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Everything posted by Biziut.3594

  1. Seeing Zojja in this art got me more excited than anything in this expanision. I really hope this art means she will be back. It was way too long since we got some quality humor in gw2. Also I hope that if she really will come back, the devs still have this writing skills that made her our fav character.
  2. Yeah, despite all the flaws this game have. I always find myself go back to Tyria no matter how many other games I play. This is home.
  3. + from me OP. I need more places to store my fashion and builds and I'll be more than happy to throw my money into it.
  4. If someone is a dragon hunter and manages to kill off all the dragons, does it make him lose his title? Do deadeyes should only have one eye coz one is dead? Mirage is only a clone or doesn't exist? Mesmer is this irl illusionist name, why every illusionist in Tyria names their profession after irl human? Why Virtuoso is using dagger and in battlefield no less instead of performing and playing music on the scene? Am I a ghost if I play Specter? I should be, it is in the name. Does charr Renegade still serve the Legions, or should he be hunted down and killed? It's only a name in some game. Braham is named Dragonhunter and yet he haven't killed any in my playthrou. There are way more interesting matters fir anet to take care of imo.
  5. Didn't really have the time to test it yesterday, so I took op word for certain. I own quite a number of them myself, so I gonna test it out once I am back from the work and share resoults here.
  6. I like to watch other ppls fashion wars and sometimes infusions are integral part of it, but I also do not really like skill clutter. Wish this two would be separated. If I don't want to see infusions or see other players for some fps, I just set Character options to the lowest.
  7. Thats exactly why I like Joon so much. Until her, the most suspicious character that you supposed not to trust was Caithe during HoT, and I haven't met a person who actually fell for it and haven't trusted her. With Joon, I really had my doubts about on whos side shes really on, will she help us or will try to get rid of us, is she ultimatly good, or will she be another villan later. When all of our team mates were always clear with their motives and it was always clear they are good characters, she was always in the gray zone playing her cards carefully. I think Canach supposed to be handled this way too at the beginning, but once I saw him in LS2 I just couldn't belive he could turn on us. With Joon, I had many doubts, and thats why I like her. Edit: Rama is fine, at least when he keeps his bad cop attitude. And Yao and Choo-something, seems kinda bland and generic for me. At least for now.
  8. I wouldn't mind seeing a Skritt representation one day. I would love to see how Ftokchak is faring. ^^
  9. You and me sister. As for the newer faces, dunno. Maybe I am too picky, from EoD alone I think I really enjoyed only Joon and Rama.
  10. Noo mom please no! I was more fond of the original DE. I would love to see Zojja again one day. I do not mind Rytlock, aside from Canach, he's the only character from new DE that I liked. Also liked Caithe and Aurene altho I dunno if I should call them a part of DE team. Other than that I would love to see the return of some personal story characters.
  11. Back when HoT was released I died like 3 times there. So I am more inclined to think that it is a matter of personal skill more than anything else. And training for what. How to press space button when falling or how to use zephyrite skills that are scattered over whole Dry Top and Four winds festival.
  12. Ran it twice a week ago for the blc keys. Seems fine to me. Completed it without any problems. No bugs. And the flight at the end is pretty enjoyable, just like zephyryte skills are. ^^
  13. @SoftFootpaws.9134 My God, now you scared me. Does that mean that DE 3.0. will be made of Rama, bird lady which nobody knows, non binary guy, choo mooo (mentor of the non binary guy), bug Asura and Taimi?
  14. Yeah you're right. I guess I am speaking more from my personal wish to play throu similar quest with the characters I love. Actually I always counted for similar instance with Destiny's Edge characters. Somehow I can't get myself to like Dragon's Watch/Cantha crew. Edit: or at least most of them. Canach is okayish. I liked him better during HoT/PoF.
  15. Thats why I love this community so much. No matter what content you are up for, you can always find someone to play with you or to help you. I love helping players get to the hidden garden JP area. I always get out of map and climb onto the largest mountain and than tp ppls to me. Thay are always in ave of the view, and are glad for this little extra adventure.
  16. Guess you probably know it by now, but for the sake of the other ppls wondering. Yes you can use soulbinded armor to get special ops one.
  17. I wish we could invite more of the npc's we know, rather than this duo of absolute strangers. Like Caithe, Kas, Jory. And thats only the ones that were with is in Cantha during EoD. Canonicly we were back in Tyria for the wedding so I see no reason why not to include other members of the team. Rytlock, Rox, Logan ect. I didn't even knew who Ayumi is before I googled her after this quest. And Yao is known to me only from the recent questline.
  18. My God. For real? Well I paid for game to give me some sort of challange and adversity to overcome. So did many others. If you want to be held by hand throu every single aspect of the game, I suggest playing some mobile farm game. Sure lets make every content in this game easy. Lets make group content soloable even, becouse why should you be forced to play online game in group with your anxiety. Not like there is hundrets of games that are made with the peoples like you in mind. Let's come to the game ppls enjoy and lets tell them they shouldnt enjoy it becouse they fell victim to some corporate mentality. Dear Dwayna what is with this peoples this days. Xd
  19. Playerbase: Enjoying the weekend and game in peace. Morti: RANDOM BS GOOOO!
  20. Thats why I meant both, dye slots + graphic (not to confuse with "shinyness", just plain graphic, something skyrim modders do to armors, so they look cool even after a decade). As for the charr part, yeah I get you sis, tis the main reason I wrote this, as I main a charr myself. And many of this armors could be so much more, if given a little upgrade. ^^
  21. My friend clears high end content entirely by clicking. So he did with many other games, including such titles as Aion, where you had hundret more skill buttons to click. I am pretty sure he would be mad if ANet would force him to change the way he plays this game. So it's a no from me. Besides, clickers that will find themselves in front of that barrier will be given a chioce, to eighter improve or change playstyle. Your decision would take that choice away from them. And that wouldn't be very wise.
  22. I know what you mean. I meant it rather as a change to some low level armor skins, so they look better and not so 2013. To make armors such as Rawhide, Studded, Emblazoned ect: (basicly all vanilla armors) look on par with the sets from expansions and livnig world in the terms of just graphic, not the level of shiny, so they are actually usable in fashion wars.
  23. I wish they would upgrade graphic / dye slots on other armors as well. Especially ones that are with us from the release. Guess they will only bother with the gem store ones tho, becouse profit. xd
  24. Well. Maybe not exactly a "combat" ability. But thanks to charrzooka 4, I am able to perform a skip in harpy fractal after fight with Old Tom. While playing a profession that wouldn't be able to do so if it wouldn't be a charr. Edit: As for strictly combat efectivness of the racial skills. Wasnt't there a norn transformation skill in use on WvW build not too long ago? Wonder if it's nerfed.
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