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Just reached Level 80. What should i focus on?


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This'll sound like a cop-out: focus on what you enjoy most. I love the open world metas, especially when they combine good rewards and rewarding team play (i.e. Dragon's Stand, Silverwastes and Drizzlewood), so I just do them over and over again. For you it might be fractals, sPvP, WvW, whatever.


Edit: all the expansions and living world seasons released so far are well worth it IMO, albeit for different reasons.

Edited by Goettel.4389
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16 minutes ago, Zoidberg.9237 said:

This game is a bit overwhelming. Is there anything i should prioritize? Should i buy living world season 2?

Welcome to the game. You could get season 2 but unless you want it to fill in the story content its not really too important.


I would say its important to work on getting the easier Mastery Points for Core, PoF and HoT to help you train the gliding and mount mastery stuff and and Core Tyria MPs I suggest you do pact commander first to get auto-loot. Those are all account wide upgrades that give allot of quality of life and functionality.


Next on each 80 you will eventually want to gain Hero points to train the elite specs for it/them. You can do this running around in OpenWorld you can also join squads people make called Hero Point Trains. a train will usually ask you to have basic glider and a raptor and then you can get about 300 hero points on that toon in say 2 hours or so. SO My preference is a Hero point train. It might be a bit of a challenge to keep up when your new. I would consider msging the commander before it starts and tell them you can new and see if they can help make sure you dont fall too far behind. Many are kind and willing to help new players.


Gear is anther consideration, but without knowing your class and stuff Im not sure what to suggest. You can do fine with boost gear usually for a while if you have that.

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Here are my suggestions:

  1. Learn the ins and outs of your class read all the skills and traits and play around with them
  2. Explore, get 100% map completion in all the core areas. This will help learn the UI and familiar with your profession and how to use the map.
  3. If you like the story finish it I'm talking Personal Story, HoT, PoF, and living world seasons. Learn your professions specializations along the way.
  4. Go after Masteries this will help you learn to Glide and use mounts among ALOT of other things some are more useful than others.
  5. Work on your gear and understanding your role in harder content like Fractals and Raids.
  6. If you're into PvP test the waters in sPvP and WvW.

I always tell people you got to learn to crawl before you walk and walk before you run. If you jump straight to harder content before you are ready you will likely quit. Like it or not when you play in certain areas of the game people assume you know what your doing. If you don't you will not have good experiences and sour your taste in what you are doing.  Take your time, have fun, you can't eat this elephant of a game in one bite.

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