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Everything posted by Rukario.1695

  1. In this case you shouldn't use "a" and "b" because it sounds like those cannot happen at the same time. In this case, Legendary Equipment never goes back to your inventory, even if they're not part of a Template. In this case "a" isn't necessary since this topic is simply about Legendary Equipment. For those who do not understand the Legendary Armory, the Armory is treated as a pseudo equipment bank. Any Legendary Equipment you unlock is stored there. The stats you select for it are not saved with it if you unequip them or change weapons. They cannot be put into your Character's Bag Inventory at any point. If you want to change stats very quickly, they expect you to use Templates. It's unfortunate that stats for unequipped Legendaries are not saved per current template, even if you unequip the weapon, but I don't see them changing this. For one, you can have multiple of each Legendary item, up to a cap, and you cannot distinguish between them or select specific pieces out of that pile. For two, they'd rather you just purchase more Templates.
  2. I don't use any 3rd party addons, DX9 crashes immediately before character select shows up.
  3. I'm on team "Remove Alacrity and Quickness". To me, it seems the best way to balance the game would be to first do this while baking it into every skill by default. Simply reduce all skill cooldowns across the board by how much they're reduced when granted Alacrity. As for Quickness, maybe not a 100% conversion. Maybe 25~50% of the speed would be fine with tuning. After this, you're free to balance the classes as you will and we can finally be over this In-fighting over these two boons that have somehow become the deciding factor for everything in the game, from dev decisions to party compositions. Having these boons available does nothing but cause class imbalance and trying to fit them into kits is just making everything worse than Core Professions back in 2012.
  4. I wouldn't say it's narcissistic, I would say it's being overly entitled. This entire thread has been about entitlement to items locked in the GS because somehow it's caused by not having a subscription service. The whole argument is a farce. They can buy what they want out of the GS using Gold. The fact that they refuse to, or otherwise complain about any of the content they could do in order to afford it, simply says that they want a cheaper way to get more GS stuff than what the current GS allows for. It's purely just misdirected greed, entitlement, and generally seen as a delusion near akin to "the world should revolve around me." It doesn't matter what you have to say against them because they'll spin a hyperbole about semantics and assumptions on why what they say would work and how it would work. Consequently the majority of these "pro-subscription" arguments are just a lot of "ums" and "ahs" - trying to make their stance so wildly volatile and confusing that no one understands what they're saying or asking for anymore. The stance of the recent replies has been that of a troll trying to confuse their prey. I wish a moderator would step in and lock the thread and leave it at that, because nothing worthwhile has been said by the "pro-subscription" side of things since around page 5 or so. This topic is a giant waste of time and energy best used, in this case, for them to go play content, get rewards, earn gold, and buy some of these "restricted GS rewards" because they for some reason need to have the satisfaction of knowing they're paying a sub -- when in reality it matters not at all.
  5. The only thing I've seen here is a lot of hot air from the ones trying to defend the idea of making GW2 Sub-based. The comments that are incessantly arguing to make GW2 a sub-based game are nearly identical to spam at this point and I've lost interest in reading more than half of this entire thread. To those who are supporting Anet's current choices with keeping GW2 B2P rather than P2P Sub, thanks. You do us right. If you don't have a logical, undeniable point for why a subscription service would be better, or somehow isn't already accommodated for by allowing Gem Purchases whenever you want and as frequently as you want, then you should just drop it already. Beating a dead horse isn't the "hip, new cool thing to do" it's just disappointing, and it results in digging your own grave.
  6. Main issues: Pretty much all of their revenue comes from both F2P & P2O Expansion players. Going sub-based would basically kill the playerbase, because people play games to have fun, not to feel like they are locked into a subscription service that they have to use or otherwise feel like they've wasted their money. The Gem Store is there as both a gold sink and to fund the game, it isn't going to go away just because of a subscription. We are already paying for the LWS's that we missed in addition to the expansions. Those who avoid subscription-based games aren't going to stay with GW2 just because it's GW2. You have posted about this and have already been told all of this before. Either you're dense or you just want to get rid of players because they have skins that you just want / to complain you can't just get for free / or you want to feel special because for some reason you think them buying it (just like you) somehow makes it lose value because it's not rare anymore. You say you want a sub service, then make it yourself. Buy gems once a month. There, you get your skins and your sub. Leave the livelihood of other players out of your entitled, repetitive posts about the same topic. Games do not go from F2P / P2O Expansion => Subscription. They go from Subscription => F2P / P2O Expansion.
  7. The chance to get a precursor during any content is roughly a 1 in 250,000 to 500,000 chance, that one time you get an Exotic. The chances are so low to keep them from flooding the market and making Legendaries even less Legendary or easier to obtain; you have to account for all of the people playing as well. If each person got an Exotic drop, the chances increase rather quickly. However, with how low the drop chance is for Exotics, in addition to how much even more rare a drop for a Precursor is... Strikes having a chance to be rewarding is the least of your concerns right now. Anything that can give you a random RNG exotic weapon can reward you with a precursor instead. Strikes aren't affecting Raids because of precursors. They have equal chances as far as we all know, as we don't know percentages.
  8. Being a user of D912Pxy for the last year or so, along with working on ReShade to support it, I can't comprehend how your framerate is getting cut by any amount at any point - unless you had made no changes to your config.ini to match specifications for your GPU. The last few months I've been running at 4k with a GTX1080 and an i7-2700k @ 4.3GHz and I have never experienced this. The configurations, if done manually, will require some technical finesse and quite a lot of trial and error. There are users on the Discord server that can assist you to an extent with this. Note that, as another person pointed out, it sounds like you've likely not built a sizable cache to avoid the PSO Cache performance drops, having to save it to your current disk so it can simply be recalled later. This can significantly increase the amount of data that has to be processed, new, when encountering any new players which all have different skins and skills, flashes and effects. It all takes time to render, convert, and save to your HDD. Regarding performance, my frametimes at all points during gameplay (WvW, World Bosses, general exploration,) are all higher and significantly more stable than without D912Pxy - FPS is increased roughly by 8 at the lowest, upwards to +100 in a non-intensive environment. In my opinion, running standard DX9 GW2 feels like the equivalent to running a game at 30FPS when it allows native 60. I'm not going to tell you to keep using it, but your original post reads as rather biased with a hint of not knowing the configurations; I'm not sure if you're using the non-AVX, AVX, or AVX2 builds which are all separate, nor have you listed which revision of D912Pxy you're using; needless to say that being reluctant to share your own specs doesn't bode well for the sake of this argument, either. It doesn't seem like you want to find out what could be wrong, rather it seems you're jumping to the forum out of frustration - and I'll just say that the Developer and other contributors do not visit here very often, if at all. If you want to provide constructive feedback and see if anything can be done to alleviate any issues you're facing, I would recommend joining the Guild Wars 2 Development Community Discord Server. https://discord.gg/YatuAm This link expires in one day.
  9. The pylons are visible but do not respond to attacks, at least on today's EoTN Daily Strike. I do not know if the other strikes are affected. It did not happen until a few hours ago and now it's just stuck and no one can progress. Though, seems to have fixed itself after the latest hotfix.
  10. Yeah I'm not fond starting out of order. Suppose I'll do something else for now.
  11. I just want the choice to decline any soulbound items from Level Up Rewards or Quests; a visible option "Skip Soulbound Item" - at least this would remove having to drag / drop / possibly type the name of the item you're trying to destroy.
  12. Every other post? you mean player response? because anet only answered 1 post since announcement in the discussion to thank a fan...The rest are gem store related posts btw I was definitely not referring to Anet responding, as that rarely happens.
  13. I bet you're wondering why you haven't gotten any responses, meanwhile every other post has. Let it sink in. Edit: Since this comment, seems you got some traction. Hopefully in your favor?
  14. That's some nice feedback. I hadn't seen where Anet had spoke of this before and their view on it, so that answers some questions. Maybe one day, but probably not soon. With the new Gw2 team essentially being doubled in size, effectively, hopefully we can see some changes in a variety of QoL aspects to the game.
  15. I suggest bringing some guildies if possible at all.
  16. The solution to not having drama in the earlier days way just to create your own party. You could remove whoever was causing a problem. This caused.. 1) People who were kicked for disrespecting others complained. 2) People who kicked others for no reason at all or because being "elitist" and therefore upset many people. The thing here is, you could still create your own party and you had the ability to manage it. As it is now, 3 assholes can join and vote you out of your own instance to invite someone they know. Even if you didn't say or do anything. Creating your own party is no longer an option unless you pre-plan with at least one person or more beforehand. How exactly is the current system better than the last one?
  17. To be honest that's just taking the first M out of MMO. "Play online, but with friends only." If that's what GW2 has come to, it's fallen far since when it first started.
  18. It needs to be more visible. As it stands, not even botters get banned until months later after a report, this isn't much of a threat to people. Likely, it could be bolder. The problem is that it would put ANet into the position of having to judge right and wrong in a lot of ambiguous situations. I feel it should be visible or at least there should be a notice sent to the player saying they are subject to being investigated after reports had surfaced of their activity. Chat logs work wonders, otherwise look at PubG and the fact that they watch the last 10 minutes or so of a player's data as a report comes in for certain things. They're much more proactive about leading a fair and healthy community. If the first point had any merit this would be less of a problem. There are better things they can do as well, such as keeping track of if the player has dealt sufficient damage recently and if they are too far away from the currently active players - if not, they are kicked by the server, not by the party. Again, if reports meant anything, toxicity would be more rare of a circumstance in the GW2 community. If that were true, then the chances of running into a toxic person would become rather low. As it stands, it's so common that people don't want to change the current system which can just as easily be abused by those toxic people. You're essentially saying they can't get in trouble for reports, which was one of my main points. Indeed, unfortunately unless Anet changes their stance on how to handle toxic players, we will be met with nothing but toxic players who know they have immunity.
  19. If reporting for abuse / harassment ever did anything and toxic players felt they would even get a warning, then this would never happen. Even a "strike" system would help. In my opinion, since people getting suspended will never happen, you shouldn't be able to kick anyone while in an active instance. Another option is "vote to leave" and after a vote passes, a dialogue option comes up asking players why they left. If a person gets too many reports for bad behavior, they can be locked out of content on the LFG temporarily. If you find that no one likes one or more people, you deal with it or leave and start again. This forces those people to either work together or leave. No one gets kicked, no one can cheat. I doubt anyone would join a party if they didn't want to complete the content. As for Fractals and AR, AR should be displayed next to the character in the party list so you can check it before entering an instance. There is little reason to do a higher fractal without the AR because you'll just die.
  20. I'd appreciate it if the wall bounding was pushed back a bit, or in some cases entirely removed on some core maps as it's difficult to navigate while you're always hitting invisible walls when you're in the air - by any means, gliding, etc.
  21. This is likely - - unofficial, but - - allowed. It's covered as "use at your own risk" because it can have unforeseen issues like the client crashing, etc. It doesn't modify anything more than Reshade does. There is also one of these that converts DX9 calls to Vulkan. The chances of you getting banned for wanting better performance are so small that I would say they are non-existant. Use it if you want. It caches the shaders for optimization. This takes time any time you run into something new, it's the same as an emulator or other game, but it requires more time because it has to wait on the original Api and then convert them. I had around a 20 to 30 FPS bump. It's highly dependent on you hardware and your results will vary.
  22. The event is stuck at 5/6 killed and cannot be completed, blocking players from talking to Dahlia and finishing the achievement, in addition to missing the Tyria Mastery Point.
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