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Everything posted by Biziut.3594

  1. @Artemis.8034: Asks politely for one more objective for raids inside WV, so peoples have reason to go there again. @Albadaran.1283: Also @Albadaran.1283 So "no", becouse... "no", very clever answer, worthy of a person who have at least 30 years past them... ... ... Please remind me... Why there are no IQ tests before giving peoples voting rights? /O\
  2. And why do You think ANet wouldn't be willing to add another objective? The fact that they already added one is not really a viable argument. Edit: There is Strikes/Fractals dailies/weeklies already. Is this annoying for the solo players as well? Other important question is that should devs cater more to solo players in a multiplayer game instead of the (idk how to call them... normal players?)
  3. And why exactly solo players should care that there is one additional objective in the pve tab? (I mean there would be 7 possible dailies instead of 6). It does not affect them in any way.
  4. Thanks to You I have finally understood the errors of my ways. From now on I will not care if I spend 20 minutes on a run or 2 hours. I will welcome all 1k dps players, and I will willingfully donate all my loot (if we even manage to kill anything of course) to the freshest sweeting in our run. Hahahahahahah. I wasn't laughing so hard in days, thank you. Report button, for asking kp to make sure no lazies joins, omegalul. Respect for Your patience. KO is long enough even with organized roles, if I would be a top dps as a healer I would flee from the run before even finishing a first phase.
  5. Peoples play as peoples like to play. Be it tryhard or casual. No one is forcing you to go full tryhard balanced meta composition or whatever, but do not expect to clear content in the same time and with the same ease they do. Make content even easier, and it will become even more boring and trivial for the part of the playerbase, and I personally don't think it is good for the game.
  6. Great idea that could make raid more alive. I personally do not raid anymore cuz it do not have anything more to offer. Getting something for LI would be a great way to make me intrested in raiding again. And don't bother with Healerkiellersomething guy, hes basicly a meme on the forums, getting bitter at everyone that want something to benefit raids and not Him (the gimme everything for free syndrome guy). Not to mention His posts are usually super confusing like the one sending you to completly diffrent topic, implaying it's about the same thing. Unless he meant for it to mean something else. But thats the thing with Him. I can never understand what His deal is. ^^ So as much as I don't belive ANet will do something useful with LI, I really like your idea. For what it's worth.
  7. Now I want Michael Jackson mini doing "Hee Hee" and "SHAMONE, SHAMONE", every now and then. xd
  8. Plus from me for the feature like this. With a game that focuses on fashion so much, I am surprised it's not a thing already as some gem store QOL. Pure money for ANet. Pure enjoyement for players. At least they could give us more equipment templates slots. I would smash that buy gems button till my mouse would explode.
  9. Do You peoples saying about skipping being bad actually know them? I was already called God Gamer twice for skipping and turning off all platforms in aetherblade fractal, which takes definitly more than 20 seconds to complete normally. Skipping harpies jp on uncategorised with one jump as Vinc mentioned is pretty sick too, I thankfully can't even remember when I had to run this jp thanks to this skip. Molten Boss, one tp thas skips you like 4 waves of enemies. Trap skips on cliffside Engi skip on solid ocean that let your whole pt basicly tp to the boss without someone messing the jump and thus stalling for time. Deepstone pit skip to the last wisp by jumping on the wall, like I don't think I ever saw any pt doing it normal way. Choya tonic in snowblind run to the boss may not be much, but after making it 1000 times you just want to get it done fast, and it's not like I have seen anyone killing this mobs like ever. Thaumanova, not saving the prisoners and doing other rooms while they burn is massive time saver as well. There are probably much more, as I have written only ones from the top of my head. One skip may save you 1-3 minutes, few of this skips in one run can save you way more time. Ohh The ascalon city one, where no matter how long way it will roll for you, you can just climb the rooftop, jump building to building, assassins creed style and get to the checkpoint in 30 seconds. Saved me lot of time while running with pugs or newbies.
  10. I know I gonna be cursed by SAB/holographic stuff haters, but I would so love to see a Bee Dog skyscale, I just adore this 8-bit bumblepugs. ❤️
  11. Or Shatterer! kitten ANet could make so much cash on it, and they wouldn't even have to bother with comming up with something new.
  12. Not your fault, I could made a quote, especially since I know they tend to merge threads. xd
  13. Yes, becouse threads were merged coz someone is averse to the search function. I meant @Tanuki.4603 who stated that ANet by selling hp on gemstore is "Disgrace for community" or something like that, and was op in amother thread...
  14. (Whisperimg mode enabled) oy! WvW players out there. Just keep quiet about your Hero Points skip. If @Tanuki.4603 finds out he will make another topic, and belive me, this dude speaks for the whole COMMUNITY. So his word is your word and if he will want your skip to not exist, you will want it too. So ANet will have to bend the knee and delete it. First rule of the WvW club, there is no testomonies currency. xd
  15. While flying with male charr on gyrocopter glider I am using "falling" animation. Other gliders animations seems to work fine.
  16. Just wanted to say, thank you and good job at making staff skill #3 useful. It is not only a sweet cc but also have this new super funny BONK animation. So again, thanks. ^^ Edit: Just noticed 4th staff skill have awesome animation as well. I wish it will have some use on Matthias.
  17. Thats what I am thinking too. I think you dont give yourself enough credit. Like I don't think I was ever kicked from a ow or dragonstorm/convergence content unless I was literally afking for a longer time for some reason. And as ascended food provider its safe to say that you are practicly a god of the run/meta. Xd
  18. It's intresting really. Like I am fully aware topics like this would pop up. Especially after seeing few topics fighting for 10aa already. I feel there would be complains even if ANet would add this raids as additional objective, so not even adding it to the rotation of already existing one. But if it were on me, I would risk a little more clotted forum if it would mean a little more life on raiding LFG.
  19. I'll take a long shot, but what about WvW? You can't get kicked, You don't have to interract with peoples more than in OW, and You can go invisible in case You are afraid of others whispering You. Feels like a perfect solution for lone wolfs imho, at least as much as it make sense forcing yourself to play multiplayer game while not liking interracting with peoples. No offence. Just trying to help, and I am little curious what is holding You in the game as almost everything requires others to complete. ❤️
  20. I would love that so much. It could liven up the raid LFG a little bit.
  21. I wish he was right tho. At least we would be getting a pay check. Xd
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