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Posts posted by Taobella.6597

  1. @Aeolus.3615 said:@Yasai.3549 Playing rev on ministrels if one is not the comander is a huge mistake and waste of potential, there are far better stats for non comanding.

    @Taobella.6597 It must be a condi support build for large gameplay?Condi and support i would play something like this:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmwAkeZlhQHsIyhJRNMI6hBSfMBKgDtS/7E-zVJYvRHfpkTBkZIkeE0RC49hQAtTNYNN4BD-w

    Alacrity, resistance and pulling conditions from alies, and stability, with some condi apliance on mace and axe. :\

    way i been running it is for fight guild around 20 i mostly use it for spam pulling or alittle boon stripping whatever we need xD

  2. @Yasai.3549 said:TL:DR : Go full Bunker or go full Condi.

    I know what yu are trying to do with this build but frankly speaking, it's really reallllly bad. (Because I have tried it myself)

    Let's address what yu are doing with the stats : As someone has already mentioned, the 400 healing power makes no sense and in fact, it is a wasted stat.

    Now let's look at yur trait combinations.

    Right off the bat I can tell that yu trying to make a pseudo mega sustain frontliner by combining Steadfast Rejuvenation, Fiendish Tenacity and Elevated Compassion while taking less damage through Hardening Persistence.

    Mace has garbage Condi application especially in a Zerg v Zerg setting, and Shield is gonna serve yu even less when yu are forced to use it to heal, which further defeats the point of all the trait combinations picked specifically to sustain.

    Also all these traits do not scale extremely well with mediocre Healing Power (In fact, almost every single passive heal type trait in competitive is absolute trash right now with mediocre Healing Power)

    Now what if yu wanna play as a full bunker with Minstrels?Being an unkillable boon bot is cool but yu can't really heal anyone without totally dropping yur sustain set up.

    What if yu went full condi?Then yu shouldn't be wasting yur time with a Shield and Elevated Compassion or Hardening Persistence.

    The only realistic thing which I can see coming out of this is if yu just turned yurself into a Condi reflect bot, eat bucketloads of Burning or Bleed stacks from Siege, and hopefully True Nature some fool behind the gate.

    Thank you for honest input : )

  3. these generally classes you see top of dps chart.power reaper is probably top dps if it always has 5 target to hit in melee range.engi bomb kit alot easier to hit because all skill spamablespin warrior super easy to land arc diver aoe is giantrev hammer + dwarf is crazy dps on impact

    guardian you only see there if fight less then 30 seconds an your fighting a group with little to no con removal.

  4. @aspirine.6852 said:

    @Taobella.6597 said:any class can run away if you know how to play it.

    rev has shino to teleport awayengi has stealth an super speed to run awaynerco have wurm and spec walkwarrior have a bunch of leap skillguardian have teleportranger have a bunch of leaps and stealth

    Necro :D Yeah they are known for getting away during roaming......

    Hey now i did not say it was a good plan but a plan is better then no plan :skull:

  5. @Svarty.8019 said:

    @Taobella.6597 said:any class can run away if you know how to play it.

    rev has shino to teleport awayengi has stealth an super speed to run awaynerco have wurm and spec walkwarrior have a bunch of leap skillguardian have teleportranger have a bunch of leaps and stealth

    This is rubbish. How can 7+ people agree with it?

    Guardian and Shiro can only teleport towards enemies (there isn't always a rabbit nearby).Necro can't use Spectral Walk to escape unless they've planned it and it's on very short duration.Ranger is the only one I agree with and that's probably that cheesy boonbeast thing that's supposedly been nerfed.Ele can mistform once while alive and once while dying, but mostly they can blink, heal themselves, cleanse themselves, to everything themselves, but they have to use incredible piano powers to do so, that's why most of them don't.Engi is probably in the same boat as ele, the ganking classes (ele, engi, mes, thief) seem quite similar: lots of skill required but if you can use them, you're godlike.

    oh you are right i missed ele most ele use greatsword to run away.

  6. @ferbz.6987 said:

    @Taobella.6597 said:probably just dodge you can dodge forever on thief in WvW. if you are built for it

    Don't exaggerate, can we dodge a lot yes, forever, idk if so I want that cool aid. Nerf thief!

    do not misunderstand what i am saying just because you can dodge almost forever does not mean you are evaing all damage.

  7. @acidic.4356 said:

    @Taobella.6597 said:i been playing torment rev myself for last month not meta build kinda my own version on it i found the thing i struggle the most is with classes that just have a lot of movement speed an range.maybe i am just bad but that my thoughts on it :D.

    ye sure, thief being the worst to catch ofc, and obv rangers are quite mobile, even eles have decent escape, i guess it depends where u fight them, and how good they are ofc, los is a powerful tool at your disposal, so u maybe wanna head in those directions, and the leap on demon very useful to ya to. but ye i agree with what ya said, gotta remember some ppl build to be exactly that... uncatchable, able to get away if needed..

    i agree position matter i just giving my insight in to what i lose to on that build :) to help everyone

  8. i been playing torment rev myself for last month not meta build kinda my own version on it i found the thing i struggle the most is with classes that just have a lot of movement speed an range.maybe i am just bad but that my thoughts on it :D.

  9. @avey.4201 said:

    @Comus.7365 said:not sure why people find the idea so offensive. from what i remember in spvp you pick your weapons and the stats you desire for your build and you're ready to go.in what way does that become a negative? i even saw someone say it would be bad for build diversity. how?

    The pvp stat amulets are locked into specific combinations, people in WvW like to use multiple different stats combinations on seperate gear pieces and min/max them for more build variety. It's more fun than just picking 1 trinket with all stats imo. So the build diversity thing is mostly about reducing the amount of player input on your stats. Double if they decide to remove pve runes/sigils and opt to use the pvp ones.

    There's a case to be made for ease of entry for new players but imo it's too late to change to something like the amulet system now that people have invested all their time and gold into obtaining gear/infusions for wvw. Also anet is working on the legendary armory/template thing which basically accomplishes the same as long as you spend the gold to obtain full legendary gear. I don't see them launching that and then going to pvp system.

    But yeah this topic has been brought up dozens of times and always goes the same direction, nowhere.

    I think some people are over reacting because they think the system would just be a full copy of the pvp system, basically what's available for stats and runes and sigils, leaving out some stuff like bunker stats (which some people want removed anyways so that would be a plus for them).

    I think they would implement the system switchable like pvp but with full slots and not just an amulet, while keeping all the pve stats available, even as broken as some combinations might be. It's something in the back of anets minds anyways, to maybe get something of a hybrid system, to make it easier to switch and test builds. Raymond mentioned just leaving it to legendaries doesn't feel right.

    But they know players don't want a full on pvp system in place.

    then, what would be the purpose of legendary?if I can start off deleting gear from my character with full legendary, and he's left standing naked, shows how naked/empty the game would be.

    Legendary gear is fine. allow you pick each piece but if you make it 1 large amulet that remove all build option.

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