around, and I salvaged those.
  2. The rune skill is a a rain of mortal shells, not an engi bomb.
  3. It doesn't end, it transfers from the pet to the ranger. The narration makes it very clear too ("the power of nature flows back and forth between the untamed and their animal companion"). So it's a buff you can swap between yourself and your pet. Now whether it's a hot potato you need to often juggle between the two of you, or strictly a choice of who can get the most benefit out of it remains to be seen.
  4. It seems that it will be a quickness sharing spec. On one hand, quickness and barrier would make it a very good support for raids and fractals, on the other hand, I hope there's something more interesting there, instead of shuffling the same 2-3 support related boons/buffs around.
  5. But that's literally all mirage and alacrigade do, play dps and generate boons at the same time. Mirage doesn't even have to do anything different to a dps build, and alacrigade has to press one whole new button. Only healer builds really don't do dps rotations.
  6. Since when was the Tyrian hero a paragon/monk?
  7. Aren't all boon supports dps builds that splash boons on the side?
  8. The whole point of this discussion is the healing dodge, how are you getting that on herald or renegade? And you are wrong anyway, since vindicator gets 20% more outgoing healing, and more sources of healing. Herald only gets a regen trait, and renegade gets a legend that doesn't work outside of pve and no supportive traits.
  9. Desired in pve. There are other game modes. Also, you can totally take a support herald in raids and hard carry the group, which most pugs should be doing, instead of trying to copy speedrunners and wipping.
  10. Revenant's healing potential is in the % outgoing healing modifiers they can stack. Vindicator can reach like 120% in healing gear, so that 2.3k healing is actually 5k. Every 3-4 seconds.
  11. Currently it feels like they started with a heal skill, but added self-damage to balance it, then added damage reduction to balance the self damage. To the point that the skill moved away from what it was meant to be. I kinda think they should go all the way and make it a channel, so you can't do other actions while "carrying" the urn. With the -10 upkeep cost, you don't want to use other skills anyway, or it will run out in 2 seconds. Reduce the health cost, move the damage reduction, and the missing health scaling gimmick, and have the urn drop be an AoE barrier + regen.
  12. The babyrage is real. It feels like some people in this thread only tried the damage dodge. That one is bad, especially in pve, the other two are fine. That's what you call a bug. The mechanics don't need a rework, they need to work the way they are supposed to. So just like every other class who used all their dodges? Truly insightful. Having two dodges means you start the fight with exactly one (1) more dodge, it doesn't mean you always have a dodge available.
  13. The flip skill to GS 4 (block) feels bugged. Occasionally it starts the animation but nothing happens, no damage, and the skill flips back to the block.
  14. No, it's always 50. Same with Sigil of Stamina, always 100. But weakness affects everyone equally. Vindicator is not like mirage that uses their dodge for a large portion of their damage. Only difference is that vindi start the fight with 1 less dodge, that's it, but as soon as they use F2 once, even that handicap is gone.
  15. What we should focus on are the mechanical aspects of the spec. The damage will have to be seen in practice, and even if it's underperforming in pve, that doesn't mean it won't be buffed/changed. If you pick the 50 endurance dodge, you are fine. You will be able to dodge as often as everyone else, more often if you count all the endurance management tools. You can even double dodge with F2, even though from what we've seen, vindicator's dodge lasts longer and covers more distance by default, so double dodging isn't needed.
  16. We don't know how swapping would, they never showed it on stream. If I had to guess, the skills stay flipped between swaps.
  17. That's not how it works. You can't compare skills when you don't know how much power he had on. Different skills scale differently with power. You can't say that the elite will always do 50% more damage than gs2. If it has a large coefficient like CMC said, then the gap will increase for large amounts of power.
  18. You just countered your own argument. Like you said, CttB has all these other problems that have nothing to do with target scaling. It could give 100 stacks of stability, and it would still be a subpar skill for pve. Skill 2 has 3s cd, you don't need another dps skill.
  19. Pick the bottom Master (vigor gives 75% end regen) Take resolution (minor 25% end regen) Enjoy 100% increased endurance regen
  20. 2k tooltip damage is massive, full zerk build sword 2 is 2k, sword 5 is 2.5k And the auto damage seems on par with sword.
  21. How does the duration matter? You know stability gets consumed like aegis, right? A raid boss like Gorseval does his knockdown attack, use the skill right before.
  22. Those are some chonky autoattacks, and 3s cooldown on skill 2 with that kind of damage? Oh boi
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