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Faffin.6741's Achievements

  1. Haha GG ! But I hope the afk are not because of my guide The other team was all AFK. Just did enough not to get kicked. Not really sure what they were up to. If they were throwing the match for someone, they got the wrong team.
  2. It's a good thing that fight isnt challenging then. It was for me back then, because I'd only done open world. You might be surprised how elite you actually are compared to most of the player base :)
  3. The ally encounters should have been checkpointed, or a separate instance, so they don't have to be repeated if you fail, or disconnect, or bug, and Mordremoth should be easier. This fight is such a step up in difficulty, and so twitch dependant it amazes me it was released in the form it's in. It's like they bought in the fractal team to do it. If people want a challenge there are raids and t4 + motes.
  4. We got 10g in the AT today :D thx for that Idea. First match was all AFKs though, someone just went in for the 5g and didn't even move out of home!
  5. Yeah, a lot of the common stuff is pretty damn terrible. I'm picking it's so you will want to buy skins and outfits from the gem store. Sometimes I think the art team must have been trolling...
  6. Play one, so you understand what they are doing. I wish you knew how funny this is if you do know what the ranger did. A ranger has 3 different unblockable modes, so no, it's not a bug when he hits you through invulnerability.Another thing I wish you knew is what a colossal pain in the ass a warrior is if you're not set up to counter them. Most of the time I'm not, as I would have to sacrifice efficiency in other ways.
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