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Everything posted by Tayga.3192

  1. HoT and PoF hero points give 10 HP each btw
  2. How to win vs reaper+tempest duo 1) get tempest2) get holo3) get asura arena4) split them and pressure tempest, while you and your teammate ccs reaper when a peel is needed (shocking aura)5) constantly run around in circles, following tempest Congratulations, you won.
  3. Melee core ele is also fine, no? Though very hard to play
  4. Almost all classes can cleave clones very fast, even in pvp.
  5. The problem with reaper (necro in general) is its teammate. If it's a reaper + tempest duo, the tempest can peel + cc + immob so you can't kite. Otherwise reaper by itself is not the strongest thing ever, it just benefits a lot more from having a teammate.
  6. Idk why you think I am bronze but sure let's assume I am. (trying to fall to bronze for you though, playing mesmer + thief in 2v2) I am not the person who noticed "Chill is strong". Oh and, resistance is also pretty strong just because resistance runes exist. Otherwise it's fine. Chill would be fine if it didn't slow recharge by 66% (stronger than another rare boon, alacrity) on top of giving movement reduction. I have no idea why I keep replying to you, I should just stop using forums.
  7. In open world (if you can stay alive in HoT maps by yourself) you can play anything you want. For instanced pve (fractals) ele is pretty good but weaver rotation is, not gonna lie, pretty hard. Otherwise it's definitely viable. For pvp, ele is mostly about positioning/kiting/dodging so it's harder than most classes (not the hardest). In general, ele is a hard but extremely rewarding class.
  8. Condi core necro is not a meme, while pthief is better than cthief.Core guard is a meme though. What do you mean by cc? Soft cc + hard cc or just hard ccs?
  9. It's there for various reasons 1) A counter to oneshot builds, thanks to downstate you can't stealth -> approach a group (2-3 ppl) -> kill 1 -> leave2) To promote outrotating instead of kills
  10. You know if you attack the downed and poison them the glyph won't work, right?
  11. Guard or necro, maybe rev I play tempest with a warrior duo, the problem is holo. Warrior can't peel for me because of blinds and I have to run all match, leaving the warr supportless. It's definitely winnable by ccing holo but if the other opponent is guard or necro, they can easily peel us from holo.
  12. Remember when you couldn't stomp revenants because slow affected stomping?
  13. https://www.godsofpvp.net/builds/necromancer-reaper
  14. Nerf the chill condition (not its application) and reaper will be fine. Except spinal shivers, that skill does 5-6k casually from range.
  15. I see more holos than fb+renegade combined, also lots of tempests and weavers. Actually, it's mostly ele + necro and some holo.
  16. You can basically delete a crev by existing as a domination condi mirage.
  17. New players -> more income + more feedback-> more content and shorter lfg times
  18. Exactly, I check when someone complains about cc. Everytime they are 1vX.
  19. Depending on numbers, this could be a very good idea or an extremely bad one. Honestly I can't see anet taking that risk, they would rather ship new especs and call it a day as it affects all game modes.
  20. This is a nice timeline. I believe there should be solo queue and premade queue (instead of ATs). Premade queue should always stay and act like a better replacement for ATs. Monthly AT should still stay, but you gain QP by queueing premade conquest. QPs still reset every month of course. Solo queue can act like current ranked. It could still have the season system with "1 normal season and 1 mini season". Normal seasons could only accept solo queue but mini seasons should DEFINITELY accept full premade. This way you don't spread players too thin.
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