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Everything posted by reapex.8546

  1. My original post was locked, that ArenaNet commented on. So continuing it here. Guild Race - Devourer Burrow Everyone got the chest but one person. We did the race for them again, no chest. They did not do any guild mission with any other guilds this week. Original Post of no Guild Rush / Race Rewards that goes back to 2018.
  2. It's amazing how much this logic can be applied to Heal Scourge: Anet, "Heal Scourge is helping people out too much, let's nerf it." Anet, "Mesmer Portals helping out too much by allowing people to ENTIRELY skip content ? Nerf it." Note: These are not quotes by ArenaNet, just a parody imitation. The reaction from players if Anet stopped us from using portals on CM Harvest Temple and CM Temple of Febe would be swift.
  3. Mace / Mace warrior could be useful for core warrior in sPvP, due to all the CCs it has.
  4. My original post was talking about the past and present. Incorrect, the pull is useful in many game modes and scenarios. ANet mentioned this in their original post. Mechanics are still done even with a Heal Scourge, the pull has various limitations. It has to be used strategically or you could risk harming your teammates. Even then a pull doesn't mean your team is saved.
  5. It is playable, currently, I've been in several groups where a heal scourge was used with 2 dps boons people for subgroups. There is nothing that stops anyone from going pure heals, if the group has boons covered already. So, saying a Heal Scourge without alacrity isn't playable is false.
  6. Heal Scourge was being used before Alacrity was added to it. People weren't taking Heal Scourge to Boneskinner for Alacrity. It was taken for barrier and pulls.
  7. This is one the most key components to PvE heal scourge. With its removal there will be less reason to take Heal Scourge. If you need to remove the Alacrity component, because it feels too powerful that's fine, in my opinion. Heal Scourge was doing fine before it was given Alacrity.
  8. I also noticed another interaction bug with gathering. It appears to be the same bug you're experiencing with the vistas:
  9. The Warclaw (Journeykin) is the only mount that we can't gather from. Example: On a Warclaw -> Go to a node -> Press your interact key -> You're dismounted and just stand there looking at the node. All other mounts allow the player to gather when pressing the interact key (after being dismounted). The new rework to the Warclaw stopped this from happening. Note: There is a different bug that affects some players that use custom keybinds for their interact key. Some of those players can't activate custom leylines or pick up tree logs on their mount. They have to click the tool tip pop up instead to preform the action. I don't believe this is related to the gathering bug but I wanted to mention it.
  10. I always assumed a +15 Swim-Speed Infusion = 15% faster. However, the new account infusion specifically states 15% faster while the old +15 point infusions do not. So, I'm not sure if it's like other GW2 stats items: Example: More precision points = more critical chance %. Does anyone know if +15 Swim-Speed Infusion means players can swim 15% faster? Thank you
  11. Update to my 2019, 2021 post. Guild Challenge Bug still persist for Obsidian Sanctum Jumping Puzzle. Only one person got the chest when we climbed up. Restarted mission, tried portaling people to the end only one person got the chest. Restarted mission, people waited at the end no chest. Restarted mission, people waited outside before climbing up. Climbed up, only one person got the chest. Each restart we had to wait 3 to 4 mins to restart the guild mission. We spent a large portion of time just waiting around, my 2019 post was closed even though the bug still exist for the past 5 years+.
  12. The historic wars you're referencing is wars between guilds seeking pieces of the bloodstone. The guilds fought against each other to acquire it, guilds vs other guilds.
  13. Ghost Wolf Run - 2 attempts 1st attempt 50% of guildies got the chest. Time expired. 2nd attempt 0% of guildies got the chest. Also, race event timer ended 40 seconds early.
  14. Thank you, it's interesting a mirror is required. That would mean someone managed to make into cave before hand to place the mirror. I explored underwater a ton before mounts. But not a lot of the Northwest area, I'll check it out and if I can't find it will eventually message you in game. Yeah, we reach the decoration limit a few years ago. Had to optimize decorations and now we can add more again.
  15. A baby griffon struggles to fly, thankfully it meets a fearless friend that's willing to show them how. I spent four weeks creating my first griffon video. The idea to make a **Griffon Story Music Video** has been with me for months. So, now that it's completed I finally feel satisfied. 😄
  16. “‘Twas night for the Kryptis and all through Nayos, Not a demon was stirring, not even Deimos! The ward set up camp with the greatest of care, In hopes that the wayfinder soon would be there. We ran straight to the gate, tied up Heitor in knots, And began to celebrate and count congealed clots! Then we heard Peitha exclaim, as she strode out of sight, ‘Happy Kryptis to all, and to all a good night!'”
  17. After reading ArenaNet's Kryptis poem, I was inspired to create this 😄
  18. You can take a break, if you're not having fun with the game.
  19. Video created for our guild's 15th anniversary 😄
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