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[NA||PvX||TC] Remnants of Hope [RoH]: A true gaming community


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Recent post from one of our LGBTQ+ members on reddit:


As one of Remnants of Hope's many LGBTQ+ members, I can attest to the validity of everything Skaal has written here. ROH is *full* of helpful, enthusiastic, and supportive members. As Skaal mentioned, all our members go through a robust application process to ensure the people joining our community uphold our values of radical acceptance, camaraderie, and community engagement. I understand how conducive an accepting, inclusive, and empowering community is to a successful and enriching gaming experience, and all of these qualities are abundant in ROH.


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Lovely post from a non-RoH member on a reddit thread:


As someone not part of RoH but religiously follows them during wvw when Skaal is online, can vouch for their presence, kindness, and tolerating my utter gayness following them around. I would join in a heartbeat if I had a guild spot.

One of my other guildies is in RoH as well, and says much the same.


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As someone new to GW2 with lots of questions, RoH is amazing. Everyone is helpful, patient and eager to make sure everyone is having fun, regardless of skill level. 


I feel lucky to have found this group so early in my GW2 journey. Their Discord is lively and entertaining and there are always folks to chat with in game as well.


The trial membership and interview was straightforward, amazingly detailed and very enjoyable to work through. 10 out of 10, would join again. 

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As a newly minted member, I will concur with what has been said so far.  I really appreciate RoH's thoughtful approach and clear defined goals to be successful in both the trial membership and then as a full member.


Everyone I have interacted with has been very helpful and kind.  Echoing what Aaron said above, I too, am new to the game (or rather coming back after a very long hiatus). Finding a welcoming guild who take the time to make sure everyone is succeeding makes all the difference.


The guild is also very active.  There are constantly events going on, and a well engaged discord group which keeps the participation levels high. This is just the start of my journey with RoH.  But, I'm looking forward to what the future holds.

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I haven't played in ages, but am returning to once again adventure in the GW2 world. Looking to join up. I'll check out the website and probably find how to apply there. Looking forward to meeting some of you. 

I generally play solo and just when I can, but always looking for new friends and good times. 

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Here is a comment from a non-RoH member on a reddit thread:



Not a member of RoH but I will wave a flag around in support of them. Great group. Everyone i have talked to from RoH has been stellar and we have one of their members in my rp guild, who also is crazy in love with RoH.

Had I another guild spot, I would join in a heartbeat.



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Post from one of our members on our reddit thread:


This is such a great guild full of awesome people that do everything every game mode it seems there's something for everyone here. I'm so glad I joined. I'll never look back.


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One of our assistants posted in our reddit thread:


I love Remnants of Hope, and I'm not just saying that because I'm an assistant. It's incredibly LGBTQIA+ friendly, and I could consider many of the GW2 division my friends, bordering on family. It's so friendly and cheerful here, and if you join up you might even hear my lovely voice 😉 In all seriousness, though, it's a really beginner friendly guild and everyone is happy to help and engage with you. Can't wait to see you online!


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One of our members posted on our reddit thread:


If you’ve found this post, you might be like I was not that long ago—trying to play a game you dearly love and hoping to find some amazing people to share in that experience with you! RoH has indeed become so much more than a gaming community for me, but even if you’re not looking to meet new friends right off, I would be willing to bet that you’re at least a tiny bit curious about what we have to offer! Remnants could be just right for you, so feel free to hit us up with any questions you might have!


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I’ve just become a full member of Remnants of Hope, and I’m excited to play GW2 with such an active, friendly, and supportive gaming community.  I’ve been playing GW2 on and off since launch, and I was looking for a new main guild since my previous main guild has been much less active for the past several  years.  As a PvX guild, RoH has regularly scheduled  activities and onetime events in all GW2 game modes — including three weekly events in WvW, my personal favorite game mode.  I’ve had a great experience getting to know the guild during my trial membership, and I appreciate the care that the guild takes with guiding potential members.  Come check us out!

Edited by Campion.8207
Added some additional background
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Recently joined this guild as a trial member and officially became a full member today. RoH is definitely the friendliest bunch I've played with in any MMORPG. There's a group for any type of playstyle, PvE, Crafting, WvW, PvP, RP -- and everyone is willing to help. I'm fairly new to GW2 (I've had it since release, but I've barely played and never reached end-game until now), and everyone is so helpful. 

My favorite are the events where you get to do in-game activities and just hang out with a good group of people on discord. Highly recommend RoH. You won't regret it. 

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Talk about winning the community lottery! I linked back up with GW2 from YEARS of not playing and really beginning all over again. Not really looking for a guild or anything at the time, but found a home and friends and much more I believe in the days to come. 

RoH is something special. GW2 or another game these are solid, good, amazing people that love to game and have fun. Found two homes again, this game and RoH! 

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Post from a long-time member on our reddit thread:


I've loved my years as a part of this community. I've played ESO, SWTOR, and now GW2 with them during this span and it's the experience I look for when joining a guild. The diversity and inclusiveness of the members makes me feel at home.


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