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Low Fps Playing on high settings

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Hi guys so I just started playing this game about two weeks ago and I am getting 45, 35 fps during major world cities and 27- 22 fps during world bosses. when I am not in a major city or just questing I range from 90 fps to 77.  I currently have a AMD Ryzen 3500 with a GTX 1650super 8gb of ram. Can anyone help me to run this game better, also I was told that they will be coming out with a new game engine soon. Is that drastically going to change the FPS or should I get a new computer. 

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Turn down model limit, turn off reflections and shadows. All those are CPU-based.
Wooden Potatoes did a video about this recently:

Your CPU is fine and anything roughly GTX 980 / GTX 1060 6GB (your GPU is faster than those) is more than enough to run this game unless you are running a higher resolution than 1440p or more than 144Hz 1080p (which is pointless when this game will not reach that most of the time).


Most people have had decent results using dxvk which is Steam Proton's dx9 to vulkan translator. You can give it a try.


Edited by Infusion.7149
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7 hours ago, Jukhy.2431 said:

There's also a mod called d912pxy made for GW2 which translates the dx9 to dx12. I got 20-30 fps boost with it but the benefit depends on the system.

The upcoming "engine upgrade" is a change from dx9 to dx11 and the beta for it starts September 21st.

dxvk is outright superior. It is a full backend that works for other games that use dx9 / dx10/ dx11 , has been supported by Valve (far higher legitimacy), works on Linux, and doesn't break with GW2 patches.

See https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/issues/901 and https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/issues/1648



Should be noted that d912pxy runs pretty much nothing but GW2 and cuts a lot of corners whereas dxvk is a more or less complete D3D9 implementation, so you're basically comparing apples and oranges, but it should still be competitive with Windows Dx9.


d912pxy doesnt even do dxbc->dxbc conversion it does dxbc->hlsl->hlsl->dxbc.

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On 9/7/2021 at 11:48 AM, Infusion.7149 said:

dxvk is outright superior. It is a full backend that works for other games that use dx9 / dx10/ dx11 , has been supported by Valve (far higher legitimacy), works on Linux, and doesn't break with GW2 patches.

See https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/issues/901 and https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/issues/1648


I have tried them both dxvk is very good once the shaders are loaded. But dxvk has one problem when shadows are set to ultra, it causes weird black triangles on some ground textures when viewed at a distance, d912pxy does not have this problem. I am on windows 10 and using d912pxy ATM because those texture problems can be very distracting.

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