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Posts posted by Fang.8291

  1. 21 hours ago, Kalavier.1097 said:

    You mean, having the world change because it's 250 years later with several nations destroyed and other emerging?

    That is not what I mean, but I simply do not care anymore to elaborate. As long as Guild Wars 2 writing gives me some bread crumbs and there are some writers that understand where I am coming from when I say that Guild Wars 2 desperately tries to walk away from what made this franchise great I am good with any story they write until any trace of the original game is gone, forgotten and this franchise is just another random fantasy setting with a dragon.

    • Like 1
  2. The Removal of the AoE Indicator on Spectre Shroud Skill 5 "Mind Shock" makes the blast component of the skill 

    unnecessarily hard to use in situations where you want to line them up with Pistol 5 "Black Powder".

  3. The Removal of the AoE Indicator on Spectre Shroud Skill 5 "Mind Shock" makes the blast component of the skill 

    unnecessarily hard to use in situations where you want to line them up with Pistol 5 "Black Powder".

    • Like 1
  4. The Removal of the AoE Indicator on Spectre Shroud Skill 5 "Mind Shock" makes the blast component of the skill 

    unnecessarily hard to use in situations where you want to line them up with Pistol 5 "Black Powder".

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  5.  Caithe got branded because for that one specific episode they needed someone that speaks for Aurene. They picked Caithe, because she was the character that spend some time with Aurene from the cast of our companions, she said her 3 lines for Aurene- that's it. But now they have written Caithe into a corner-when Aurene actually started to speak on her own. They tried to fix this and get her out of said corner by giving her more importance, the order of the crystal bloom lead yada yada,  which of course will upset players-that still have an axe to grind with her, because she stole the egg.

    Caithe does not deserve the hate she gets, because she always was written in a way that makes her a sly wildcard, that just does things on her own sometimes, without a second thought what others might think about it. I'm upset about the branding too but for a different reason: Her character model just looks super ugly now and we still can not pick her face options.

    • Like 3
  6. There is a lot of things that could happen. Let me throw some pointers: Going to Xotecha in the mists, Return of the Human Gods, "The Deep"(?), LW about Cantha's aftermath- featuring The Purists trying to overthrow the empire. Or we're enjoying our commander life with casual activities (nah jk, we just got a siege turtle with big canons).

    • Like 1
  7. I'll just want to see some damage numbers again on F1. Remove the stunpart or whatever it just feels bad for everyone to use F1 it's not satisfying for the warr nor for the stunned target. Allowing F1 to have damage would make the Berserker Hammer F1 fun to use as well and open up more build variety. At least that's my opinion and I die on the hill that Hammer F1 should deal massive damage on full adrenaline.

  8. I expect the Aetherblades to run the entire Undercity or Kaineng itself after emerging from a mist rift in Kaineng scheming to overthrow the Canthan empire thus the xpac title: "End of Dragons" since Cantha has been called the 'Empire of the Dragon'- so we're probably dealing with an Aetherblade rebellion while trying to do our own dragon research there, while Mai Trin aims to turn Cantha into chaos, maybe becoming the Champion of the DSD. We might discover that's what all Canthan emperor have been all the time and why they have to be Weh No Su. Weh No Su the ascension ritual protecting them from corruption or whatever but since DSD was asleep none of that corruption has shown in the past but now he/she/them(again?) is/are awake and the realm is in danger because the current emperor/empress went missing, a rebellion within the imperial city, dragon minions emerging on their shores, maybe we bring Tengu to reclaim their homelands too so yea-a lot of things to solve at once. Who do you call to get rid of a dragon problem, find a new empress/emperor and stop Mai Trin spinning out of control? Right us the  countless titles later ,Pact Commander with another Elder Dragon and his dysfunctional guild of Dragon's Watch. We'll know more in a month I guess.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. WvW is wild, you met the outlaws of that gamemode. If you roam alone and you're not good, prepare to die a lot. At least you can laugh about their bad fashion sense and overall ugly character designs while they jump you. Feel  honored they waste their life and time with you. Shrug it off or log out they will be bored again while you move on in life. Simple thing.

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  10. @Ashantara.8731 said:

    @Tuchanka.5148 said:Typing an emote like /point seems to fix the tilting position. I just want to leave that here as an advice.

    That's not really an option. You can't use an emote 24/7 when playing WvW or DRMs, you have to focus on other stuff as you are constantly in-fight.

    The only real fix would be a repair of the code that is causing the issue.

    It's more of a bandaid fix/ help to fix your character tilt if that happens out of combat to you.

  11. Cloak and dagger applies 5xVulnerability before CnD damage. "Even The Odds" Trait in Deadly Arts Applies 5 Stacks Vulnerability and 5 Stacks of Might+ Might from "Thrill of the Crime" add might from "Bountiful Theft"10k Backstabs happen and are possible, if the thief invests heavily into Damage, they also just blow up if you hit'em with anything randomly and they are screwed if they miss Cloak and Dagger.

  12. Thank you for the balance patch.

    I also want to suggest something.

    "Bleeding" a player shouldn't be a viable strategy because it is boring to watch and it is boring to be downed just to watch even more during the Respawn.Downstate should be a brief second chance to rally and an opportunity for great Teamplay efforts or support plays and winning teams should have a reason to finish someone and if they chose not to do it, defeats should happen faster. Therefore I think Downstate HP Pool or "rezz%" per Tick given by another player should be looked into. The window for "rezz/rally" Gameplay should be shorter making "Rezz Skill" Gameplay more valuable and great moments to pull off. (The ability to heal yourself while downed could be limited(ammo system) in competitive modes(?)) But maybe that creates new problems i haven't thought about. Outside of AT or mAT's cooperation is low in Ranked matches in low ranks and cleaving a target all by yourself feels very tough currently if somebody rezzes them at the same time.

  13. We've seen them in Dragonfall, yet they completly seem to disappear, except the NPC for the mount race in Grothmar Valley.Where are they and what are they doing right now? What do you think? We know that Caithe planned to move to the grove, I wish we had a bit more information about them. I think they should move where Aurene moves, they are part of the pact, just like the three orders of Tyria, right? I opened this post after I read the news about the weekly strike mission rewards just mentioning the three original orders of the pact and I was starting to think about them. They should have a special interest to guard Aurene's location right?

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