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Chillout with the loot please.

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I'm a returning player working through the expansions and having a great time! One thing I noticed is that the loot rewards have gone into full overdrive. I'm getting swamped with so much of it I really feel like I'm not earning it and I'm just being worshipped by the game. It's gotten to the point where its becoming a chore to go and open all my chests and receive my loot tsunami to go and have to sell it. I don't know what half of it does really and there's so much of it I don't really feel a great desire to. 


Can we make the loot a bit more impactful somehow? Less of it would be a start I don't need to be rewarded with loot for everything I do in the game sometimes experience is enough. Maybe events give you experience but if you complete the full event chain you get loot boxes etc. I'm sure there's a ton of ways the loot system can be made better and I think it's something you really need to look at in the next expansion as at the moment it treats your players like they have the attention span of a goldfish and can't survive without being showered in praise and loot for doing even the smallest of tasks in the game.

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3 minutes ago, Farohna.6247 said:

Ugh i agree on the non storable currency, and definitely it's to make you buy more space...clearly it works, I bought more bag space and bank tabs lol

Theres not many left though? The only ones i can think of are baubles/Baubble baubble, which currencies am i missing?

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48 minutes ago, slobby.6975 said:

It's to make you buy more inventory space.

The fact that companies do this is actually awful. Purposefully creating systems and problems that are harmful to the players to sell the solution and we all put up with it because we are beaten down in every other monetized mmo.

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1 minute ago, Linken.6345 said:

On the top of my head zephyrite lockpicks, casino coins, silver waste shovels and ornate rusted keys.

Zypherite Lockpicks at least are now in the wallet.

Coins for sure need to be added(Not that i have any atm, tossed them all.), but they do need to be added!

Shovels..and Keys maybe? I have keys, but i trash them now whenever they drop >..>

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7 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

Theres not many left though? The only ones i can think of are baubles/Baubble baubble, which currencies am i missing?

Oh I think you're right...I have been farming in Istan and have some rose quartz stacked that is annoying me but haven't turned it into dust, not a currency of course.

2 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

On the top of my head zephyrite lockpicks, casino coins, silver waste shovels and ornate rusted keys.

These^^^ not actually currencies but they are annoying little space consumers.  Even when I use them or cash them in, they still accumulate again.

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1 hour ago, Southerncarl.2740 said:

The fact that companies do this is actually awful. Purposefully creating systems and problems that are harmful to the players to sell the solution and we all put up with it because we are beaten down in every other monetized mmo.

Anet doesn’t do that though. In fact, they went the opposite direction several years ago by putting every blue, green, and yellow drop into stackable loot bags. 

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2 hours ago, Southerncarl.2740 said:

The fact that companies do this is actually awful. Purposefully creating systems and problems that are harmful to the players to sell the solution and we all put up with it because we are beaten down in every other monetized mmo.

You're preaching to the choir. The chance to stop greedy monetization practices died over a decade ago though.

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2 hours ago, Dante.1763 said:

Theres not many left though? The only ones i can think of are baubles/Baubble baubble, which currencies am i missing?


Well, i hope you're not a neat freak. Here are two inventories from 2 months of play on my two most played chars. You can ignore the KP, i still have to store them to my guild. Even though I learned that some people don't like killproof.me and prefer kp-spamming ... but i don't do that to myself.

If you start a new account and have not so much space yet. this game is a mess. You do not want to know what my lager-char looks like ...

I mean ... I even have a potion that you can't store in the extra's. Wtf!!


For people who are neat freaks, here a list from my inventory:


- Chunk of granite, Essence of nightmare and all this wonderfull stuff from which you need XY to COMBINE them to another thing which you can't store ...
- Revive orbs and all these other things
- Pristine awakend emblem
- Ornate rusted Key
- Writ of experience
- foliants
- Booster
- Black lion key and chest
- Guild banners(I had so much deleting to do after the last World Boss rush >>)
- Golden Fractal relics
- Unidentified Dye


And the best thing, Achievment stuff. SO MUCH ACHIEVMENT STUFF TT.

And I just started season 3, days ago ... I'm looking forward to it .... not :D.


And since last week, where i dropped the White mantle portale device i have 1 more slot i cant't use because it's so kittening usefull when i play with friends and dont want to play my mirage. Gosh i hpe shared inventory goes on sale ...

And I would rather die than buy bag upgrades. I did that on my old account with a character that was nerved to death by anet, for me personally. Yeih, so much space on a character I no longer play ...

Edited by Fuchslein.8639
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I'd make a substantial contribution to this thread but I can't hear you over the sounds of players drowning in loot!

Personally, I view everything under 2g TP price as raw materials.  I've always been a commodities trader in online games (especially EVE Online) so I personally enjoy it.

Kay, I'm gonna go back to drowning in loot again!


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8 hours ago, Southerncarl.2740 said:

The fact that companies do this is actually awful. Purposefully creating systems and problems that are harmful to the players to sell the solution and we all put up with it because we are beaten down in every other monetized mmo.

Well nothing stops you from spending in-game gold to upgrade your bags (up to 32 slots per bag)

As opposed to couple other mmo's I have seen that sell individual inventory slots (ofc only per character) and only for rl money.

And even if you max out your bags in starting 5 bag slots, and somehow decide it is not enough for you, you can still turn all that loot into gems to buy more bag slots, instead of paying a penny..


Also as someone other in the thread already mentioned - since unidentified items got added with pof and later on across the whole game, inventory wars have become basically non-existant.

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10 hours ago, Southerncarl.2740 said:

The fact that companies do this is actually awful. Purposefully creating systems and problems that are harmful to the players to sell the solution and we all put up with it because we are beaten down in every other monetized mmo.

Guild Wars treats its players quite well compared to other MMO's. If you want to see truly aggressive monetization just google Black Desert Online.

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1 hour ago, slobby.6975 said:

Guild Wars treats its players quite well compared to other MMO's. If you want to see truly aggressive monetization just google Black Desert Online.


I won't even go near Black Desert for that very reason. Guild Wars is one of the better MMO's when it comes to monetization but it will get steadily worse as the game goes on. Monetization doesn't belong in any MMO in my opinion. Cash shop armour devalues all the other armour in the game that is earned through playing the game. It's so demoralizing having worked to aquire an item from something that was hard to do say learning raid bosses etc just to have someone roll up next to you in some amazing looking armour with all the special effects/animations looking like he's just slayed 50 dragons but did nothing to earn it besides the 20 seconds it took to type the credit card details in. It literally ruins any MMO.

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