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Everything posted by Biziut.3594

  1. @vares.8457 It appears Facts = My personal opinion these days. xD
  2. Well I can agree with you on the last one. Still have nightmares of this nice medium skin turning into King of all trench coats.
  3. Soooo, gate the last tier of WvW behind Legendary acquisition and make the 2nd tier a precursor. Problem solved. (Edit: jk of course, in case all this ppls would take this part seriously too). We can move to creating new content and original skins, instead if dwelling in old content that works and serves it's purpose, only to add yet another, a little more shiny variant of the same set that was released few years ago and call it a day.
  4. The beauty is in the eye of the beholder. For me, the WvW skin with tentacles looks million times better and more legendary than the PvE one. Besides peoples I was talking with didn't even wanted for it to be animated. The requirement was for it to have a blink. Imo they do have a blink. Adding yet another 4th similar looking set, but a little more shiny, only for the sake to throw "something" into this Legendary tier, is in my opinion waste of resources that could be put into creating new and original armor skin, locked behind new and fresh content.
  5. All three game modes have way to get Legendary armor. All three game modes have access to the three armor sets, with the last set being more shiny/animated than the others. The only diffrence is that WvW and PvP last tier skin, can be acquired before crafting lege itself. I see it as a win. All nice and equal. And instead of adding yet another fourth skin with the similar aesthetic to the old WvW lege path, I would rather see a new set with unique look added to some new fun collection/quest, regaldless of the game mode. Especially that with the legandary armory, crafting two sets of legendary armor (with the same weight) only for the sake of the skin, kinda kills the fun.
  6. Becouse what? Becouse you can acquire it before crafting a lege? If anet would gate it behind legendary tier it would somehow make it viable?
  7. Sublime Mistforged Triumphant armor. Unique glowing skin with glowing animated tentacles.
  8. Great, you can read my post, too bad you haven't read it whole. Becouse I said I would like to see new armor skins not only for living world but for WvW also. But not as legendaries, as normal skins hidden behind some nice and engaging quests/achivs.
  9. What diffrent looks for WvW set? From PvE lege? No one is saying no, if you want it, than go for it. Get Raid set and reskin your WvW one, (as pointless as it would be). The only one who is saying "no" is You dear. And you say it to yourself.
  10. #1 Becouse to unlock legendary skind for PvP and WvW you only need to buy ascended pieces, for PvE one you have to craft whole legendary. Apart from that there is a matter that this skins were created to lure players to the certain game mode. WvW sublime skin lured me into WvW and I fell in love with this mode, so I really doubt Anet would make a mistake to allow this armor to be acquired anywhere else than WvW. #2 OW armor, won't happen becouse it already exist as PvE armor which require both OW and Raids, you can play your broken record as much as you want, (watch what I wrote you about Auto-LFG, same thing applies here), but I really doubt Anet will create another legendary armor, and even if they would plan it, it would probably be created for some more demanding content than OW. Also you can acquire 90% of the skins, stuff, leges playing OW anyways, so there is no need to add even more lure there just becouse you wish for lege armor easy access. xd #3 Raid sellers are annoying, I know that, but thats not related to the topic of this discussion. Play this broken record elswhere. #4 Gem Store items, are the way for Anet to make money. Every time you wish to get freebies from it, you wish to harm the game, imo.
  11. Both modes have the same amount of sets and as you said it yourself, you do not even need to craft actual lege to get WvW skin. (Which is somehow a bad thing for you). Also you said... Both armor have glowing bits, and aestheticly it comes to the player which one someone likes more. So what is it that you want? Even more armor sets for WvW lege path? Will we get another set into PvE lege path than? I am fine with anet adding full armor skins to obtain, but I would like to get them throu new content, like incomming living world, or some new exciting WvW achivments. Not getting to the old stuff.
  12. This! I mean both modes have 3 sets. Plus WvW have additional chest skin, Sublime one. PLUS, WvW do not have to craft legendary to get all this skins if someone cares only about the skin. So I too think there are way more important things to do with the game. And if they really want WvW and PvE armors to be equal than let anet make tier 3 of the triumphant armor unlock only after crafting the actual lege tier. Imaginr this sweet squeal on the forums than. xDDDD
  13. I get you sister. I main charr as well. Leather tho. If I would be able to wear heavy I would probably always have racial t3 on. I love it. ^^ Anyways remember that even tho, we charrs have it hard, the gold will always shine more throu dung. xd ❤️
  14. Emm. So it's about quantity now? WvW armor comes out even better than. Triumphant armor aka WvW lege, have 3 tiers, 3 sets of armor + sublimed version of the chest on the top of that. PvE raid armor have 3 sets of armor, don't have the sublime version of the chest + you have to craft legendary tier to unlock last set. WvW have all skins without the need to even bother with crafting legendary. Sooo... ???
  15. I never said anything about faster acquisition nor the better look for wvw set. Dunno why you think I did. I may be in minority but I actually like how the medium WvW set looks and I am using it over my Raid medium chest. Soo you are allowed to ask for that skin but in my opinion theres no need for it. When it comes to acquisition time, I think it's also fine since all you need to do basicly is to flip camps for x amount of time. As for auto lfg I already said. You are allowed to ask for it but you already did so many times to no avail. And I warned you that if you plan to post yet another thread about it, make sure that it won't violate some forum laws. Edit. kitten, I would even have it the other way around when it comes to skin. For raid one to not have animation and stay in it's non combat form. But as opposed to you, I know when things are impossible or pointless to ask for, so instead I asked for a toggle. Edit 2 corrected your post for you. Xd
  16. Report you? I have never reported you. I just tried to give you an advice since your threads about Auto-LFG were kind of repetitive back in the days. And I belive that making multiple threads on the same topic is against the forum laws. Edit: Also you meant sensitive soul, not kind. Kind means good, sensitive means vulnerable to harm. Really get that dictionary mate. >:d
  17. The amount of confused reactions should already suffice for an answer, but since I am waiting for my RAID w3 no kp training run to fill up anyways, I'll humor you. You can shape not only Training LFG, you can shape any LFG to your preferences. If you create LFG that asks for everyone to wear maid outfit, than you can give reasonable kick to anyone that joins but refuse to meet the conditions you have set, and this will be fair. For Auto-LFG, well you can certainly ask, and you actually did so more times than I can count, (so you may kinda risk a warn from administration I think btw) and ppls already answered you in other threads why this idea is pointless with arguments that even a newborn would've understand. So... well you may hope for it but theres like 99,999999% chances that this won't happen, and you don't have to be Asura to know that.
  18. Ikr! Can't wait to see how this new infusion will look like. *_*
  19. Put down your tin foil hat for a minute and read with understanding. No one can kick you from your own squad. Want no kp run? Make your own LFG, you have the same right to do it just as others have the right to ask 2k kp (never seen anyone asking for that many tho, avarage is 20-30kp which is like 4-10 kills). As for raids being dead... well guess I do weekly pug clears with ghosts. Check my kp.me for proof if you do not belive. For me it's the opposite of being dead. Hell even my guild full of newbies started to raid not too long ago and is able to clear few wings a week. But no, you are held hostage by non existing ppls living only in your head. Nice to be delusional tho. I guess me and my casual guildies with a one year old accounts are only imagining our shiny lege armors. If so than you might give it a try too. Fly over toxic gatekeepers on the wings of delusion with us love.
  20. Imo they should offer a dictionary instead. xd
  21. Oh my so now ppls are called entitled becouse they dare to share their opinion on a skin? Ahh this spiteful tricksters at Arena, they dare to do what they want with the game they own, it must be only to kitten off some imaginary cult of toxic raiders. Xd
  22. Lol. Gatekeeping what? Are this toxic raiders bonking you with a stick each time you try to put your own LFG? xd
  23. Skin wise I'll take medium WvW over medium lege any time. Lege is fine when you are not in combat. After you get in combat my charr gets a wet to dry cat treatment. Still wishing for a toggle to turn animation thing off.
  24. End toxicity with system like in fractals? In my 10 year gameplay I encountered more toxicity in fractals than in raids and strikes modes combined. From both ends. Toxic casuals wanting to be carried in the T4 or cm's and sneaking into exp runs , or toxic try hards that rage quited after failing even a little non lethal mechanic. It would be good to end toxicity. But the problem is not the game. It is us, peoples that are playing this game imo.
  25. We could have fractal with God of Secret Abaddon fight in the very heart of the dark Realm of Torment, but well... ppls picked fractal with asura, and an ooze... and some glowing guy...
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