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Everything posted by RabbitUp.8294

  1. No, you won't, you will be competing based on dps. Again you are focusing on the utility supports bring. So far we saw two new quickness supports in EoD. If a team would want to replace FB with one of them, it makes it a lot easier if a dps spec brings 5 condi cleanse and stability.
  2. Spellbreaker literally changed wvw, it was the repeated nerfs to the spec and core warrior that made it disappear from all game modes.
  3. Warrior loses a weapon set, revenant loses a dodge. It's ele that didn't have a trade off.
  4. Who said anything about replacing FB? You are playing as a dps that can also share stability for free. It's part of the legend your were going to use anyway. You are judging this as a support spec, I'm talking dps. If you want to share boons, you have herald for defense and renegade for offense. It can play similar to scourge, a mainly dps class that still has group utility. As for the dodge, you are not going to purposefully dodge spam, but in real fights and not golem rotations, you will have to dodge eventually and when you do, you will help your team. The only other option is to take the 150 endurance dodge that gives a damage buff, but that's 15% damage and the animation seemed the longest of the three, so I don't think it will make sense to try to maintain that buff. Anyway, no point in trying to theorise the damage potential without access to the spec.
  5. Core legends get a different F2 that's basically just the energy into endurance transfer.
  6. What do reaper shouts have to do with any of this? The only scaling on those are on Rise and the cd reduction on the trait. Also, you mention GS and Meteor Shower. The problem with staff is that Meteor Shower and Lava Font is all it was good for. Vin greatsword has a lot more going for it. Just wait for the beta and the benchmarks, no point discussing theoretical pve dps based on the stream.
  7. I saw some pretty good stuff in the kit, even for a dps. Sharing stability to allies is great for certain mechanics, and you get it for free without having to go into Jalis. You also get a 3500 aoe heal which is nice, the support dodge is very good and it only costs 50, so everytime you dodge you give heals+barrier.
  8. If you are on a core legend, then you get to exchange 25 energy for 50 endurance.
  9. Ok enemy clarity is one thing, but our own endurance should be easier to read. 3 different dodges with different costs and many endurance recovery options, no reason why they can't display the 50 endurance segments.
  10. Ok, I went back and rewatched, Alliance gives 2 evades on utility skill, the resistance + backwards dodge shown in the trailer is one, then the AoE heal+cleanse on Viktor says it's a 1s evade. Combined with the endurance gain, it seems the spec has pretty solid defenses. As for the Urn, as I said before, it looked weak, but it heals for 700/sec with no heal gear, and gives you 50% damage reduction and 50% movement speed. It's hard to evaluate tbh. But the actual urn drop seems weak. It heals as much as a single tick and yes it gives some boons, but nothing too spectacular. I really think it should be a barrier instead, it makes sense, you heal your allies with the upkeep then drop the urn to top them up with a barrier and boons. Whereas the heal would be mostly wasted, unless you double tap the skill.
  11. It's about 3500 heal on a 10s cd. The Arch version can heal for more based on targets, while Viktor is AoE. Seems good to me.
  12. I don't think it will be that limiting. Rev doesn't want to camp a legend for long anyway, which means that you will access the Alliance every 20seconds, which lines up with the F2. So, you can use all your skills and flip them, then either use them again or keep them flipped for when you return to the legend. Worse case scenario, you just burn a skill just to flip it, the cooldowns looked short enough that it felt like it would allow that, less punishing than glint skills for example.
  13. This is a problem I noticed in the stream, the dodge mechanic feels hard to read for both the rev player and their opponents in pvp/wvw. All 3 GMs change the cost (150, 100, 50), but the endurance bar stays exactly the same, and unless I'm mistaken so does the visual. So the rev player has to remember what GM they chose and the opponent will have to pay extra attention to notice whether their rev opponent got a buff or a barrier to identify what dodge they are using. And it's pretty significant, knowing that one type of dodge takes 3 times as long to rechange as another completely changes how one should approach the fight. For the rev player, I think the interface should inticate the 50 points segments, maybe put small dots instead of vertical lines. So you know based on the number of segments what dodge you are using and how much it will take to recharge. For the opponent, there should be more more visual variation between the dodges. Like make the offensive one purely orange, the defensive one purely blue, and the mixed one will use the current design with both colours.
  14. Loved everything I saw, maybe the Viktor elite feels a bit weak considering the health cost. But that animation was gorgeous. Also good job on the sound design.
  15. Impact Savant is a remnant of the multiple identity changes of scrapper. I won't argue that scrapper was not launched as a support spec. It was advertised as a bruiser spec, and Impact Savant was not even there. Instead you had more stun/daze duration, which doesn't say power dps, but a focus on lockdown. Then they started adding tradeoffs to elite specs and scrapper got reduced vitality in exchange for constant barriers, to further promote the bruiser playstyle. It was the gyro into wells rework and the quickness changes that finally established the support identity. Also, Purity of Purpose has been in the game for quite a while. It wasn't until the scrapper changes that all the pieces clicked together and you could make a proper build out of it.
  16. The shout was orange, so maybe it was just an Archemorus skill (probably some might stacking/dmg buff), and then dodged right after.
  17. Firebrand uses aspects of the core class to support, too. I don't see why you would consider that a bad thing. Scrapper wells are excellent support skills, one minor trait doesn't change that. Otherwise, you would see support holo just as much if it was purely a core engi thing.
  18. But scrapper has been a meta support in wvw, and quickness support is good in pve but overshadowed by the absurdity that is FB.
  19. The last couple of pages have been discussion about the press release. You can read said press release here btw.
  20. It really seems like the skydive at the end is the new dodge, it's the only one shown that "allows free movement", all others were linear dashes/dodges from A to B. Also, knowing the context of the press release, I think we can identify a legend skill. At 0:17, he dashes and puches the ground in a cone with an orange effect (orange=Archemorus). He doesn't hold a GS in that animation, so it's not a weapon skill. Then at 0:32 he does a blue cone attack (blue=Viktor) and dodges backward, so the exact opposite of the above, so this looks to be the flip skill.
  21. I wouldn't call FB a healer spec, it was part of the trio of FB, rene and scourge that were half condi dps half support. Only druid so far has been a pure heal support spec. Tempest is another one nowadays, but it launched as a dps spec. Chrono was also dedicated support but not a heal one. To be fair, I don't think they'll ever do another druid because druid itself is already problematic with all the different buffs it brings to justify its existence. I would rather see some change to spirits and/or spotter first to open some room for another healer spec, since there are already good options that don't see play.
  22. Superior Sigil of Stamina - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) With the buffs to on-kill effect, this seems like it will be the best way to play Vindicator in pve.
  23. Mallyx is a stand-in for Abaddon, plain and simple. He was the second in command, it would be like getting a Shatterer/Tequatl/etc legend. Revenant channels these legends to fight, not to build a fan club. You don't channel Shiro because you admire his achievements, you do so because he's strong and you want his power. I really don't understand this obsession with achievements and impact in history. Again, this is not a hall of fame. There are figures that had significant impact on history, but they have no fighting prowess, and thus would make terrible picks for revenant legends
  24. The problem is not recycling animations, it's that weapons in general are taken away when you perform utility animations because they are not rigged for it. Like, how would you hold mace/axe to perform the animation shown in the trailer? If it was a utility/heal skill, it would use either Guardian's Shelter animation, or the Daredevil animation from their own block utility.
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