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Everything posted by Archenblade.3405

  1. "It is a punch in the face that I need to share" Exclusivity is temporal, you are not that special, chill out and let other folks have fun too.
  2. I'm still unclear how these drops work - do I have to log in every day or do quests to get the stuff? or does it just gradually show up in my mailbox?
  3. Please add a title "Proplifter" I was hoping it could either have to do with grabbing nodes while they are owned by other teams in WvW, but a PvE collection also makes excellent sense. It would delight my wife to no end.
  4. If the LFG window could have some options for autofill - like, if the last two of the instance IP could automatically be included in the LFG when for open world content, or content where IP might matter. Would it be possible to add more LFG automation in general? (someone starts an open squad instance it would be nice if those could auto LFG unless the commander closes the squad?) Could more granular squad closing happen? Again looking at LFG could roles be broken down? "CC" "DPS" "ALAC/DPS" etc. and if I am commander, I click some dropdowns, or buttons, and it calls out what I am asking for in the LFG - and in a DREAM would have a mouseover of a wiki page explaining the role, and ways different classes can perform in those roles in loose terms <This is a list of CC abilities you can use on your necro, this will give you maximum uptime for fear> again, some drop downs to describe your more specific goals? would that make minmaxing too easy? Thank you for some of the dungeon fixes. Could the party guests in cadeceus be ready to answer subsequent questions just a little faster? THANK YOU for adding convergences to the world portal device.
  5. The point that everyone seems to be missing, whether Anet uses schedules of reinforcement in BLC's or not.
  6. While I'm here, Spectral ring has an awkward description "Gain life force when a foe is inflicted by fear from this skill" Inflicted with fear, or Afflicted by fear might flow better.
  7. I don't think this is going to work quite properly Hey, I went to go craft some infusions, saw something wildly out of trend. I hope the fix is trivial! Thanks for a great game.
  8. So I have only been having this issue since ~0300 PST when I tried to open the PvP panel in the PvP lobby to leave said lobby, on clicking the button - Crash. Likewise I then logged back in and hopped to amnytas(sp?) hopped on my skyscale, then started climbing, I was in an updraft when I turned the camera, skyscaleface -> freeze -> Desktop edit: was trying to navigate with skyscale through the animated museum exhibit event, crash.
  9. I was an overemotional kitten (Rough day) and am leaving this up to accept my shame at my ignorance. But - absolutely and certainly if a paid battle pass a la phone games shows up, I will feel so violently betrayed, BECAUSE Anet have historically been so good. ANET - I have spent a decent amount of money on mine, my wifes, and my nephews account on your games over the years. I will not give you money anymore if you implement a battle pass. I recognize you have made the business judgement that you will lose less money than you will gain. But this is not in line with why I have historically stood up for Anet. I'm disappointed with whatever BDR ghoul came up with this.
  10. This provides more build flexibility and from my understanding is a change that will be rolled out for everyone. This faffing about not being able to put a golem peak on a different kind of rune because "oh no, I would have to earn a new thing" If you actually play the game, that isn't a big deal. And if I wind up spending 15 gold on a scholar relic that I can now use with my rune of the golemancer? HUGE ferocity. I would think that could be a fun or interesting build. It is a gift if you can see past your desire not to play.
  11. Please add the achievement/title "proplifter" It lines up with some behaviors characters engage in already, is culturally relevant, and could be added with a minimum of gameplay augmentation. Maybe just add it for the chef career track people with their gardens?
  12. Get outfits if you want "Change it whenever you change biome" Flexibility. Earning the right to make your character look obnoxious is part of starting the game. it isn't penalizing new players. it is rewarding older ones.
  13. Haven't checked my other toons yet, but when trying to buy the Divinity Reserve from the Maiden's Whisper per the wiki, it is not populating in the vendor's list of sold items. Are there specific steps after getting the quest to get it?
  14. Okay - you can WvW as a pacifist! You can get away with just running around, and capturing ruins, if someone attacks, they usually care more about the ruin than you. Avoid zergs.
  15. I would be VERY grateful if the nevermore flatbow GW1 preorder item (And razortongue's recurve if I can be greedy) Call it Black Hawks Lust!
  16. My lazy fix would be to slap her into cadeceus manor with phlunt, show that relationship - and zojja is there.
  17. Ephermeral elements are core to GW2. Sometimes you miss out on stuff. Like a giant one off battle, or a living world mission.
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