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Everything posted by Deepcuts.9740

  1. My take on these so called balance patches: 1. We (Anet) balance+ whatever we play this month. 2. We (Anet) balance- whatever killed us last in WvW, PvP or was 1st DPS in some PvE content. 3. We (Anet) like to read on reddit the most vocal minority stating X class needs to be nerfed and just take the hammer and do it. After some time a new dev is in charge with the balance team. Go to point 1 and loop. And this is the best scenario. I am more afraid some, if not most of the ones involved in these balance patches, never actually play the game.
  2. On 5th try, I managed to get it done. Do not know if this helped, but I waited for Taimi to reach the gate and waited a bit before entering.
  3. As the title states, I am stuck at the 1st mission. I enter the Marionette's arena with Taimi, killed the 1st two mobs and 1st two power regulators. Nobody else is fighting on the other platforms and the status shows: Break the marionette's chains to disable it: 1/5 I cannot target anything else and all that is happening is the Marionette launching an attack in the middle of the platforms. later edit: it seems all platforms but one have someone in them. 1st platform to the left of Marionette is empty. 2nd platform has Kasmeer. 3rd platform me and Taimi. 4th platform Braham. 5th platform Rox and Frostbite. Given that no one is on the 1st platform to destroy the power regulator, the mission is stuck. I can see the swords on the 1st platform on minimap. even later edit: retried the mission 3 times and noticed on the 1st platform there was Marjory. But, as soon as the 1st power regulator is destroyed, Marjory does not apear on the platform anymore, resulting in stuck progress. Image showing the problem: https://ibb.co/yVNX5mq
  4. More than one year later, this bug is still randomly crashing the client. Way to go anet
  5. Pretty please with sugar on top revert this change or split bank and inventory. Whoever made this change clearly never used the Mystic Forge.
  6. No. People get offended way to easy lately. And it is going to only get worse. You can't say anything to anyone these days without being called toxic.
  7. Now, but after how many years of rock bottom again? Do I hear 9? And yes, "one of the top DPS", not the only one
  8. Plenty of times, in RAIDS, Strikes, Fractals and metas I see Power DPS Mechanists doing way lower DPS than me, also a Power DPS Mechanist. And no, they were not healers or support. And that consistently throught the encounter. Fully leveld 455 chars with legendary gear and food/utility. I bet those people would have the same if not bigger gap in DPS if we were playing other class. Those are the people complaining about the Mechanist, in reality asking to bring everyone down to their level. When I rarely meet a Mechanist out DPSing me, I strive to match their level, sometimes even asking for tips and build, not hurry on forums to yell NERF. Many people forget that if Mechanist is such a low intensity build as some suggest (autoattack), everyone would get DPS numbers in the same tight range. Which is NOT happening. Found zero logical responses when it comes to this issue so far.
  9. Where were posts like this when Engineer was bottom of the barrel trash DPS? I'll tell you: nowhere. The reason: envy. I've met plenty Rangers, Warriors, Thiefs and Guardians that out DPS me on my Mechanist pew pew in raids, fractals and metas. Some of them by quite a lot. Long story short: if you have the right gear, push the right buttons and you are not a cheap no-food/util/potions kind of player, you can match and even surpass a Mechanist DPS wise. These kind of players always wanting some classes nerfed just because they cannot play their own favorite class as they should, imho, they need more love in their lives.
  10. Is it just me or archiving these achievements actually removed the AP from people that already have them done? gw2efficiency shows a big dip after the update for me.
  11. Seen as this is the 1st result on Google, I post here. Also crashing randomly when using BLTC. Can happen now, restart and it will work fine for some time. No matter if I interact with the BLTC NPC or pressing O, the same thing. Got a fresh install, without any addons to rule out arcdps. Same thing. And it happens A LOT. I always send the log from the crash pop-up, but by now, I am 99% certain the reporting part does absolutely nothing,.
  12. Randomly, Crisis Zone will not provide stability. Happens quite frequently. Yes, the mech is right next to me. Yes, the stability is not on any of the squad/party members, yet the skill is in full lock.
  13. No clue why anet would think HAM's might generation needs a nerf. As a main Druid, I always felt might generation on HAM is a joke.
  14. I have a question for all the mechanist haters. A question involving logic and one I asked several times in squads without anyone actually answering. Q: If the mechanist is so LI/easy/accessible to play and deal great DPS, why many times in squads with several mechanists we see such a large DPS difference between them? If all it takes is press 1 to win as many "knowledgeable" fellow players state, why the big DPS difference? For people not using arcdps or for those that did not notice, the difference between top mechanist DPS and lowest DPS mechanist can be as high as 15-20K.
  15. Then, suggest an alternative for the problem at hand. later edit: gw2efficiency.com shows no AP increase on 7th of August. At least nothing like a 50 points should. https://freeimage.host/i/UOaoqQ
  16. In the same boat. Had 37.490 points. Finished the annual achievement and I am still at 37.490 Opened a ticket and the response I got is: "We cannot help you" https://gw2efficiency.com/account/statistics/statistics.achievementCount and selecting Show Delta should clear any doubt on next refresh. Tomorrow will know for sure if I have Alzheimer or not.
  17. So many replies about "not going to happen" "devs stated that no GW3" and other "well informed" ones. Reminds me of those posts about "DirectX 11 is too much work. Not going to happen. Devs said so" If you are not part of Anet, maybe refrain from such statements. Hope GW3 will be made in my lifetime.
  18. My feedback on all world boss changes: YUK If they've done this to impress future Steam users, I am afraid the impression will not be good. I have done EoD strikes faster than some of the new "world bosses".
  19. So far, this is the 5th time that it happens. Just pressing F on the NPC or O shortcut key will crash the client and the window to send report will popup. 1st time I thought it was just a coincidence, but now, after 5 crashes, it seems something is wrong with accessing BLTC, via NPC or key. Tried repairing the client to no avail.
  20. Have the same issue in some raids and fractals. Around 2-3 seconds lost while staying in mid air.
  21. Keep hearing this BS about 30k+ mech auto attack and I just want to say that it is just that, pure BS. Last week and this week did my raids with lots of mechs. Most Mechanist DPS were using "standard" builds, but the actual damage was between 15K (sometimes even less) and 35K (with spikes to even more). So a big difference. Tried using only auto attack and my DPS was very bad. Did my rotations and things improved a lot. This only tells me that positioning, fight knowledge, uptime, dodging when you have to and actual skills plays a big role in this. I agree that the rotation does not require a piano degree, but then again should it? I am trying to play a game and actually enjoy my time, not getting carpal syndrome.
  22. Slowly slowly, every word will offend someone. And as usual, the offended will have obsoletely nothing in common with the "issue". On this note, I feel offended by the high price of....rolls dice...GEMS! Anet, do something about it.
  23. ~ 6 wins and ~ 8 fails Commanded 3 runs. Two wins - nobody said a word. One fail - ~5 angry people /w that I suck at commanding. Too much effort for nothing really. I already forgot about that map.
  24. Did plenty of EoD strikes and never bothered to check the loot. Well, today I did. What a joke!
  25. Found another possible hint that the map is bugged. Near the [&BEANAAA=] https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Temple_of_the_Dredge POI there is a small altar with two NPCs building it on the west side. The NPCs are usually dead and fast spawning crazed mobs make sure those two are dead. Tried once to keep them alive for ~10 minutes while they seems to work on that altar, but nothing happens. I switched maps today looking for the 1st mission in the chain only to find the last mission in the chain active, like usual. The alter in question was built and the two NPCs were not there.
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