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Posts posted by orthoptera.8142

  1. On 6/2/2023 at 9:33 PM, glyph.6120 said:

    Has anyone else been experiencing the same bug as me where they're unable to set a WvW guild, either through the guild panel or the "WvW Restructuring - BETA" tab on the WvW panel? Clicking on "Set as WvW guild" in the guild panel does nothing (my guild remains unselected), and selecting my guild in the WvW beta panel also doesn't register (the guild automatically unchecks itself when I tab away or close the WvW panel).

    Strangely, I'd had my wvw guild selected for a long time, and my selection had carried over between betas. However, when they opened up guild selection for the upcoming beta this week suddenly my wvw guild got unselected, and now I can't pick any wvw guilds.

    I had that happen yesterday on one account, others were fine.  Issue cleared after a restart.

  2. On 3/6/2022 at 3:19 PM, Boh.4568 said:

    Siege placement in water conflicted with the fact that now every water area is fishable. So in order to avoid any issue they directly disabled the placing of anything in water.

    All this to let us fish more sea weed so we can make up for the WvW low rewards with some additional copper. We also save money because we deploy less siege.

    Fishing with ballistae coming next?

  3. Also very easy to start with Warlord's Armor Boxes https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Warlord%27s_Armor_Box. If you play much WvW, you'll get one of these a week, when you finish the Bronze tier of WvW rewards. In 6 weeks you can have a full set of exotic armor of whatever stats you like. While you're doing that you can also run the Triumphant armor reward track to unlock the ascended pieces. But if you must have Ascended asap, then crafting is the way to go, although you'll have time-gated mats to deal with there. Good luck, and have fun!

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