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Everything posted by snh.7091

  1. I have yet to see a reasonable patch to this game. I'm wondering will they "balance" the amount of hacks to 0? That's a tumor in competitive game modes and NOTHING is done to address this. There are vids capturing GMs observing AFK farmers in PvE maps doing nothing to punish botters. We see teleporters, no-clippers, flying characters, perfect dodgers and macro-enthusiasts in WvW almost daily and nothing is done. But the Gem Store is receiving updates. That's clearly more important than balance and eradicating cheating. For cheating, this game needs a good anti-cheat mechanism. Willbenders... that stuff is downright disgusting, but Celestial stats were a problem 🤷🏻‍♂️ Who comes up with this nonsense in terms of balance?!
  2. Maybe that's what they want? For this to fail, because with this model they don't make any money as they did with transfers between servers.
  3. Could we get a reusable food/utility primer as a new item? Could we also get a mechanism when something is added to the gem store to be reminded about it?
  4. Thank you, my friend, for the help. I got in touch with support and they have identified an issue and are working to address it. I'll be communicating directly with them going forward. I'll mark this topic accordingly.
  5. I am able to log in to my account, play the game via GeForce NOW (which changes my IP address depending on which server I connect to), am able to log in to forums, but I cannot contact support when I hit the 'sign in' button on the Support page. I type in my credentials and nothing happens. Why is this? Some VPN protection or something? I use AdGuard as ad blocker and anti-tracker, but when I play or try to access the website-related content (like the pages mentioned) I don't even enable a VPN. If I'm able to log in to everywhere else why not the Support page? I'm wondering why is this not working. I did check the FAQ for common errors, only when I try to log in I'm not getting a specific error code. It only says an unspecified error occurred.
  6. Could be several days. Depending on the game probably. Not sure. For GW2, it's been several hours now.
  7. It's really weird how this works. Sometimes the client patches itself right after an update as it normally would back when I owned a Windows PC, and sometimes they take the game down for maintenance. I would prefer the former since I too am on an Ultimate plan, which isn't cheap, so prolonged downtimes are never acceptable. Avatar, for instance, they took down for 4 days once.
  8. I feel like I need to bump this topic because it doesn't get the attention it deserves. How can cosmetic issues be more important than usability issues? I understand the thirst for immediate revenue (gem store), but usability improvements ensure a product (the game) is enjoyable long-term.
  9. Could this receive an adjustment? Right now, the colors for the reticles are so light that they are barely visible on all surfaces. Adding opaque and more vivid colors could solve this problem.
  10. My anxiety is relieved. I just received my purchase. Janthir active! Thanks!
  11. Rubi, what about those who were able to purchase but haven't received their purchase? I received an e-mail with some weird purchase number saying ArenaNet will get back to me. I don't recall this ever happening before.
  12. I'm on Safari on Mac, and play via NVIDIA GeForce NOW. I disabled AdGuard completely and whitelisted the page with Ghostery and it worked for me. You could try an incognito window or another browser. Also, when you consult their KB you'll see that error 108 refers to JavaScript issues on websites and ad blockers can have an impact.
  13. Disable any ad blockers or anti-tracking software that you have that can interfere with the website. Disable any VPNs too. My other problem is with this - I purchased the Ultimate edition, I saw money leave my account, but I didn't receive the item I purchased. It's telling me they are reviewing my purchase. Why?
  14. Could we, after so many years, finally have this fixed? It's nice to add reticles and everything, but there are more important issues that need to be addressed, like any kind of skills failing even with the slightest narrow terrain, or whatever other reasons behind it. Video attached I know I'm not alone who plays Guild Wars exclusively in AC view, and swap between point-and-click (PAC) and AC only when required. Right now, I have to do this for every teleport skill and generally when I'm in melee range so I ensure that my skills won't fail, and that's not good user experience. It adds on the cognitive front to memorize even more actions on top of the complexity some classes come with. Using Action Cam should not make non-projectile skills (like teleport to target, not ground-targeted teleports) miss. Playing Untamed (as seen in the video), my pet cannot teleport to my target even with the slightest narrow terrain, and often even when the terrain is flat. I don't need to go deep on the impact this has.
  15. +1. When people start spreading the word it will be bad rap for the company and the game, and much fewer will play it, which again will be loss in revenue for ArenaNet, so perfect idea! If nothing else, this ought to get them do something about this huge problem.
  16. This is very true. While I haven't experienced all of it, but some of it for sure. Let's not forget that ArenaNet belongs to NCSoft and all of NC's games are infested with bots and hacks. It even looks like the same packet sniffers are used in all of their games. I've seen what looks like a packet sniffer for Lineage 2 in cheat videos for GW2 on YouTube. I've played a number of NC games and they've never done anything against cheating, so don't expect anything to be done here. Lineage 2, Aion, Guild Wars, all of it suffers from the same because it all belongs to the same company that doesn't care. Since we're only wallets to them, when everyone reconsiders their investments they'll be forced to care.
  17. I'm on the lookout for a social, vibrant and friendly environment where people come together spontaneously, not just for instanced content. My experience with PvE guilds wasn't the best as most recruit numbers (to achieve their goals), not people. I'm looking for an environment that has very active and friendly folks in the game, open to e.g. exploring together and chatting while at it. Of course this entails activities like dungeons and other instanced content, but what I don't want (and really dislike) are (the majority of) guilds who only recruit people for certain types of content, like raids or strikes, and can't come together besides that at all, posing as social, but in reality it quickly becomes dull and lifeless. I'm looking for the good ol' fashioned let's help each other out with gathering, explore the zone together, do dynamic events, hearts, map exploration for gifts, or the collect achievements type of content. Then we can also include strikes and raids, or any of the vast amount of content the game offers.
  18. I thought it’s because I had more powerful food prior to interacting with this tray, but it seems this is indeed bugged.
  19. This bug is present ever since AC is in the game (since 2015). AFFECTS Every class Every game mode HOW TO REPRODUCE Have a character with a shadow-stepping ability try to shadow-step with AC ON while not directly facing an opponent but still having them in your line of sight. Abilities will fail. The same will happen anytime the terrain is slightly narrower. Affects every class that has a shadow-stepping ability (video footage: https://share.cleanshot.com/Q2TM7Ch6 ) DESIRED OUTCOME Players using AC should be able to shadow-step no matter which direction they're facing, same as players not using it. Skills work without issues for players not using AC at any range, so this should extend to AC users as well. Reason is it's often not possible to target/view opponents with AC ON as with it OFF. Take higher ground e.g., when looking from bottom up is impossible to target, one must look down to see above, in which scenario shadow-step won't work. ADDITIONAL OBSERVATIONS When fighting close-ranged opponents with AC ON, skills often activate but immediately interrupt, thus their cool-down is activated, but no outgoing effect is achieved, even if the opponent is faced directly/followed with the crosshair precisely.
  20. One thing this game needs is a Public Test Environment (PTS) that could help collect feedback on changes before they are implemented. The folks over at ESO have this, and it appears to work well for them, from what I observed. I'm not sure why this isn't a thing with GW2 @Josh Davis.7865 . Could you clarify? Also, what's with all this secrecy before releases? Are you afraid of something? Perhaps that people will not like the changes? As you can see, people clearly don't like these unpleasant surprises that are a result of lack of testing and the absence of a more open environment for doing so. I work as a UX Researcher, so I know considering user feedback early and often is crucial. It feels like this game has had a good UX investment when it came to the UI, but what happened to everything else? What happened to CX? What happened to testing? On a more general note, while I understand that many changes don't make much (in some cases any) sense, and I understand people's frustration, resorting to death threats and similar nonsense is way off the charts, and I think some people need to detach from the game. It's not real, it's pixels, it means nothing. Literally, nothing.
  21. Not sure is this because I play via GFN, but I just crashed twice in a row porting to the guild hall and talking to the Treasurer.
  22. Same here. Bought a 2k gem card, can't redeem it. Had I spotted this thread earlier wouldn't create another one.
  23. I've read the help articles and I know that GFN users can't buy stuff in game directly now, but we can't even redeem codes, as I just learned. Can someone have a look why this isn't working?
  24. Whenever I want to submit a ticket and it asks me to log in to submit the page redirects me to my account page, i.e., I cannot submit a ticket the normal way, only anonymously.
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