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Everything posted by Biziut.3594

  1. I am in a helping mood. Here. Next confused emote is from me. You know thats me, dunno what it changed tho. If you think peoples will be afraid or ashamed to express their opinions with emotes, only becouse you will see their names on it, than I am afraid you are wrong.
  2. A thought strucked me today. Since new expansion is going to take place in Tyria region, and we know for 99% that Zojja disappeared to join this "wizards". I wonder if this can also be the case for one or more of the sylvari firstborns that we haven't met. If I remember well there are 12 and we know like 10? Caithe, Faolain, 4 Luminaries, Treharne, Wynne, Dagonet and Riannoc.
  3. So we agree on the acquire method. I too hope, It will be fun and challanging adventure rather than another "go kill megadestroyer for a 100th time and afk some meta, or you can just buy it off tp if you farm enough gold, idk". As for it being free, it is often used as a generalisation, of course it will never be handed for free. Peoples use this term to express their apprehension to the acquire method. For example compare the acqusition method of gen 2 weapons vs gen 3 weapons. One requires you to do some special achivments, some of them rewards you with cool gizmos or skins like the tiger bow, generally every weapon is it's own unique adventure. The gen 3 weapons... "go, do whatever, or just buy if you have some gold, we don't care really. But look, it's shiny, it's all that matter right?".
  4. Yes, you right. WvW armor is basicly armor for afking. But I do not understan how youcan use that as an argument. If something is badly implemented, that doesn't mean all future stuff must be implemented as badly to be in line with that. It's not about qol or starus anything really. LEGENDARY gear is a last tier of armor, something that is a main and sometimes final long term goal for many players in many games. Make it boring, tedious, cheap to get, and it won't be this long term goal. What will take it's place. Achivment hunts? Skins? Story every few months?
  5. Maybe this will be easier for you to inderstand @Balsa.3951. I saw someone running AH, but he stated in LFG that he want everyone to be dressed in Maid Outfit. I do not have one, but I needed the AH kill for daily. What should I do? 1. Leave them be and find other run or organize one myself. 2. Join and demand that they have to keep me in, despite not having Maid Outfit. 3. Join and politely ask if I can stay regardless. In this situation the newbie, OP mentioned, picked the option number 3. So he will need to deal with whatever commander decides, which is: 1. Yes you can stay. I will cancel my joke run, specially for you, totally random guy that I have never met in my life. Or 2. No you cannot stay, becouse I really want everyone to wear maids outfits for this run. No matter if I will w8 another hour for it. It is my wish, my LFG and I want it fullfilled. What is the thing that you are not fine with and is difficult to understand?
  6. Ikr. Now you don't even need to have lodas of gold for gen 3 since A.S.S. price dropped from 8 to 3 gold, and is still dropping. Really hope they can do better with new armor set.
  7. If new armor will be as difficult as gen3 leges than it really is handing it for almost free. I dunno where you can see difficulty in crafting gen3. Get materials from walking around the map, get some currency from metas/events you can basicly afk throu and if you are too lazy to even to that, you can just dump gold on tp and buy it off. Not even a single achivment included. Sooo, wow. So much difficulty. So much adversity. Really hope they gonna add some difficult adversity to overcome to get it. Something similar to serpent ire meta or/and DE before nerfing or dunno. Something that will make this armor really worth it's legendary status unlike ones from competitive modes.
  8. This, so much this. For example I still cannot stomach that in 2023, they still making helmets that delete charr horns...
  9. You're right. But asking and worrying about it on forums over and over again, most certainly won't change anything. So I'll go with the trust here.
  10. Wasnt't ANet saying like a thousand times, to calm ppls like you, to not worry about the ending of gw2, becouse they still have many plans for this game.
  11. Ipos thief. Sleep sweet my beloved. Maybe one day you will see the light of Tyria day. Well, I can agree on the fact that off hand sword would fit thief better than an axe. But for the rest I think the weapons chioce is subjective, for each player It will be a diffrent weapon that fit the theme more.
  12. Better not get too used to this. This should and will be nerfed. Faster the better. And thats comming from player who plays only thief for 10 years. 2 days after the update and many LFG demand only thieves as alac, when I join as other spec I am instantly pushed into specter, and when I joined strikes today I was doing it with 4 other specters. I remember times when thief was excluded from content, I do not wish it upon other players. And being all that powerfull with almost no rotation or effort is really not fun to play. At least for me. 😕
  13. Hah! Your right! Thanks for pinging me about this. I can barely hold up a hype. Xd
  14. Good question with the Pact purpose now. Maybe they will rebrend into organization dealing with all kinds of world threatning things. As for returning characters I would place my bet on Taimi, since she's Zojjas apprentice. Maybe Gorrik since ANet is implaying that there is something going between this two. Joon also could make an apperance, we barely hear from her after the main EoD storyline and I think she might be interested in all powerful wizards organization.
  15. What do you think our team will be in the new story. Some Dragon Watch members or Destiny Edge or maybe some of this new pals from Cantha or maybe some entirely new ones? Edit: I am personally hoping to see Destiny's Edge reunited at some point since the rumors of Zojja's return appeared. Altho I doubt that the whole DE will be our main team of Commander Bros.
  16. Looks cool. I really hope they gonna make them look as good on charr.
  17. Nothing to add than. It's a plus from me. Would certainly save me some eq template slots as I didin't want to waste gold to get the stat + agony ones. So I use them separatly.
  18. That could be something. Especially getting rid of stat infusions would help to some small degree with the power creep that will surely come with the addition of the relics and probably with mixing weapons. Last thing to solve would be that many peoples put many gold/resources into obtaining said infusions. Especially Stat + Agony ones or high agony ones with hopes for profit. Anet would need to adress that and compensate it somehow to this players.
  19. Maybe if relics had x amount of slots. 10 for example. So you can jump between infusions whether you like. But then legendary part comes into play. If I have legendary armor I can switch between cosmetic infusions infinetly. If your change were to be implemented, it would have to be just as easy to manage infusions with relics. Too soon to say, but let's assume relics will have a rarities just like runes. Apart from it being unfair to the peoples who crafted legendary runes, with your change ppls with infusions and lege armor/trinkets would lose their qol of swapping cosmetic infusions. So unless they were given Legendary relic at start, it will be kinda unfair to them. Unless of course all rarities of relics would be able to swap cosmetic infusions on spot.
  20. Also kind of a miss, if you would like to use them separatly on one theme and together or mixed with yet another diffrent theme. For example, on one theme I use primordus eyes and ember one, and on another theme I use primordus eyes plus heart of khan ur.
  21. If I understood what anet wrote correctly, you will only be able to equip one relic at a time. So you would also need to think of some idea on how to stack the infusions effects. Both prim/jormag eyes infusions for example.
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