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  1. PERISH was taken away from us a few days ago. He's a valluable player, as well a content creator, for the international community at the EU servers. Without PERISH , evenings are dull and we don't have anyone left to blame when we lose SMC.I've only known PERISH for a few months (I played most of my wvw time on na) but I can assure you he's a good bloke.Can you please bring him back anet??
  2. Is it possible to explain how do I lag so bad in the european wvw servers , when me, being in Europe and playing as a regular on the NA servers for the last 3 years, during EST prime time rarely did?? How can I not lag with a stable 120 ping, and lag with 60?Everytime I change to EU the problem arises making me go back to NA, because it seems that this game only works when i play from across the pond...And before you tell me it's "probably my connection" or "my isp" forget it, those are great.
  3. Long overdue. I've always felt the eu links to be some what crippled by the necessary links by language.To be honest, there's plenty of non-english speakers on the na servers. If they run open, most of them have basic command of english, if they run closed they use their language and are still able to communicate with the maps in english. It's not that hard, it's not like there's a huge pool of english words on map and team chats. It's actually pretty basic english. Also, i've heard people from all over europe on the "international" eu servers. Sure, they speak with an accent, even the british at times (we can't expect them all to be posh, cant we?).Are you telling me, that in the vast majority of european countries, people up to a certain age, on this day and age, don't have a reasonable command of english as a foreign language? What do you people learn in school?
  4. @ devsYou guys should really pay attention on what's happening on T2 NA , second week in a row, when 2 servers are about to tie again??? What are the odds??
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