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Everything posted by mysticeyesx.1346

  1. This morning after the ranked match loaded I got an error with the gw2 report box and the game disappeared. I reloaded immediately and it would not let me enter the match and gave me dishonor with automatic loss. Is this happening to anyone else? Is this a new thing? Where do I report it?
  2. I've tried the vet event 3 times now and still did not get the item for carapace of chaos. Anyone else having this issue?
  3. Are these bots? They were standing in the base running into a wall while the match was going on. Is the bot issue in pvp ranked being addressed at all?? And where do we report them and send the info to back it up?
  4. The PVP reward track resets as well for ice brood sage after you finish the first track and the second one for the peppers appears. The second one is the reset at daily.
  5. Tried once again tonight to play through storm tracking using all the so called theories on how to get around the buggy map and none of it works. By the way anet there is no way this part of the story didn't fail in the testing stage and yet you still released it. Another reason to not spend anymore money in the gem store or future expansion. MAKE THIS RIGHT ANET.
  6. Same issue just happened to me. How long is this supposed to last????????????????????????????????? Real tired of Anet not addressing the pvp issues!
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