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Everything posted by snh.7091

  1. Now think about it - most mention the combat system, yet ironically what is best about this game, which is what makes it best of all MMO games, is the most neglected aspect in all game modes. It's also what can be best monetised through events propagated with good marketing, which ANet severely falls behind in. Thought I'd mention it. Aside from that I quit long ago. Disappointed after disappointment after disappointment. Lurking, reading, a part of me hoping they'd come to their senses.
  2. if that's how you picture "challenging content" then play Super Mario Bros.
  3. especially, don't forget the package contains 2 that are the same as the original, just added dye slots.
  4. I'm disappointed. And if they'll offer these for 2k I'm definitely not gonna buy. I thought, that since they included the Branded skin they should include it in the bundle with the rest of the Branded skins and for those who own that package it should be unlocked automatically.
  5. I'm having your issues with the delay in sending of text messages. I start to type, then I have a long delay before letters appear as I type them, and after hitting enter it takes additional seconds for the messages to appear.
  6. But as someone mentioned here, alliances could solve that. :/ Hi, I think there's far too many servers and population, presumably due to the state of the game, is on decline, If they plan on doing something hopefully it will be done soon.
  7. will there be the permanent merchant/banker/trading post available for a reasonable price, say no more than 1600 gems (20 EUR) any time soon? that's a fair price for the feature and still isn't more expensive than the game itself.
  8. I recall one of my situations from the past on a game from a publisher I will not name whose games I haven't touched since and never will - they too had this system with the loot boxes with super nice items and very exclusive mounts that were gated behind super random RNG. That was the only time in my life I gambled in a game and the thought haunts me to this day having wasted over 150 EUR and getting nothing useful in return. There were people who spent thousands of USD and got nothing and you should have seen the outrage. The company responded by banning those people, which of course make them look even worse because they were clearly denying the truth by force. Then of course they protect themselves and their shoddy practices with EULAs and policies that allow them to get away with this. The problem lies with users who cannot resist to indulge their addiction and this is a major issue because companies prey on the weak-minded. Practices like this should be forbidden by law and anyone conducting them should be prosecuted and punished. Even though this trend emerged over a decade ago I clearly remember the first outcries against it and predictions of how bad this will be for the gaming industry and it is. Gambling is a serious problem. A health issue. And by introducing practices like this the game itself is straying away from a casual, healthy, fun and relaxing environment.
  9. but isn't sending large quantities illegal / suspicious? Also I think there's a cap on as to how much you can send. I heard somewhere that around 250g max? If I remember correctly there's no cap on how much gold you can send, but they can only withdraw 500g a week (or is it month?) from mail. So if you're sending more they might need to wait to get the full amount. It can also look suspicious but if it's a one-off you should be fine. For extra protection you can discuss what you're going to do in-game and then save screenshots of the conversation. Then reference that in the mail when you said the gold, something like "As discussed yesterday here's the gold for your transfer fee, really looking forward to you being able to join us in WvW!" That gives Anet evidence that you weren't selling gold, either they'll pick up on it themselves or if you do get banned you can send the screenshots as proof of what you were doing (and I assume they can then check the gold was used to buy gems which were used to buy a transfer) and un-ban you. It would be easier if we could gift transfers, and I don't fully understand why we can't but I assume there's a technical reason some items aren't included in the gift system.Thank you very much.
  10. but isn't sending large quantities illegal / suspicious? Also I think there's a cap on as to how much you can send. I heard somewhere that around 250g max?
  11. I've looked up the wiki page for gems but couldn't find a mention, searched these forums as well, since there's an option to gift items, why not actual gems themselves? e.g. you have a buddy on another server and would love to have them play with you on your server but a transfer cannot be gifted, but I don't see why gems could not.
  12. Yeah, well, they should have finished the spec before selling it to their players. They had a deadline. It's obvious. The expac is grossly unfinished.
  13. I really don't know what you're talking about. I've seen / met many Soulbeasts in combat and they can be quite formidable.
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