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Everything posted by Cub.1653

  1. I'd rather have the homestead bonus overwrite seeing at it's better
  2. I just noticed I'm having this same issue. I have a resting bonus from Arborstone or Wizard's Tower, can't remember which but it's still counting down even though I was in my homestead overnight (more than 12 hours). I don't get the homestead bonus and the bonus I do have doesn't top up either. So I'm now stuck with waiting and hour until my current bonus runs out
  3. Veteran player looking for a PvP guild, never been in one but I enjoy PvP. Currently at Gold rank for the current League Season (41) if that matters 🙂 I've been playing GW2 since beta and have done all the story and masteries and decided to go the PvP route for some legendary equipment because I enjoy it and I'm not too bad at it! Please let me know if anyone is recruiting! I'm CubTheCharr on discord if that's a preferred way to contact
  4. I used the method of setting my streaming to 'max' I don't know if that worked or it was a coincidence but it worked thankfully. Really shouldn't have to repeat story steps that often after so long though. I finished the fight but the dialogue after is long, still doing it. Hopefully this finishes properly...
  5. I've disconnected twice already during and after the fight with Cerus. I cannot complete this story step. I came to check the forums only to realise this was an issue in AUGUST! Why is this still a problem? I quit when Soto was released because I had to complete a story step 3 times and really just couldn't continue. Figured if I waited a few months it would all be playable. Nope. This now means I can't get the Apirl fools reward because I can't do chapter 11 with the tonic (otherwise I'd do something else and wait again for fixes) Please fix this or let me doing ANYTHING ELSE for this silly reward, actually no, just let me finish it, I want to complete this storyline 😧
  6. I was stuck after scanning the haze spots, even after logging off an on and other things. Reset the story, stalled again
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