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How the frick do you play revanent?


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It's all about that flow~

as cheesy as it sounds, usually you play rev with one of two mind sets:


1. it is dead before my energy hits 0

In that case, congrats, just spam.


2. It is NOT dead before my energy hits 0

Now you need "the flow".

Your goal is to get under 10% energy, switch leagends and get again under 10% energy.

The problem: 10sec CD on legend swap and a different utility bar.

This means you have to figure out how and when you get under those 10%.

Do you spam and get there in 10 sec, so you can switch again?
Or do you want to keep your legend longer and only want to switch in 20 or 30 sec?


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Pretty simple tbh.

I keep all upkeeps available rolling and swap when i am out ofmenergy while i use 1-2 impactful weaponskills or utility skills.

But that is specific to my build though.


Honestly once you get the grip of the energy its not that hard.


Just remember that legend swap resets your energy to 50 which lets you use more skills. Dont spam skills willinilly, use them with purpose. Often you have to find the rythm with Auto Attack and skill use.

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