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I've been back and forth with so many MMORPGs.... GW2 to me seems to have the most content, and the different areas are quite beautiful to look at.  I've played over the years, but never seriously and never more than a few months.  I have a Ranger, Elementalist, Chronomancer, Necro, Thief, and warrior at level 80.  Most of them, if not all, I leveled through crafting.


I want to get back into the game, but I'm having difficulty, especially with the weapon swap thing. Historically, I am horrible at video games, especially when it comes to mashing buttons, and MOST especially when it comes to mashing buttons at specific times and/or rotations.  When I payed wow, I used the Gnome Sequencer add on (basically a one button macro... yes, one action per key press... legal), and almost always played a hunter, so it was easy.


I love to solo PVE content, so based on that, and the above, what class would be best for me?  I dont mind swapping weapons, but basically im looking for the most basic rotation, thats effective.  I realize there may not be any such thing.  If not, how do you guys with old and creeky fingers manage?  I have a game pad (10 key nostromo,) but it really doesn't seem to help. I even have trouble hitting buttons on my mouse.


Are there any decent catch up guides out there?  Any very active (family oriented) guilds that take in the newbish?

Edited by Furian.5768
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I think the simplest class without having to worry about skills would be a warrior signet build. It's very simple to run and doesn't require anything other then using weapon keys and F1 most PVE content you'll be fine in as long you don't care for raids or high tier fractals.

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If you are trying to ease back into the game, I would honestly roll a warrior.


The core builds in particular tend to have relatively simple rotations that focus on hitting a few select skills off cooldown. As long as you are managing your weapon swapping, your utilities (keeping up your banners) and your F1s, you should not have too much of a problem with many of those builds. 

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I also have old and creaky fingers.  I don't think I'm quite as hindered as you -- I can in fact hit buttons pretty rapidly in short bursts if I know I'll need to, eg for griffin adventures -- but I will still recommend the necromancer elite Reaper spec using GS and shouts.  It is designed for a slow, inexorable feeling, per the live stream on its design way back when.  This translates into long windup abilities that give you time to think about what you are doing.  They also synergize well together in an intuitive fashion and just a few simple to remember sequences that improve their effect (eg GS4 just before GS2 so you have put down a blinding field and can get your whirl finisher out of it, Nothing Can Save You shout just before Chilled to the Bone so things don't block your aoe freeze).  Add in the Death traitline for the grandmaster trait that auto shrouds you if you take what would be a killing blow, and you will find fights much more forgiving of your slow key work.

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Warrior or ranger require very little weapon swap or skill to get through most of the game.

Ive been using mace/shield plus rifle warrior for most of the last 9 years and ive done most things in the game because I'm comfortable with it. I wouldn't raid or high end fractal, but story and open world is no problem.

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Thanks everyone for the responses... I'm going to level up a Revenant, and maybe even a Mesmer, and slowly creep back into the game.  This will give me all of the classes to mess (except engineer) with and see what I like the best.


The necro I'm starting to find a little boring, so maybe I just need to stick with it and learn how to hit buttons better!

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