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Everything posted by Septhiroth.9758

  1. Would even love to have a contact in support that I can report these to if you would rather do that for the short term, as its obvious the player reports just go into the trash. I play this game all the time at all times of the day, just a dedicated person reporting them is enough to at least make a large dent into the botting situation, and turn the game around for lots of players.
  2. I've played this game since its release and have spent lots of money on it in support of it. I spend 99% of my time in Spvp because it is simply my favorite, but now its just riddled with bots, you cannot play 1 match without have 2 or 3+ bots in it. Seriously played one match where I was the only human, I sat back and watched all the bots play, they have the same pathing so they just ran on top of each other, dont go to map objectives like traq, hammer, cannon, and other mannerisms they are stupid obvious. I report them every match and I ask the map to do so as well. These bots are getting mass reported how is nothing being done about them. It is demoralizing for me and disgraceful on your part. This is not a witch hunt, nor a boy crying wolf, but a serious problem. I can no longer enjoy the game due to this. I understand the difficulty in developing code to catch them, but at least do something about the reports. Just a suggestion on how to catch them in pvp at least:look for a legit bot, allow the bot to continue but monitor it, develop a heat map of its pathing, ban those who follow the mapping to a T, obviously this changes when they are in combat, but when they are running between nodes out of combat they literally run on top of each other. Not a game wide solution, but at least since there is not a large map selection in pvp something can be done about them there.
  3. Can we get Etherbound armor set and Living world season 1 memory box back please :)
  4. bring back the exalted shoulder skin please, and could we get a parrot shoulder skin to complete the pirate skin?
  5. It's been a year since the forged helm has been on the market, would love to see it make a debut. Also to complete the pirate skin wardrobe (captain hat, hook, and peg leg) a parrot shoulder piece, and a simple black cannon rifle skin(as an old pirate ship cannon) would make it perfect.
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