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Everything posted by snh.7091

  1. I believe this whole linking of national with international servers is to force people into transferring to make money. Another example of an absolutely horrid gameplay experience is ROF with Ft. Ranik. Both medium aka empty, with barely 15 people forming a squad during prime time; hopelessly outnumbered and bullied into their corner with Deso and Jade Sea targeting them. The ones who suffer the most from this are new players who have expressed their concerns both in game and on our Discord—it’s your potential customers you’re alienating ANet, well done.
  2. Yes Anet should change fort ranik to be linked with SFR, and WSR linked with RoF.. You want them to hop again? ?
  3. What I’m concerned about is history repeating itself, again: WSR bandwagoned to FR, and with the new linking again bandwagoned god knows where ? This is so sad it gets histerically funny. There will never be alliances when people constantly transfer en-masse. Another reason there’s absolutely nothing reasonable behind it is because they just all move to one server. If they at least spread out to fight each other, to compete and measure tactical skill, but they just stack on random servers that have links so they get carried and can focus on fights. No server pride, nothing to fight for, just feed the company’s empty promise and complain about a game mode being broken with no prospect for the future. I see the people who bandwagon as the reason this game mode is dying.
  4. Why remove them, when you can simply make them non-targetable. This way borderlands feel like wastelands with no life in them. Certainly fewer people.
  5. What happened to the CDI threads? What happened to the ROADMAP? What happened to talking about design philosophy? Also... who's the CEO now?! https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/John_Taylor From what little we know, this guy is in charge. As for the CEO I don't believe they have one and now have been consolidated and tugged into NCsoft west so that might mean the CEO of that branch or whoever is in charge of NCsoft west and its affairs likely are in charge of A-net now. As far as Im aware at least when the lay-offs happened NCsoft came down like a loan collector, aiming to collect on dues and A-net didn't have the checks to cover those dues. And so its one of those "A deals, a deal". As for the roadmap, CDI threads? Talking? Its on a table. Somewhere, and they know there is a market for it lmfao~If what you’re saying here is true, then we can consider this game done. Why? Look at NCSoft’s other, mainly older games and try to learn more about what they all have in common. You’ll start to see the picture. I have been saying this for years… but people seem to refuse to believe it because they love this game too much - I know I did, but one thing everyone at some point in their lives needs to learn is when to let go.
  6. You know, people get tired, after a while, of trying to create content for others and be called names for it, be looked down at, be taken for granted and ignored at the same time. Commanders - perhaps not all, but the decent ones - take their time and ask only for one, perhaps 2 things in return: equip a better gear (costs almost nothing) + skills (costs literally nothing)join a voice, no need to speak, and do as they say - the basic function that requires 0 brain powerPeople fail to follow these 2 basic rules and as such, have no right to ask someone to tag up, no, to waste their time on them.
  7. Newsflash: they don’t care. They designed this system this way to keep the money flowing in from the careless majority still playing the game. Every transfer delays alliances.
  8. They're probably having a good laugh about how some people still believe after (nearly) 3 years that something's coming.
  9. What you're saying may have been the case in the past for most but times change, and after all the years of disappointment and new, promising, entertaining and exciting titles emerging I believe if ANet again let their WvW audience down it could be the last straw. Let's be honest, how long before people truly get bored of the same maps they can now navigate blindfolded, and new elite specs that, while may introduce a bit of variety into combat, in the end are just that, and it will become the same chore.
  10. I most certainly will not buy an expansion without WvW content. I’m a semi-PvE player and this game interests me solely for WvW content. Without it I’ll just go with smth else.
  11. Woot! We’re on a roll It’s taken almost three years to get here. I’d be willing to be it’s another 3 before we hit alliances (and we are more Likely to Get to page 100 before that actually happens..)You still believe? No, my friend. If they had a small measure of decency in them and showed a tiny bit of interest we’d see something by now.
  12. ”Nerf this, nerf that.” I think it’s not condi power that’s a problem, but the way conditions are applied and the amount of stacks. The amount classes like Mesmers can apply via clone spam is truly off-putting. Introducing a cap on the max amount of stacks could do. At the same time, if you limit this you need to limit condi cleanses too, because rn that’s a reason to vomit as well. The other day I ran into a group consisting of a Scourge, Elementalist and a Scrapper. This trio was unkillable for a good 20’ until we clearly outnumbered them. Balance needs to be achieved. In this case it could perhaps not be as complicated, i.e. if you reduce one, reduce the other as well.
  13. They dread questions like these and don't answer them.
  14. I'll give you a TL:DR; version: It's very stale, quite imbalanced, and not enticing. The company continues to show neglect towards its player base for whom likely the only reason to stick around is because there aren't many games with a similar combat system, which the company leverages only to keep the game alive as a cash shop.
  15. Ok... Please tell me you are joking?? ? It’s been 2.75 years since Alliances were announced. It’s been over 2 years since a developer even posted on one of the three Alliances/Alliance update threads. They won’t touch the topic. Yes, the OP could wait for alliances. I’ve been told that the end of the world is coming too.... Semi serious. I fully understand alliances are somewhat of a meme at this point. But if a miracle happened and alliances appeared and the op transferred not knowing it was a potential thing, it would be a bit mean. I will say they did update us in a diff thread quite recently tho. 3-4 months ago iirc But yes I do get the point you are makingFrom time to time they splash a few droplets of water on your face and you call that proper refreshment? Alliances are not coming. In over 2 and a half years we weren't presented with a single, small, tangible proof that something is in development. You'll be wise not to trust this company with your money, or your time.
  16. This reminds me of L2 - also an abandoned game of NCSoft's - where exactly this began to happen. Game is kept alive for the microtransactions. It's the same with GW2 as I see. Hackers aren't even afraid to use whatever it is they find on the internet. But worry not, other games are coming to the rescue :smile:
  17. They must have the dumbest marketing department of any game studio, because when you look around, this game has had potential all these years. It was on the competitive scene before, it could be there again, but that would mean to employ people who know what they are doing.
  18. If you want player housing, stop trying to copy ESO and just play it.
  19. Here's something: stop playing this dead game. Nothing is going to change.Nothing changed to this day. That should be your hint, your eye-opening clue. You were deceived. Stop feeding the beast (NCSoft).
  20. You actually still believe this is happening? Are you serious? :joy:
  21. 2+ years, not a single preview, tangible hint or clue, apart from "we're working on it". Sure you are... For some time they've been exploiting people's addiction. And most recently Coronavirus, since most are stuck at home.
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