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Posts posted by RabbitUp.8294

  1. 5 minutes ago, Heinel.6548 said:


    Like it or not you will be competing with classes that brings more utility with little compromise in any group setting and will be discriminated against accordingly.

    No, you won't, you will be competing based on dps. Again you are focusing on the utility supports bring.

    So far we saw two new quickness supports in EoD. If a team would want to replace FB with one of them, it makes it a lot easier if a dps spec brings 5 condi cleanse and stability.

  2. 1 hour ago, Drael.2015 said:

    Look at spellbreaker. Launched to very little fanfare and it never really made it in any game modes. How often do you see people playing that class? WB is going to be dead on arrival without big changes and Anet haven't shown much attention to fixing old specs in the past. I don't have high hopes for much changing.

    Spellbreaker literally changed wvw, it was the repeated nerfs to the spec and core warrior that made it disappear from all game modes.


  3. 5 hours ago, Poledra Val.1490 said:

    Anyone else notice today how Willbender has the most trade offs in its traits so far. Meanwhile the new 3 specs we saw revealed today didnt have a single trade off in there traits.

    Warrior loses a weapon set, revenant loses a dodge.

    It's ele that didn't have a trade off.

  4. 1 hour ago, Heinel.6548 said:


    Nope. merely having stab share is not going to allow you to replace an FB, who can already 10man stab plus a never ending list of other utilities plus heals. You are also going to significantly reduce your own damage potential if you bring the heal dodge and use it often, as the animation is super long and you are not doing damage while it happens, so you are doing downstate DPS for significant amount of time. At that point you are just trying to do both and failing at both.


    High healing output means nothing at high level pve.


    The reason FB and druid can't be replaced isn't because they have amazing healing output. In fact both of them are quite below anything a tempest or ventari rev can do. But healing is really the least of what they do anyway. If you have actually raided, you'll know the druid build for raiding isn't a build at all. Their traits and skills change drastically from encounter to encounter and they can cover every mechanic in the game. Those are mechanics you can't simply heal away. That's why they're always there. FB is in the meta because they are multiple roles combined into one. Every raid group has a list of things they require to succeed, and when one person can check half the boxes, it gives you options, it allows you to carry the group. Vindicators at it's current iteration doesn't have any tools that would allow them to challenge any of the incumbents. Heck, even banner warriors provide unique buff that no other class can provide, cementing them a spot regardless of what happens. And you know what's worse? Vindicators can't even compete with renegades who can provide 10man alacrity allowing a bit of role compression.


    I sure hope they can do something amazing in the other game modes, or it's a dead spec on arrival.


    Who said anything about replacing FB? You are playing as a dps that can also share stability for free. It's part of the legend your were going to use anyway.

    You are judging this as a support spec, I'm talking dps. If you want to share boons, you have herald for defense and renegade for offense.

    It can play similar to scourge, a mainly dps class that still has group utility. As for the dodge, you are not going to purposefully dodge spam, but in real fights and not golem rotations, you will have to dodge eventually and when you do, you will help your team. The only other option is to take the 150 endurance dodge that gives a damage buff, but that's 15% damage and the animation seemed the longest of the three, so I don't think it will make sense to try to maintain that buff.

    Anyway, no point in trying to theorise the damage potential without access to the spec.

    • Like 1
  5. What do reaper shouts have to do with any of this? The only scaling on those are on Rise and the cd reduction on the trait.

    Also, you mention GS and Meteor Shower. The problem with staff is that Meteor Shower and Lava Font is all it was good for. Vin greatsword has a lot more going for it.

    Just wait for the beta and the benchmarks, no point discussing theoretical pve dps based on the stream.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  6. 36 minutes ago, Heinel.6548 said:

    It looks like the build should function decently as cleave power DPS which currently feels a void in the revenant toolkit. But the support stuff that is tagged on to the spec seems out of place and to be frank, not very useful. Yeah, the potential healing output is ridiculous, but that's not anything ventari can't already do. Another massive heals little utility spec isn't gonna give revenants a place in the support line up. So, why even have those redundant skills that require the player to press a button to shoo away just to do their DPS rotation?

    I saw some pretty good stuff in the kit, even for a dps. Sharing stability to allies is great for certain mechanics, and you get it for free without having to go into Jalis. You also get a 3500 aoe heal which is nice, the support dodge is very good and it only costs 50, so everytime you dodge you give heals+barrier. 

  7. 58 minutes ago, ScottBroChill.3254 said:

    does the new profession mechanic with the flip only work with the new legend(s)? if so that's kinda a big pidgeonhold on build diversity forcing you to take the new legend when playing the spec. 

    If you are on a core legend, then you get to exchange 25 energy for 50 endurance.

    • Like 1
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  8. Ok, I went back and rewatched, Alliance gives 2 evades on utility skill, the resistance + backwards dodge shown in the trailer is one, then the AoE heal+cleanse on Viktor says it's a 1s evade. Combined with the endurance gain, it seems the spec has pretty solid defenses.

    As for the Urn, as I said before, it looked weak, but it heals for 700/sec with no heal gear, and gives you 50% damage reduction and 50% movement speed. It's hard to evaluate tbh. But the actual urn drop seems weak. It heals as much as a single tick and yes it gives some boons, but nothing too spectacular. I really think it should be a barrier instead, it makes sense, you heal your allies with the upkeep then drop the urn to top them up with a barrier and boons. Whereas the heal would be mostly wasted, unless you double tap the skill.

  9. 29 minutes ago, ens.9854 said:

    Another legend with a weak heal is a bit of a worry for pvp modes. Very difficult to pair with shiro. Might be forced into dodge heal with +100% endurance regen (food or trait), and using f2 for condi cleansing (to get to the real heal skill). Which... feeds back into staff stall gameplay, hurray. Stock up on energy sigils now. Greatsword dash and block may or may not provide enough relief with the hopefully reasonably costed stunbreaks...

    It's about 3500 heal on a 10s cd. The Arch version can heal for more based on targets, while Viktor is AoE. Seems good to me.

    • Like 1
  10. 9 minutes ago, covahlam.6391 said:

    I'm curious to see if anyone can make the alliance legend work in pvp given the limited stats from amulets and the flip over lockout mechanic. Things like protection and stability are always useful but some of the other supportive mechanics may be hard to use effectively on an offensive build. On the flipside (sorry), being locked into the archemorus skills for a time is rough on a more supportive build.


    In a way vindicator is a lot like druid in the way it oscillates between being totally defensive/supportive and offensive, which has not always worked very well. At least vindicator retains its weapon skills at all times and offers more than just healing, though.

    I don't think it will be that limiting. 

    Rev doesn't want to camp a legend for long anyway, which means that you will access the Alliance every 20seconds, which lines up with the F2. So, you can use all your skills and flip them, then either use them again or keep them flipped for when you return to the legend.

    Worse case scenario, you just burn a skill just to flip it, the cooldowns looked short enough that it felt like it would allow that, less punishing than glint skills for example.

    • Thanks 2
  11. This is a problem I noticed in the stream, the dodge mechanic feels hard to read for both the rev player and their opponents in pvp/wvw.

    All 3 GMs change the cost (150, 100, 50), but the endurance bar stays exactly the same, and unless I'm mistaken so does the visual. So the rev player has to remember what GM they chose and the opponent will have to pay extra attention to notice whether their rev opponent got a buff or a barrier to identify what dodge they are using. And it's pretty significant, knowing that one type of dodge takes 3 times as long to rechange as another completely changes how one should approach the fight.


    For the rev player, I think the interface should inticate the 50 points segments, maybe put small dots instead of vertical lines. So you know based on the number of segments what dodge you are using and how much it will take to recharge.

    For the opponent, there should be more more visual variation between the dodges. Like make the offensive one purely orange, the defensive one purely blue, and the mixed one will use the current design with both colours.

  12. 2 hours ago, ThrakathNar.4537 said:

    You're also missing the point with Impact Savant, the design is what is important. If you were shown that trait alone, and told it was a mandatory part of the traitline, what would be your guess as to the role of the spec? Because without a doubt it is meant to be Power DPS. You are rewarded for playing the traitline as Power DPS, and punished for playing the traitline as anything else, if that doesn't tell you how Scrapper was clearly meant to be played, then I don't know what to say.

    Impact Savant is a remnant of the multiple identity changes of scrapper. I won't argue that scrapper was not launched as a support spec. It was advertised as a bruiser spec, and Impact Savant was not even there. Instead you had more stun/daze duration, which doesn't say power dps, but a focus on lockdown.

    Then they started adding tradeoffs to elite specs and scrapper got reduced vitality in exchange for constant barriers, to further promote the bruiser playstyle. It was the gyro into wells rework and the quickness changes that finally established the support identity.

    Also, Purity of Purpose has been in the game for quite a while. It wasn't until the scrapper changes that all the pieces clicked together and you could make a proper build out of it.

  13. 1 hour ago, GrayHawk.7560 said:

    Yeh that definitely looksike the flip.  Though if the Dragoon dive isn't the dodge (I agree with the free movement but the shout windup may be slow for a dodge) it could be the flip over of the blue evade that gives resistance.  

    Actually getting really excited for this spec now.  Seems like it will have a really good push and pull feel with the new mechanic.


    The shout was orange, so maybe it was just an Archemorus skill (probably some might stacking/dmg buff), and then dodged right after.

    • Like 1
  14. 4 minutes ago, ThrakathNar.4537 said:

    That is what ANet think yes, but it's misleading as to what the facts of the matter are.


    Firstly, quickness scrapper was only created in May of this year, so from 2015 to May 2021, that just wasn't a build. The only quickness share engineer had was the toss elixir U (a core skill, worth pointing out), and that was changed to be AoE superspeed later anyway.


    Anyway, the reason why Scrapper is used as a support is not because Scrapper is a support, it's because Scrapper provides unique utility while utilising the core supportive power of Engineer. All of the actual support power on the build comes from core skills and utilities. Just try playing support Scrapper without medkit or purity of purpose, you will not provide any healing or any boons, and it would probably be more useful to bring a Druid for healing. However, what scrapper does bring that core cannot is AoE superspeed and stealth. It's really important to note that this utility could be provided by a DPS scrapper instead, but because of role compression you want your healer to do as many things as possible.


    Also, if Scrapper is a support, how do you explain Impact Savant? You know, the minor grandmaster trait that you're forced into when taking the traitline:

    "A percentage of the strike damage you deal is converted into barrier. Your vitality is reduced. "

    If you play Scrapper as a support, this is just a nerf. If you play Scrapper as a Power DPS, this is a huge buff and makes you immortal in PvE.

    Comparing this to the same slot on Druid and Firebrand respectively:

    "Increase outgoing healing to other allies whenever you heal an ally besides yourself." (Obviously a support spec)

    "Gain increased attributes while affected by quickness. " (This buffs vitality, condition damage, and healing power, it's clearly giving the option to play a healer)


    If they want to make Scrapper into a support that's fine, but they need to do a significant rework to the entire traitline so that it's actually built to, you know, support.

    Firebrand uses aspects of the core class to support, too. I don't see why you would consider that a bad thing.

    Scrapper wells are excellent support skills, one minor trait doesn't change that. Otherwise, you would see support holo just as much if it was purely a core engi thing.

    • Like 1
  15. 3 hours ago, ThrakathNar.4537 said:

    Are you sure there's no way they would do it? Because I think there's a worryingly high chance that they might. The core thief traitlines don't support a healer playstyle at all (the only way to do it is just to spam shadowsteps on people to heal them lol), but ANet have shown already with some of the new specs that they don't care/don't know enough to make something that's designed to work well with core, so there is a really high risk that they create something that no one will ever use (unless core gets reworked to provide more reliable group healing).


    To be fair though, I don't think thief is the only class that ANet doesn't understand. Their attempts to try and force Scrapper to be a support, and the comments made surrounding that suggest they are unaware that Scrapper punishes you for playing anything other than Power DPS on it (because of impact savant) imply to me that they're not going to give Engineer a support-y spec, but who knows.

    But scrapper has been a meta support in wvw, and quickness support is good in pve but overshadowed by the absurdity that is FB. 

    • Like 1
  16. 39 minutes ago, zealex.9410 said:

    Whats the name of the thread? If its the meet the vindicator main thread then i cba digging through 8 pages of feedbak to find talk on the new info.

    The last couple of pages have been discussion about the press release. You can read said press release here btw.

  17. Quote

    First off, the baseline changes for this specialization: vindicators have had their dodge ability modified so that it can only be used at maximum endurance, but in turn it allows them free movement while it's active and triggers a powerful effect when it ends. 

    It really seems like the skydive at the end is the new dodge, it's the only one shown that "allows free movement", all others were linear dashes/dodges from A to B.

    Also, knowing the context of the press release, I think we can identify a legend skill. At 0:17, he dashes and puches the ground in a cone with an orange effect (orange=Archemorus). He doesn't hold a GS in that animation, so it's not a weapon skill. Then at 0:32 he does a blue cone attack (blue=Viktor) and dodges backward, so the exact opposite of the above, so this looks to be the flip skill.

    • Like 1
  18. I wouldn't call FB a healer spec, it was part of the trio of FB, rene and scourge that were half condi dps half support. 

    Only druid so far has been a pure heal support spec. Tempest is another one nowadays, but it launched as a dps spec. Chrono was also dedicated support but not a heal one.

    To be fair, I don't think they'll ever do another druid because druid itself is already problematic with all the different buffs it brings to justify its existence. I would rather see some change to spirits and/or spotter first to open some room for another healer spec, since there are already good options that don't see play.

    • Like 1
  19. On 9/15/2021 at 6:41 AM, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

    Except again, they're not. That's like dumping every single one of us Asians under the "Eurasian" term just because we happened to be part of the greater Eurasia. That's not how the game has portrayed Luxons and Kurzicks. 

    That is about as bad as saying that Chinatown, London suddenly makes UK Asian. No, of course it doesn't, that's a singular country, Cantha is inspired by a transcontinental concept which was the whole point of the region. 

    It really isn't, I could drop all of the official Guidebook information to showcase how wrong this statement is, but that's a textwall and a half, I feel like I've done enough textwalling for today so I'll leave it as is. 

    Again, it's very little considering Ventari and Mallyx's presence. In fact, they can't really drop it any lower with Mallyx since ANet never even expanded upon Mallyx's overall lore, he's literally only a Legend because of his mission in The Ebony Citadel of Mallyx, that's it. 

    Mallyx is a stand-in for Abaddon, plain and simple. He was the second in command, it would be like getting a Shatterer/Tequatl/etc legend.

    Revenant channels these legends to fight, not to build a fan club. You don't channel Shiro because you admire his achievements, you do so because he's strong and you want his power. I really don't understand this obsession with achievements and impact in history. Again, this is not a hall of fame. There are figures that had significant impact on history, but they have no fighting prowess, and thus would make terrible picks for revenant legends

    • Like 1
  20. 58 minutes ago, Shao.7236 said:

    Also recycling animations with different intend is nothing new. Because of how similar it looks to the healing effect, I won't be convinced until I see it.

    The problem is not recycling animations, it's that weapons in general are taken away when you perform utility animations because they are not rigged for it. Like, how would you hold mace/axe to perform the animation shown in the trailer?

    If it was a utility/heal skill, it would use either Guardian's Shelter animation, or the Daredevil animation from their own block utility.

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