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Everything posted by Abelisk.5148

  1. This particular item is looked at with intense scrutiny by the team because, in the past, players would exploit the item by stating the weapon box or weapon was missing, even though the the player already extracted the infusion from the weapon. So they would get two copies of the infusion (which besides looking cool, also rewards the player with an extra stat infusion which saves quite a bit of gold). Wish you the best of luck and hope it gets sorted out.
  2. Legendary armor at least saves rune wasting/extracting. And as with all legendary items you save the need to craft or buy ascended equipment.
  3. Sorry but, in terms of a lore perspective, they are not "immersion breaking", they fall under the lore surrounding Moto and Rata Sum so they do make perfect sense. We don't know what those Asura are doing—at least we know they have a sense of fun as well.
  4. I don't get why people were opposed to the removal of those amulets. They were busted and resulted in a stale meta. Outgoing healing is definitely the way to go as it's less selfish and more selfless of an option. It will encourage teamwork among players. We can also see Ventari support coming back? :flushed:
  5. It kind of is annoying having to look at the achievements panel to see which masteries I am missing. There can certainly be a better way to figure it out than having to navigate menus so many times.
  6. I HATE how the legendary backpacks aren't dyeable. I don't like the color scheme on both Ad Infinitum and The Ascension. Warbringer is pretty cool though.
  7. What's scary is I've encountered most of OP's P2W ideas in other MMOs. At the time I encountered them, I did think it was overly restricting but if everybody else had the same restriction it was OK. Upon finding much better MMOs like GW2 or FFXIV I realized how slower the pace of P2W games are if you're playing free-to-play. I remember playing Fiesta Online and after playing for a year or so I was only like level 30 or something by the time I quit.
  8. It went from 0.00001% chance to 0.0001% chance, lol.
  9. One big issue I have with some of the maps is there's too much clutter. Dunkey made a video on a topic similar to this saying how too many details on the screen obscures the goal a player has in mind. HoT maps contain way too much foliage and platforming that makes it stressful to navigate from point A to point B. The masteries and glider don't solve that issue.
  10. This is simply not true. The mistforged obsidian weapons are amazing. The checkerboard aesthetic is unique and no other weapons are equal to it. Just look at it!! https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistforged_Obsidian_Greatsword You should also check out the Mistforged Glorious Hero armor or Sublime Mistforged Breastplate armor. They have shiny tendrils that come out from your back that are fully dyeable.
  11. Make sure to add realistic perma boons and class-specific enhancements, as well as 25 stack vuln on the golem. That is usually what benchmarks do. Like if you watch the Weaver benchmark do see what is supposed to be on your character and the golem.
  12. I'm actually finding myself running out of Mystics fairly quickly especially in PvE. Runecrafter seems perfect for rares because it's 30 copper a salvage compared to Silver-Fed's 60 copper a salvage. Runecrafter's is only 5% lower rare material chance compared to Silver-Fed, which is lower, but if you don't mind the slight ecto loss you could use it to replace the Mystics. You do need to open up an extra shared slot for it though, at least it's what I would recommend.
  13. CC skills got nerfed significantly to do barely any damage. Are you looking at the PvE or WvW/PvP tooltip?
  14. I got mine yesterday no more stressful comps and terrible rotations
  15. It's pay to play not pay to win. Story chapters and elite specs require money. Other than that, gear advancement and skill enhancement definitely do not need money to be spent.
  16. Uh yeah I can do 13k+ backstabs from stealth (at the cost of mobility and sustain) it's only a joke build that will never be viable though
  17. Dueling. It's the most simple role -- you 1vx on a point, usually side points like "home" or "far", or some people call them by their level themed name like "waterfall" "mines" for Legacy of the Foefire. When you anticipate the entire enemy team will head mid, you join your team for a teamfight and help push out DPS and cc's. I like Weaver the most since it comes with my first profession (Elementalist) and the one I look at the most. Some cons of dueling are if you have a strong ego or even narcissism, a loss of a duel will maybe make you harbor vengeance towards the other duelist or their build or even ArenaNet/the game itself. It can be fairly stressful to be losing in duels, especially frequently, because it shows you haven't practiced enough. While not all 1vx's may be possible to last forever, the longer you hold that encounter the better it is for your team. Preferrably, you want to be dueling on a neutral point or a point you own. If the other team owns the point and you're dueling on it, you're losing value. Make sure you have someone to plus you (join you, generally referring to mobile roles such as Thieves) immediately if you attempt to duel on an enemy's point with an enemy duelist present.
  18. Hahahahahahahahahaha YES At long last I found the secret build! Thank you!
  19. I used to hate Renegade but I really like it. Its condi variants in both PvE and PvP are really strong and fun to play. Popping Alacrity, even with ~50% uptime is satisfying for everyone involved. Seeing all these conditions pop up on players in PvP is also equally satisfying. For those interested for the PvP build, try Mallyx/Shiro and Carrion Amulet and Rune of Resistance, as well as traits of your choice if you're up to the challenge!
  20. Problem is once damage is buffed you get people crying like a baby that thief is broken, mesmer is broken, every roamer is broken.
  21. For me it's the opposite. I used to love Mirage during the beta. You had 2 dodges, illusionary ambush was still on a small cooldown, and everything felt right. I loved porting all around the place with axe 3, ambush, etc. Then the nerfs started coming in... 1 sec dodge down to .75 sec. Only 1 dodge. Axe ambush needs to be facing the target. Axe skills nerfed. Illusionary ambush cd went from 20 seconds to 35 seconds effectively killing this utility. I miss dueling Mirages. It was a test of timing, but all you'd see and hear were porting sounds, floating axes, and teleporting mesmers ?
  22. Yah, since PoF dropped Conquest became less exciting (but not to the same degree as when HoT dropped)
  23. I was doing some leggy bounties + metas for a couple hours, got over 100 fine and 100 masterwork gears. Plenty of rares too. Amalgamates from the Hero's Choice chests. Trade Contracts which I could trade later for extra crates. I think the reward structure is great, people just don't know how to reap its rewards well enough. For starters, find events that spawn champ enemies the more people there are (these exist in Elona). You can find rare items that sell for over a gold (at least) too. For example I got The Twins' Breastplate recipe from the Augury Rock meta which sells for between 2-3 gold. This is all from today.
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