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Posts posted by Donutdude.9582

  1. Seems multiple things affected:

    TP/Shop/Wizard's Vault
    Websites (arena.net, guildwars2.com)

    Thought I'd flag it here in case people were wondering!

    Error is as follows 'cos difficult to past screenshots here:

    Service Unavailable HTTP Error 503: The service is unavailable.

    Hope it is fixed soon!

    Update: ArenaNet aware and working on it, Dev post on outage.

    Feel free to close thread mods, thanks!

  2. 1 hour ago, Epsilon Indi.2031 said:

    Considering that people blow up the toxicity out of proportion and hold onto that one bad example for ages, and have a tendency to paint the scenario to make themselves the victim despite coming in, acting unruly, not following instructions, and not playing as part of a team, nah.  Players can also always make their own group.  It's not like those elitist KP groups stop  anyone from listing their own group on the LFG.

    EDIT:  There's also been a raid training discord listing in the Raid LFG for the pasta few days, too.

    T'was hardly a single incident my friend, but I agree w' your point about making groups to an extent.  Pugs leave almost immediately after a single wipe, very few stay in it for the long haul to learn the fight.

    • Confused 4
  3. A Classic version of Guild Wars 2 will never work.  The expansions added so much QoL to the game that I'd NEVER want to go back to a vanilla/classic version of GW2.  I have been playing since head start.

    Furthermore, your claims of core maps being dead is absolutely preposterous.  I find players in almost every, single map I enter in core Tyria.

    Please stop inventing facts to support your arguments, thank you.

    EDIT: Also, saw your comment re. World of Tanks and it is absolutely laughable.  Not only is it inaccurate, it does not relate to Guild Wars 2 in any way.

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  4. Considering the toxicity around the raiding community (I know, painting a whole community with the same brush is rough, but it is often the norm instead of the exception), I am of the opinion ArenaNet are unlikely to add Raid completion goals for any of the Astral Vault objectives.  Imagine having an objective locked behind a senseless, elitist request for KP.

    Yeah, no thanks.

    • Confused 6
  5. P5 needs adjusting.  Auto-detonation after charging to L3 offers better QoL than manual detonation, especially in melee range.
    P3 could use a bump in duration considering the risk/reward of casting at feet encouraging melee combat.

    Overall, a quirky addition to the Guardian's arsenal.  If the above gets adjusted, I'll consider playing it on release.  In it's current state, it will not turn me away from my Sword, Axe, Greatsword or Staff.

    • Like 3
  6. "98-99%"?  For real?  Lol.

    I feel you either have an incredibly blinkered point of view or you are toxic yourself.

    There is plenty of positivity going around in Guild Wars 2.  Capital cities are filled with fun conversations, the recent Festival of the Four Winds had some highly entertaining and lighthearted Crown Pavilion Boss Bashes and the Treasure Hunts in the Cliffs were hilarious.

    Sounds to me like you need to shift your mindset.  I wish you all the luck!

    • Like 8
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  7. Overall, I am hopeful that ArenaNet will handle this well.  I am all for supporting the company w' my money, however I am still incredibly kitten about the ending of Champions and how Primordus was handled.

    I'm excited but dubious at the same time.  Please do not mess it up guys.

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  8. 16 minutes ago, Josh Davis.7865 said:

    Hi all,

    Quick update. We're working on a hotfix now that will revert the postprocessing changes and return things to how they functioned prior to today's update. This should release later today.

    Some added context on how today’s change came to be. As I mentioned in my earlier post, we’re in the process of finalizing our engine upgrade to DirectX11. Completing that upgrade is going to open the door to new DX11 rendering features that will allow us to improve the graphical fidelity and performance of the game.

    In preparation for that transition and as part of our overall graphics upgrade initiative, today's change enabled color grading by default, which allows our environment artists to leverage color look-up tables to create distinct moods for different environments. This will ensure that art quality across different graphics settings profiles is more consistent with our standards. However, color grading isn't the main culprit behind the issues that have been raised today—it's because of graphics features and effects like light bloom that are being forced on for all players in the revised postprocessing settings.

    When we set out to make these changes, we recognized that we'd need to give players control over settings like light bloom by separating it out from postprocessing. That change didn't make it into today's build, so we're reverting the color grading and postprocessing changes and will ship them all together once that is ready.

    We recognize that our players have a wide variety of hardware configurations and graphics preferences. As we continue to work on improving the game's graphical fidelity, we want to give players as much control as we can over their graphics settings, whether it's for aesthetic, performance, or accessibility reasons.

    Thank you for your patience today,

    Josh Davis
    Game Director

    Appreciate how candid you have been in this post.  Good to see something that does not have an immediate monetary value but means a great deal to the players being worked on so diligently.

    Thanks Josh and the team at the studio!

    • Like 3
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  9. Disappointed w' FB and Deadeye changes.

    Tomes will now feel clunky to use and the range reduction of rifle abilities for the convenience of the Kneel changes are not worth the sacrifice.  At all.

    Good thing I am enjoying my Willbender and my recently-discovered hammer Warrior (appreciative of the Fierce Blow and other changes for Defiant enemies).

    Guess I'll put my FB in the cupboard, unless a QFB is desperately needed for a meta.

    • Like 1
  10. I have been encountering Drizzlewood Coast crashes and, just now, had the game crash on client load.

    Incredibly unstable at the moment.

    EDIT: Now unable to login to THREE characters 'cos they're stuck in Drizzlewood crashes.  What is going on ArenaNet?

  11. My thoughts so far:

    • Willbender feels SO much better.  Flows smoothly, feels more impactful and fluid.  Really feels like a martial artist class now.  I thoroughly enjoyed shadow-stepping from mob to mob and blowing them up.  I did not miss the QoL that my QFB brings me.
    • Catalyst is in a better place, though still feels a touch clunky.  The additional F5 is irritating to manage and there does not appear to be a lot of reason to switch away from Air or Fire, unless you need healing.  Earth feels very...underwhelming.  The aura generation on skill 4 barely leaves you time to swap elements.  However, with the exception of the Tempest, I feel Earth attunement has been a persistent problem with Elementalist.
    • Bladesworn's nerf is HUGEColossal.  I've gone from 160k after a slow charge to 90k with a quick charge.  In all honesty, I much preferred the less often nukes than the now-more-regular, smaller bursts.  Rest of the class feels fine, though I now firmly feel that I do not have a reason to move away from my Spellbreaker.
    • Mechanist is OK.  A bit sad about the change to base stat inheritance, but I can understand the change.  Still, feels like a bit of a dmg nerf bat has been swung this beta and, sadly, the Mechanist was unable to dodge it (despite the insane lift off of the Mech!)

    Thank you for allowing us to test these classes, and I hope my feedback is helpful.  Happy to discuss further.

    • Like 1
  12. ArenaNet destroyed my trust in them with the way Champions was handled, specifically Primordus.  I had waited the thick end of 12 years for Primordus' story to be told and the way it unfolded...well, you can probably guess from my aforementioned comment how it unfolded.

    Since then, I have stopped all gem purchases.  I was a decent spender on gems, having amassed quite a number of gem store items, from outfits and skins to keys and boosters (mostly food/utility primers).  In the grand scheme of things, I am a drop in the ocean but that is a primary way of registering my thoughts, along with posting here/social media.

    So, the entirety of my decision on whether I purchase End of Dragons comes down to the elite specialisations predominantly and new systems, though they are not starting off well with the new systems for me.  I despise fishing and Skiffs are completely unnecessary because of the Skimmer.

    We will wait and see.  So far, it is 50/50 as I love the new elite specialisations.

    • Confused 3
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